Hallöchen! Torsten Bronger writes: > If I re-scale all fonts on my Gnome desktop with e.g. > > dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/interface/text-scaling-factor 2.0 > > Emacs is the only application that does not change its font size > accordingly. Instead, I have to re-start Emacs. This used to > work properly. The problem was introduced with commit f208d5ae77. This still is an issue, also on Wayland and pgtk. The commit f208d5ae77 that introduced the problem is long but since --without-harfbuzz does not change anything, much of the commit diff can be ignored, I suspect. @Po Lu: Since you seem to be into the low-level display code currently, I shamelessly Cc’ed you. Of course, this is not a demand but possibly you have an idea. Regards, Torsten. -- Torsten Bronger