Hello I was going to continue my message about displaying latex environments, such as equations in a BIDI file, till I recognized that the basic problem is the LaTeX backslash. In my understanding UTF distinguish between - LTR chars such as a,b,c - RLT chars such as א,ב,ג - «neutral» chars such as (),\ etc. The problem is now that \ is part of a LaTeX command. So a LaTeX file with hebrew text, has a problem, as the sreenshot below of the file (bidi-paragraph-direction nil) bidi-pargraph-nil shows, for example begin{equation}\ instead of \begin{equation} Worse [\ x^2=2x-1 \] Instead of \[ 2x-1=x^2 \] Now there are at least four solutions to this problem - set bidi-paragraph-direction to left (shown in the next screenshot.) The display is correct, however typing Hebrew, when bidi-paragraph-direction is set to left is as unpleasant as writing English with bidi-paragraph-direction set to right. - use LRM chars before the backslash (see the last screenshot; having set `glyphless-char-display-control' to `acronym'. This looks well to but adding these chars is cumbersome. - hack auctex (CC to the auctex list): a new variable is introduced, say bidi-support, which is per default nil, but if it is t, then LRM chars are inserted before a backslash. I am pretty sure the auctex team will not like this idea very much. - back emacs: in a LaTeX buffer, backslash is considered as LTR, I don't know whether this can be done one the lisp level or whether it can be done at all. Comments? regards Uwe Brauer