> I want to use Emacs as an advanced terminal multiplexer similar to > tmux. Now, I find the method described here: > . > Any hints/comments/suggestions will be highly appreciated. When I first started using Emacs, I wanted to recreate tmux+terminal workflow with Emacs. So I tried to use *shell* and found it inadequate because I tried to run TUI (not CLI) applications and it would complain that terminal wasn't fully operational. Also if I use *term* then I don't get to use the Emacs keybindings. Then I read this article[1] and it opened my eyes. [1] https://ambrevar.xyz/emacs-eshell/index.html I was thinking it wrong, why does terminal emulator and POSIX shell should go together? I should be able to use POSIX shell without using a terminal emulator. So the first thing I did was to remove all TUI applications. So I use Emacs packages and CLI programs. CLI programs can easily be used in *shell* (with Bash running) without any problem. The benefits are: 1. You can have as many buffers running shell as you want. "C-u M-x shell" will create as many shell buffers as you want. 2. You get to use Emacs keybindings and other Emacs perks everywhere in a buffer. (See shell manual for details). I also added this option in my init.el file: (setq shell-command-switch "-ic") This makes it possible to type "M-!" and "M-&" and run shell commands from anywhere in Emacs. Also in dired mode you can type ! and & to run shell commands with the file at point. So this is what I have done with my workflow, sometimes I go by weeks without needing to open a proper terminal emulator. I was even considering uninstalling it, but thought it may come in handy in emergency situations. -- Abhisek Paira E34E 825B 979E EB9F 8505 F80E E93D 353B 7740 0709 "There is no system but GNU, and Linux is one of its kernels."