From: Eli Zaretskii <>
To: rehan malak <>,
Stefan Monnier <>,
kobarity <>
Subject: bug#74738: 31.0.50; Freezes in Python-mode on some Python file when searching or scrolling
Date: Sun, 08 Dec 2024 19:37:02 +0200 [thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)
In-Reply-To: <> (message from rehan malak on Sun, 8 Dec 2024 14:05:36 +0100)
> From: rehan malak <>
> Date: Sun, 8 Dec 2024 14:05:36 +0100
> I can reproduce systematically this freeze dealing with a 10000lines
> Python file :
> wget
> emacs -Q
A much smaller reproducer is attached below. Just visiting it freezes
Emacs. But if I change the line marked below:
def is_valid(cls, _: pathlib.Path) -> bool:
raise NotImplementedError
def __str__(self) -> str:
>>>>> return f"{}('{self.path.absolute()}', entry @ {self.entry_point:#x})"
to say this instead:
the problem goes away. So it is something in that complex expression
that trips syntax-ppss.
Stefan and kobarity, any suggestions or ideas?
> PageDown several times or scrolling with the mouse
> Emacs freezes, Ctrl-g not working, CPU 100%
> It works also by searching : Ctrl-s show RET
> then Ctrl-s several times
> With a minimal .emacs :
> (set debug-on-error t)
> (set debug-on-quit t)
> and before scrolling
> M-x profiler-start RET
> then in an external terminal
> pkill -SIGUSR2 emacs
> I get the backtrace :
> Debugger entered--entering a function:
> * #f(compiled-function () #<bytecode -0x179dcd1db31182ae>)()
> syntax-ppss()
> python-syntax-context-type()
> python-nav-forward-block(-1)
> python-nav-backward-block()
> python-nav-beginning-of-block()
> python-nav-end-of-block()
> python-info-statement-ends-block-p()
> python-info-end-of-block-p()
> python-nav--forward-sexp(1 nil nil)
> python-nav-forward-sexp(1)
> forward-sexp(1)
> up-list(1)
> python--font-lock-f-strings(30419)
> font-lock-fontify-keywords-region(28914 30419 nil)
> font-lock-default-fontify-region(28914 30414 nil)
> font-lock-fontify-region(28914 30414)
> #f(compiled-function (fun) #<bytecode -0x8a96d65e1315e71>)(font-lock-fontify-region)
> run-hook-wrapped(#f(compiled-function (fun) #<bytecode -0x8a96d65e1315e71>) font-lock-fontify-region)
> jit-lock--run-functions(28914 30414)
> jit-lock-fontify-now(28914 30414)
> jit-lock-function(28914)
I see something different, in GDB:
Lisp Backtrace:
"parse-partial-sexp" (0x9f1a788)
"syntax-ppss" (0x9f1a710)
"python-info-line-ends-backslash-p" (0x9f1a6b8)
"python-nav-end-of-statement" (0x9f1a670)
"python-nav-end-of-block" (0x9f1a630)
"python-info-statement-ends-block-p" (0x9f1a610)
"python-info-end-of-block-p" (0x9f1a5c0)
"python-nav--forward-sexp" (0x9f1a548)
"python-nav-forward-sexp" (0x9f1a4f8)
"forward-sexp" (0x9f1a4a8)
"up-list" (0x9f1a438)
"python--font-lock-f-strings" (0x9f1a3a0)
"font-lock-fontify-keywords-region" (0x9f1a308)
"font-lock-default-fontify-region" (0x9f1a2a0)
"font-lock-fontify-region" (0x9f1a230)
0xb9117d0 PVEC_CLOSURE
"run-hook-wrapped" (0x9f1a1c0)
"jit-lock--run-functions" (0x9f1a0e8)
"jit-lock-fontify-now" (0x9f1a058)
"jit-lock-function" (0x5ffba98)
"redisplay_internal (C function)" (0x0)
Here's the file with which I can reproduce the problem?
class FileFormat:
name: str
path: pathlib.Path
entry_point: int
checksec: dict[str, bool]
sections: list[FileFormatSection]
def __init__(self, path: str | pathlib.Path) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError
def __init_subclass__(cls: Type["FileFormat"], **kwargs):
global __registered_file_formats__
required_attributes = ("name", "entry_point", "is_valid", "checksec",)
for attr in required_attributes:
if not hasattr(cls, attr):
raise NotImplementedError(f"File format '{cls.__name__}' is invalid: missing attribute '{attr}'")
def is_valid(cls, _: pathlib.Path) -> bool:
raise NotImplementedError
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"{}('{self.path.absolute()}', entry @ {self.entry_point:#x})"
class Elf(FileFormat):
"""Basic ELF parsing.
