Peter Dyballa writes: > Am 12.06.2012 um 15:38 schrieb XeCycle: > >> The two fonts are of different metrics. I want to force them to >> be same. > > That won't work, at least not in the way you want it to. CJK > ideograms fit into a more quadratic ("full-width") box while > Latin characters fit more into a rectangular box > ("half-width"). Therefore you can find pixel fonts like 6x13 or > 7x14 (I also have 8x16kana and 8x16romankana). You could stretch > these Latin characters to fit into a quadratic box, then they are > twice as wide as before at the same height – they're now > cinemascope. > > These two, Latin and Chinese, are incompatible. I know this, but I mean another problem here. Say I have a Latin font with width 7 and height 20, I'd like my Chinese characters shown with width 14 and height 20. But my Chinese font told Emacs to display them with width 12 and height 22 --- therefore it breaks alignment. I want to tweak it into 14x20, but don't know how to do that. -- Carl Lei (XeCycle) Department of Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University OpenPGP public key: 7795E591 Fingerprint: 1FB6 7F1F D45D F681 C845 27F7 8D71 8EC4 7795 E591