2019-05-13 Emacs news ===================== - Emacs configuration: - [Finding Emacs Distributions and trying them out] () - [How I built a minimal Spacemacs-like version, with some basic key binding:] () - [dakra's Literate Emacs configuration] () - [Atman50's literate emacs configuration for C#, python, ivy, yasnippet, ...] () - [angrybacon's Emacs configuration] () - [emacs.d: My emacs configuration, optimized for creative writing.] () - [My minimal Emacs config] () ([Reddit] ()) - [auto-answer.el: Answer automatically to prompt] () - Emacs Lisp: - [Are there any features of lisp that make it uniquely well suited for an editor like emacs?] () - [multi.el - multiple dispatch for Emacs Lisp] () - [Testing Emacs programs with Buttercup] () - [Prototype-based Elisp Objects with @] () - Emacs development: - [Long discussion of RFE Migration to gitlab] () - [* lisp/emacs-lisp/packages.el: Add `all` to package-check-signature] () - [* lisp/progmodes/flymake.el: Obsolete variable flymake-start-on-newline] () - [Clarify what constitutes an event (bug#35238)] () - Appearance: - [doom-modeline 2.1.0] () - [unicode-fonts: Configure Unicode fonts for Emacs] () - [How to preview fixed width (mono spaced) fonts in an editable Emacs buffer? | FZ Blogs] () - [gotham-theme: Code never sleeps in Gotham City.] () - [Enabling Font Ligatures in emacs-mac-port] () - [Emacs-Tron-Legacy-Theme: Custom Theme inspired by Tron: Legacy] () - [Using all-the-icons for Treemacs] () - Navigation: - [useful new avy features] () ([Reddit] ()) - [emacs-neotree: A emacs tree plugin like NerdTree for Vim.] () - [highlight-symbol.el: Automatic and manual symbol highlighting for Emacs] () - [Fixing the mark commands in transient mark mode - Mastering Emacs] () - [Refactoring using iedit and helm-edit in Spacemacs] () ([Reddit] ()) - [helm-swoop: Efficiently hopping squeezed lines powered by Emacs helm interface] () - [pdf-view-restore: Support for opening last known pdf position in pdf-view-mode provided by pdf-tools.] () - [goto-last-point: Record and jump to the last point in the buffer.] () - [puntoblogspot: preview files/links without changing the focus] () - [ztree: Directory tree comparison mode for Emacs] () - [Treemacs - a tree layout file explorer for Emacs] () - [Emacs Doom E02 - Projects with Projectile, File Explorer with Treemacs & EShell] () ([Reddit] ()) - [ncdu vs dired-du-mode] () - [dired-ranger.el: Add features present in the ranger:(http://bit.ly/2WwoqmL) file manager to dired.] () - Org Mode: - [A gentle introduction to Org mode] () - [Getting Started with Org Mode in Spacemacs (tutorial)] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Bernt Hansen's Org-mode tutorial] () - [Org-mode Hidden Gems 1 - Document structure] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Org-mode Hidden Gems 2 - Tables] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Org-mode Hidden Gems 3 - Hyperlinks] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Let's Get Going With Org mode - beorg] () - [I made a library to sort orgmode tasks] () - [An Agenda for Life With Org Mode] () - [How do you use org-agenda?] () - [Toggling modeline clock display] () - [ros: My (yet another) Org-Mode Screenshot] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Using org-ref to keep your bibtex files in order] () - [Orgzly, Outliner for notes and tasks in plain-text is now on F-Droid] () - [scimax-inkscape.el --- Using inkscape in org-mode] () - [Making awesome user manuals using draw.io and emacs org mode] () (1:03:33) - Coding: - [gtags (GNU global) in emacs for Scala] () - [pipenv.el: A Pipenv porcelain inside Emacs for virtual environments, packages, and build dependencies] () - [ensime-emacs: ENhanced Scala Interaction Mode for Emacs] () - [omnisharp-emacs: A port of omnisharp-roslyn server - IDE-like features for editing C# files in Emacs] () - [rtags: server indexer for c/c++/objc++: with integration for Emacs based on clang.] () - [emacs-elixir: Emacs major mode for Elixir] () - [battle-haxe: Full Haxe support inside Emacs: code completion, find references, Eldoc and more...] () - [yasnippet-snippets: a collection of yasnippet snippets for many languages] () - [Emacs setup for C++ with emacs-lsp and ccsl] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Faster Elfeed Search Through JIT Byte-code Compilation] () - Version control: - [ANN: magit-todos: new version with branch to-do list] () - [Run M-x magit-diff-flycheck in magit-diff for a filtered list of errors for added/modified lines only] () - [diffview-mode: View diffs side-by-side in Emacs] () - Mail: - [wavexx / mu4e-jump-to-list.el - GitLab] () - [gnus-article-treat-patch.el: Gnus addon to beautify patch-like emails.] () - [mu4e-patch: Colorize patch emails in mu4e] () - Community: - [Emacs Meetup in Erlangen, Germany] () - Other: - [Updating GNU ELPA keys] () - [emacs-backup-file: Automatically back up all changes made from emacs to a git repo in ~/.backups] () - [emacs-bash-completion: Add programmable bash completion to Emacs shell-mode] () - [Emacs Diary reminder using desktop notification] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Releases - arbv/emacs-msi-installer - GitHub] () - [Emacs in practice: binding macros to keys and rectangular selections] () (7:06) - [Emacs27 on macOS - Now (Again❓) With Emoji!‼️ | David Crook] () ([Reddit] ()) - [From Vim to Emacs in Fourteen Days] () - [Development environment with emacs, xmonad and nixos] () - [What are the most useless default Emacs keybindings?] () - New packages: - android-env : Helper functions for working in android - better-jumper : configurable jump list - elpher : Full-featured gopher client. - ewal : A pywal-based theme generator - ewal-evil-cursors : `ewal'-colored evil cursor for Emacs and Spacemacs - ewal-spacemacs-theme : No description available. - gopher : easily access and navigate Gopher servers - gsettings : GSettings (Gnome) helpers - gvariant : GVariant (GLib) helpers - indian-ext : Extension to Indian language utilities - leetcode : An leetcode client. - live-preview : Live preview by any shell command while editing - nix-haskell-mode : haskell-mode integrations for Nix - seml-mode : major-mode for SEML file - shroud : Interface for Shroud - sly-asdf : ASDF system support for SLY - soar-mode : A major mode for the Soar language - vterm : This package implements a terminal via libvterm - whois : Extra functionality for WHOIS domain name queries - advice-patch : Use patches to advise the inside of functions Links from [reddit.com/r/emacs] (), [/r/orgmode] (), [/r/spacemacs] (), [/r/planetemacs] (), [Hacker News] (), [planet.emacslife.com] (), [YouTube] (), the changes to the [Emacs NEWS file] (), and [emacs-devel] (). 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