() "Allen S. Rout" () Fri, 27 Mar 2015 16:31:45 -0400 Don't try to teach vc.el adherents that a git way might be better. No light, only heat. Instead, use magit, and wait. That is a fine strategy if the teachers were not to care about vc.el and vc.el adherents, and their fate going forward. Too, there are vc.el semi-adherents (FTR, like myself) in the mix. Teaching is not a tranquil tradition... Anyway, i see the discourse not so much as "the git way" vs "the non-git way" but more along the lines of electrolysis of water into its constituent hydrogen and oxygen. Perhaps the heat[0] can be put to (thermodynamic) work, perhaps not; some habits are hard to crack[1], and water being wet is one of its charms[2]. :-D __________________________________________ [0] of the resulting explosion when the hydrogen and oxygen encounter a spark [1] http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/crack (definition 7b) [2] now people will accuse me of calling RMS all wet, sigh -- Thien-Thi Nguyen ----------------------------------------------- (if you're human and you know it) read my lisp: (defun responsep (type via) (case type (technical (eq 'mailing-list via)) ...)) ---------------------------------------------- GPG key: 4C807502