John Mastro writes: > Sharon Kimble wrote: >> The programme is 'flyspell-popup'. > > Ah, I hadn't heard of that package. I installed it but wasn't able to > reproduce the issue you describe - for me, enter always accepts the > selected candidate. > > However, you may as well give this a try anyway: > > (with-eval-after-load 'popup > (define-key popup-menu-keymap [return] #'popup-select)) > >> When I say 'alpha-ENTER' I mean the enter key immediately next to the >> alphabetical section of the keyboard, and the 'numerical-ENTER' key is >> immediately next to the numerical section of the keyboard. > > Right. When I used a keyboard like that, Emacs called that enter key > [kp-enter] (kp is presumably for keypad). You can check that by typing > C-h k followed by the key. > Thanks John, this works perfectly. Thanks Sharon. -- A taste of linux = TGmeds = Debian 8.4, fluxbox 1.3.7, emacs 25.1.1