Hi. Po Lu. Sorry I forgot to put emacs-devel on copy. >>>>> "Po" == Po Lu writes: Po> rrandresf@gmail.com writes: >>> The .gdbinit file defines commands in GDB which are useful for debugging Emacs, but it is >>> useless without attaching a debugger to Emacs in the first place. >> >> My mistake. I forgot to mention my first line actually is: >> >> gdb -i=mi --args ./emacs -Q -f toggle-debug-on-error --daemon >> >> And It is run within the folder /tmp/emacs/src/emacs-28.1/build/src >> >> Best Regards Po> I don't think GDB works if you run Emacs like that, since IIRC it forks a separate process. Po> Try running it as a foreground daemon, by replacing `--daemon' with `--fg-daemon'. Indeed. It did the trick. Should M-x view-emacs-debug be modified?. Now the breakpoints are being hitted.