Recently I checked my Emacs installation, and find two file named elisp_type_hierarchy.{jpg|txt} in share/info directory(these two files are placed in doc/lispref in source tree). According to usual packaging convention, the share/info directory should only contains compiled texinfo file (use 'info' as extension). It should not contains txt or jpg (And I believe GNU info or other info reader will ignore them). One of my friend points me to a commit In this commit, I found that emacs will use these two files to produce info file. But IIRC, these source file should not be copied into the destination of info file, they'll be contained in the compiled info. Can someone tell me that it's purposed to do so, or just unintentional? thanks! -- Retrieve my PGP public key: gpg --recv-keys B3EBC086AB0EBC0F45E0B4D433DB374BCEE4D9DC Zihao