class Class(enum.Enum):
ELF_32_BITS = 0x01
ELF_64_BITS = 0x02
ELF_MAGIC = 0x7f454c46
class Abi(enum.Enum):
X86_64 = 0x3e
X86_32 = 0x03
ARM = 0x28
MIPS = 0x08
POWERPC = 0x14
POWERPC64 = 0x15
SPARC = 0x02
SPARC64 = 0x2b
AARCH64 = 0xb7
RISCV = 0xf3
IA64 = 0x32
M68K = 0x04
class Type(enum.Enum):
ET_DYN = 3
class OsAbi(enum.Enum):
SYSTEMV = 0x00
HPUX = 0x01
NETBSD = 0x02
LINUX = 0x03
SOLARIS = 0x06
AIX = 0x07
IRIX = 0x08
FREEBSD = 0x09
e_magic: int = ELF_MAGIC
e_class: "Elf.Class" = Class.ELF_32_BITS
e_endianness: Endianness = Endianness.LITTLE_ENDIAN
e_eiversion: int
e_osabi: "Elf.OsAbi"
e_abiversion: int
e_pad: bytes
e_type: "Elf.Type" = Type.ET_EXEC
e_machine: Abi = Abi.X86_32
e_version: int
e_entry: int
e_phoff: int
e_shoff: int
e_flags: int
e_ehsize: int
e_phentsize: int
e_phnum: int
e_shentsize: int
e_shnum: int
e_shstrndx: int
path: pathlib.Path
phdrs : list["Phdr"]
shdrs : list["Shdr"]
name: str = "ELF"
__checksec : dict[str, bool]
def __init__(self, path: str | pathlib.Path) -> None:
"""Instantiate an ELF object. A valid ELF must be provided, or an exception will be thrown."""
if isinstance(path, str):
self.path = pathlib.Path(path).expanduser()
elif isinstance(path, pathlib.Path):
self.path = path
raise TypeError
if not self.path.exists():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"'{self.path}' not found/readable, most gef features will not work")
self.__checksec = {}
with"rb") as self.fd:
# off 0x0
self.e_magic, e_class, e_endianness, self.e_eiversion = self.read_and_unpack(">IBBB")
if self.e_magic != Elf.ELF_MAGIC:
# The ELF is corrupted, GDB won't handle it, no point going further
raise RuntimeError("Not a valid ELF file (magic)")
self.e_class, self.e_endianness = Elf.Class(e_class), Endianness(e_endianness)
if self.e_endianness != gef.arch.endianness:
warn("Unexpected endianness for architecture")
endian = self.e_endianness
# off 0x7
e_osabi, self.e_abiversion = self.read_and_unpack(f"{endian}BB")
self.e_osabi = Elf.OsAbi(e_osabi)
# off 0x9
self.e_pad =
# off 0x10
e_type, e_machine, self.e_version = self.read_and_unpack(f"{endian}HHI")
self.e_type, self.e_machine = Elf.Type(e_type), Elf.Abi(e_machine)
# off 0x18
if self.e_class == Elf.Class.ELF_64_BITS:
self.e_entry, self.e_phoff, self.e_shoff = self.read_and_unpack(f"{endian}QQQ")
self.e_entry, self.e_phoff, self.e_shoff = self.read_and_unpack(f"{endian}III")
self.e_flags, self.e_ehsize, self.e_phentsize, self.e_phnum = self.read_and_unpack(f"{endian}IHHH")
self.e_shentsize, self.e_shnum, self.e_shstrndx = self.read_and_unpack(f"{endian}HHH")
self.phdrs = []
for i in range(self.e_phnum):
self.phdrs.append(Phdr(self, self.e_phoff + self.e_phentsize * i))
self.shdrs = []
for i in range(self.e_shnum):
self.shdrs.append(Shdr(self, self.e_shoff + self.e_shentsize * i))
def read(self, size: int) -> bytes:
def read_and_unpack(self, fmt: str) -> tuple[Any, ...]:
size = struct.calcsize(fmt)
data =
return struct.unpack(fmt, data)
def seek(self, off: int) -> None:, 0)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"ELF('{self.path.absolute()}', {}, {})"
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"ELF('{self.path.absolute()}', {}, {})"
def entry_point(self) -> int:
return self.e_entry
def is_valid(cls, path: pathlib.Path) -> bool:
return u32("rb").read(4), e = Endianness.BIG_ENDIAN) == Elf.ELF_MAGIC
def checksec(self) -> dict[str, bool]:
"""Check the security property of the ELF binary. The following properties are:
- Canary
- NX
- Fortify
- Partial/Full RelRO.
