all messages for Emacs-related lists mirrored at
 help / color / mirror / code / Atom feed
From: "U-SWEETSAUERPORT\\Matthew Sauer" <>
Subject: Bug: Org-Contacts.el [7.4]
Date: Sat, 05 Mar 2011 20:49:50 -0600	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)

[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 970 bytes --]

Remember to cover the basics, that is, what you expected to happen and
what in fact did happen.  You don't know how to make a good report?  See

Your bug report will be posted to the Org-mode mailing list.
I test evaluated my .emacs (Yes, it needs some cleaning up and that is
one of my projects).   Deleted my org-contacts.el and re-cloned it via
git.  I made sure the directoy for it is added to the load-path and
placed the following in my .emacs
(require 'org-contacts)
I have attatched a backtrace of the error to this message but it seems
to revolve around: 
(org-property-set-functions-alist ("BIRTHDAY"
. org-completing-read-date))
not working correctly.    This error won't let me load the .emacs file
and thus I can't use the org-contacts functionality.  Hopefully, I am
just missing something obvious and this will be an easy fix.

[-- Attachment #2: My DotEmacs File --]
[-- Type: text/plain, Size: 13120 bytes --]

  ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
  ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
  ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
 '(appt-delete-window-function (quote appt-delete-window))
 '(appt-display-duration 120)
 '(appt-display-format (quote window))
 '(auto-raise-tool-bar-buttons t t)
 '(auto-resize-tool-bars t t)
 '(battery-mode-line-format "%c %r %B %d %L %p %m")
 '(battery-status-function (quote ignore))
 '(bookmark-automatically-show-annotations t)
 '(bookmark-use-annotations nil)
 '(calendar-week-start-day 1)
 '(case-fold-search t)
 '(current-language-environment "Latin-1")
 '(default-input-method "latin-1-prefix")
 '(display-battery-mode t)
 '(display-time-24hr-format t)
 '(display-time-day-and-date t)
 '(display-time-default-load-average 2)
 '(display-time-format nil)
 '(display-time-mode t)
 '(display-time-world-list (quote (("PST8PDT" "Seattle") ("EST5EDT" "New York") ("GMT0BST" "London") ("CET-1CDT" "Paris") ("CST-6" "Wichita"))))
 '(erc-modules (quote (autojoin button completion fill irccontrols list match menu move-to-prompt netsplit networks noncommands notify readonly ring smiley stamp track)))
 '(fancy-splash-image nil)
 '(fill-column 80)
 '(g-user-email "")
 '(gblogger-user-email "")
 '(gcal-calendar-agenda-days 7)
 '(gcal-user-email "")
 '(googlecl-blog-exists t)
 '(googlecl-blog-tag "org")
 '(googlecl-blogname "Play the Dad?  No, be the Dad!")
 '(googlecl-footer "Matthew S.")
 '(googlecl-prompt-footer t)
 '(googlecl-username "")
 '(imap-default-user "")
 '(imap-store-password t)
 '(initial-buffer-choice nil)
 '(longlines-wrap-follows-window-size t)
 '(mail-host-address "")
 '(mail-user-agent (quote gnus-user-agent))
 '(make-backup-files t)
 '(normal-erase-is-backspace 0)
 '(org-agenda-files (quote ("/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/" "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/" "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/" "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/" "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/" "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/")))
 '(org-agenda-insert-diary-strategy (quote top-level))
 '(org-agenda-log-mode-add-notes nil)
 '(org-agenda-ndays 7)
 '(org-agenda-repeating-timestamp-show-all nil)
 '(org-agenda-restore-windows-after-quit t)
 '(org-agenda-show-all-dates t)
 '(org-agenda-skip-deadline-if-done t)
 '(org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done t)
 '(org-agenda-sorting-strategy (quote ((agenda time-up priority-down tag-up) (todo tag-up))))
 '(org-agenda-start-on-weekday nil)
 '(org-agenda-text-search-extra-files (quote (agenda-archives)))
 '(org-agenda-todo-ignore-deadlines nil)
 '(org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled nil)
 '(org-agenda-todo-ignore-with-date t)
 '(org-agenda-window-setup (quote other-window))
 '(org-attach-directory "/cygdrive/C/Dropbox/Org/data/")
 '(org-capture-templates (quote (("t" "Todo" entry (file+headline "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/" "Refile") "* TODO %^{Brief Description} %^g
