>>> "RP" == Robert Pluim writes: >>>>>> On Mon, 10 Aug 2020 08:43:19 +0200, Uwe Brauer said: Uwe> Yes, but also two comments: Uwe> 1. Do you have a link with an announcement of the gmail developers? > I posted it earlier: > Uwe> 2. I presume such an advice would be useful for rmail, for which you Uwe> are still the maintainer? (VM wanderlust and others which however Uwe> not part of Emacs) > Any code in emacs that wants to connect to google services using > IMAP/SMTP (and maybe POP, if they still support that) would be > affected. That includes things like smtpmail that mailers not bundled > with Emacs can use. Ok I sent an email to dvratil@kde.org and to the kde dev mailing list, my mail was forwarded to the relevant list, but so far no answer.