Return a dict() with the different keys mentioned above, and the boolean
associated whether the protection was found."""
if not self.__checksec:
def __check_security_property(opt: str, filename: str, pattern: str) -> bool:
cmd = [readelf,]
cmd += opt.split()
cmd += [filename,]
lines = gef_execute_external(cmd, as_list=True)
for line in lines:
if, line):
return True
return False
abspath = str(self.path.absolute())
readelf = gef.session.constants["readelf"]
self.__checksec["Canary"] = __check_security_property("-rs", abspath, r"__stack_chk_fail") is True
has_gnu_stack = __check_security_property("-W -l", abspath, r"GNU_STACK") is True
if has_gnu_stack:
self.__checksec["NX"] = __check_security_property("-W -l", abspath, r"GNU_STACK.*RWE") is False
self.__checksec["NX"] = False
self.__checksec["PIE"] = __check_security_property("-h", abspath, r":.*EXEC") is False
self.__checksec["Fortify"] = __check_security_property("-s", abspath, r"_chk@GLIBC") is True
self.__checksec["Partial RelRO"] = __check_security_property("-l", abspath, r"GNU_RELRO") is True
self.__checksec["Full RelRO"] = self.__checksec["Partial RelRO"] and __check_security_property("-d", abspath, r"BIND_NOW") is True
return self.__checksec
@deprecated("use `Elf.Abi.X86_64`")
def X86_64(cls) -> int: return Elf.Abi.X86_64.value # pylint: disable=no-self-argument
@deprecated("use `Elf.Abi.X86_32`")
def X86_32(cls) -> int : return Elf.Abi.X86_32.value # pylint: disable=no-self-argument
@deprecated("use `Elf.Abi.ARM`")
def ARM(cls) -> int : return Elf.Abi.ARM.value # pylint: disable=no-self-argument
@deprecated("use `Elf.Abi.MIPS`")
def MIPS(cls) -> int : return Elf.Abi.MIPS.value # pylint: disable=no-self-argument
@deprecated("use `Elf.Abi.POWERPC`")
def POWERPC(cls) -> int : return Elf.Abi.POWERPC.value # pylint: disable=no-self-argument
@deprecated("use `Elf.Abi.POWERPC64`")
def POWERPC64(cls) -> int : return Elf.Abi.POWERPC64.value # pylint: disable=no-self-argument
@deprecated("use `Elf.Abi.SPARC`")
def SPARC(cls) -> int : return Elf.Abi.SPARC.value # pylint: disable=no-self-argument
@deprecated("use `Elf.Abi.SPARC64`")
def SPARC64(cls) -> int : return Elf.Abi.SPARC64.value # pylint: disable=no-self-argument
@deprecated("use `Elf.Abi.AARCH64`")
def AARCH64(cls) -> int : return Elf.Abi.AARCH64.value # pylint: disable=no-self-argument
@deprecated("use `Elf.Abi.RISCV`")
def RISCV(cls) -> int : return Elf.Abi.RISCV.value # pylint: disable=no-self-argument
next prev parent reply other threads:[~2024-12-08 17:37 UTC|newest]
Thread overview: 11+ messages / expand[flat|nested] mbox.gz Atom feed top
2024-12-08 13:05 bug#74738: 31.0.50; Freezes in Python-mode on some Python file when searching or scrolling rehan malak
2024-12-08 17:37 ` Eli Zaretskii [this message]
2024-12-09 14:58 ` rehan malak
2024-12-11 14:24 ` kobarity
2024-12-12 3:49 ` rehan malak
2024-12-15 14:26 ` kobarity
2024-12-15 15:03 ` Stefan Monnier via Bug reports for GNU Emacs, the Swiss army knife of text editors
2024-12-21 9:50 ` Eli Zaretskii
2024-12-21 14:21 ` Stefan Monnier via Bug reports for GNU Emacs, the Swiss army knife of text editors
2024-12-13 23:35 ` Stefan Monnier via Bug reports for GNU Emacs, the Swiss army knife of text editors
2024-12-09 15:04 ` kobarity
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