Added: %U") ("j" "Journal/Blog/Private" entry (file+headline "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/" "Refile") "** %^{Head Line} %U %^g
%i%?") ("a" "Appt" entry (file+headline "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/" "Refile") "* %^{Brief Description}  %^g
Added: %U %") ("s" "Someday" entry (file+headline "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/" "Someday") "** %^{Someday Heading} %U
") ("c" "Contact" entry (file+headline "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/" "Contacts") "* %^{Contact Name}
:EMAIL: %^{Contact Email}
:PHONE: %^{Contact Phone}
:NOTES: %^{Notes?}
:END:") ("e" "English" entry (file+datetree "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/") "* %^{Class Session:} %^g
Added: %T
* ?") ("u" "Theatre" entry (file+datetree "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/") "* %^{Class Session:} %^g
Added: %T
* ?") ("l" "Clock This" entry (file+headline "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/" "Refile") "* %^{What to clock}
 '(org-clock-in-resume t)
 '(org-clock-in-switch-to-state nil)
 '(org-clock-out-switch-to-state nil)
 '(org-clock-persist t)
 '(org-clock-persist-query-save t)
 '(org-clock-sound t)
 '(org-complete-tags-always-offer-all-agenda-tags nil)
 '(org-contacts-files (quote ("/cygdrive/C/Dropbox/Org/")))
 '(org-deadline-warning-days 7)
 '(org-directory "/cygdrive/C/Dropbox/Org/")
 '(org-enforce-todo-checkbox-dependencies t)
 '(org-enforce-todo-dependencies t)
 '(org-export-html-style "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"mystyles.css\">")
 '(org-fast-tag-selection-single-key t)
 '(org-feed-alist (quote (("Catholic" "" "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/" "The Catholic Lane") ("qotd" "" "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/" "Quote of the Day"))))
 '(org-google-weather-display-icon-p nil)
 '(org-hide-block-startup nil)
 '(org-hide-leading-stars t)
 '(org-hierarchical-checkbox-statistics nil)
 '(org-indent-boundary-char 32)
 '(org-indent-indentation-per-level 1)
 '(org-insert-heading-respect-content t)
 '(org-log-done (quote note))
 '(org-log-into-drawer t)
 '(org-log-note-clock-out t)
 '(org-log-redeadline (quote note))
 '(org-log-refile (quote note))
 '(org-log-repeat (quote note))
 '(org-log-reschedule (quote note))
 '(org-log-state-notes-insert-after-drawers t)
 '(org-log-states-order-reversed nil)
 '(org-modules (quote (org-bbdb org-bibtex org-gnus org-info org-jsinfo org-irc org-mew org-mhe org-rmail org-vm org-wl org-w3m org-mouse)))
 '(org-mouse-features (quote (context-menu move-tree yank-link activate-stars activate-bullets activate-checkboxes)))
 '(org-plain-list-ordered-item-terminator t)
 '(org-provide-todo-statistics (quote (quote all-headlines)))
 '(org-refile-targets (quote (("" :maxlevel . 1) ("" :maxlevel . 1) ("" :maxlevel . 1) ("" :maxlevel . 2) ("" :maxlevel . 1) ("" :level . 1) ("" :maxlevel . 1))))
 '(org-replace-disputed-keys t)
 '(org-return-follows-link t)
 '(org-reverse-note-order nil)
 '(org-startup-align-all-tables t)
 '(org-startup-indented nil)
 '(org-support-shift-select (quote always))
 '(org-tag-alist (quote (("ARCHIVE" . 65))))
 '(org-tag-faces nil)
 '(org-tags-column -78)
 '(org-tags-exclude-from-inheritance (quote ("ARCHIVE")))
 '(org-tags-match-list-sublevels nil)
 '(org-tags-sort-function nil)
 '(org-time-stamp-rounding-minutes 5)
 '(org-todo-keyword-faces (quote (("\"TODO\"" :foreground "red") ("\"NEXT\"" :foreground "steelblue") ("\"WORKING\"" :foreground "sienna") ("\"REVIEW\"" :foreground "olivedrab") ("\"DONE\"" :foreground "dimgrey") ("\"DEFFERED\"" :foreground "dimgrey") ("\"CANCEL\"" :foreground "dimgrey"))))
 '(org-todo-keywords (quote ((sequence "TODO" "NEXT" "WORKING" "REVIEW" "DONE" "DEFFERED" "CANCEL"))))
 '(org-todo-state-tags-triggers (quote ((todo ("ARCHIVE")) (done ("ARCHIVE" . t)))))
 '(org-use-extra-keys t)
 '(org-use-fast-todo-selection t)
 '(org-use-speed-commands t)
 '(org-use-tag-inheritance nil)
 '(org2blog/wp-confirm-post t)
 '(org2blog/wp-default-categories (quote ("Philosophy")))
 '(org2blog/wp-keep-new-lines nil)
 '(org2blog/wp-track-posts nil)
 '(read-mail-command (quote gnus))
 '(remember-diary-file nil)
 '(require (quote htmlize))
 '(save-interprogram-paste-before-kill t)
 '(setq load-path t)
 '(user-full-name "U-SWEETSAUERPORT\\Matthew Sauer")
 '(user-mail-address "")
 '(word-wrap t)
 '(x-select-enable-clipboard t))

