Hi, I am trying to reproduce a setup I am happy with in Visual Code to Emacs. In particular, on VSCode I use Consolas at 14px, which is the default setting and has the right density on my monitor. However, when I try similar specifications on Emacs, it produces different results. First of all, setting "Consolas:pixelsize=14" is wrong. It gives a much larger font. The closest I have come to is using "pixelsize=12", but even then the text does not have same size. Jumping to "pixelsize=11" simply makes the text unreadable. As example I attach a capture: on the left it is VSCode with Consolas at 14px, on the right Emacs. The horizontal width of the characters is different, as it is the vertical spacing. This is default Emacs version 27.2 with no changes other than the Doom theme. I know it is nitpicking, but it also affects the configuration of other fonts I use for variable spacing. Somehow the jumps in Emacs are wildly innacurate and more limited than on other Windows software. Does anyone know how to fix this? Best, -- Juan José García Ripoll http://juanjose.garciaripoll.com http://quinfog.hbar.es