;; ERC
(setq erc-track-exclude-types '("JOIN" "NICK" "PART" "QUIT"))

;; Highlight text chosen in with Mark region
(transient-mark-mode t)

; Save files in DOS mode
(setq-default buffer-file-coding-system 'raw-text-dos)

(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)

; dont use tabs for indenting
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)
(setq-default tab-width 3)

;; These lines only if org-mode is not part of the X/Emacs distribution.
(autoload 'org-mode "org" "Org mode" t)
(autoload 'org-diary "org" "Diary entries from Org mode" t)
(autoload 'org-agenda "org" "Multi-file agenda from Org mode" t)
(autoload 'org-store-link "org" "Store a link to the current location" t)
(autoload 'orgtbl-mode "org" "Org tables as a minor mode" t)
(autoload 'turn-on-orgtbl "org" "Org tables as a minor mode")

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.org$" . org-mode))
(define-key global-map "\C-cl" 'org-store-link)
(define-key global-map "\C-ca" 'org-agenda)

(setq org-log-done t)
(setq org-agenda-include-diary t)
(setq org-deadline-warning-days 7)
(setq org-timeline-show-empty-dates t)
(setq org-insert-mode-line-in-empty-file t)

;; 2006-05-26  - added following line
;;(autoload 'remember "remember" nil t)
;;(autoload 'remember-region "remember" nil t)
(setq org-directory "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org")
(setq org-default-notes-file "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/")
;;(setq remember-annotation-functions '(org-remember-annotation))
;;(setq remember-handler-functions '(org-remember-handler))
;;(add-hook 'remember-mode-hook 'org-remember-apply-template)
(define-key global-map "\C-cr" 'org-remember)

;; Capture
(setq org-default-notes-file (concat org-directory "/"))
     (define-key global-map "\C-cc" 'org-capture)

(define-key global-map [f8] 'org-capture)
;;(define-key global-map [f9] 'remember-region)
(define-key global-map [f1] 'org-clock-in)
(define-key global-map [f2] 'org-clock-out)
(define-key global-map [f11] 'org-insert-heading-respect-content)

(setq org-agenda-exporter-settings
      '((ps-number-of-columns 1)
        (ps-landscape-mode t)
        (htmlize-output-type 'css)))

(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
  ("P" "Projects"
   ((tags "PROJECT")))

  ("H" "Office and Home Lists"
          (tags-todo "WORK")
          (tags-todo "HOME")
          (tags-todo "COMPUTER")
          (tags-todo "CHURCH")
          (tags-todo "READING")
          (tags-todo "SCHOOL")))

("D" "Daily Action List"
          (agenda "" ((org-agenda-ndays 1)
                       (quote ((agenda time-up priority-down tag-up) )))
                      (org-deadline-warning-days 0)

(defun gtd ()
    (find-file "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/")
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c g") 'gtd)

(add-hook 'org-agenda-mode-hook 'hl-line-mode)

; org mode start - added 20 Feb 2006
;; The following lines are always needed. Choose your own keys.

(global-font-lock-mode t)

(global-set-key "\C-x\C-r" 'prefix-region)
(global-set-key "\C-x\C-l" 'goto-line)
(global-set-key "\C-x\C-y" 'copy-region-as-kill)
(setq calendar-time-zone -360)
(setq calendar-standard-time-zone-name "CST")
(set-time-zone-rule "GMT+6")
(setq calendar-daylight-time-zone-name "CDT")

(fset 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p)

(set-variable 'confirm-kill-emacs 'yes-or-no-p)
  ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
  ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
  ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
 '(org-headline-done ((t (:foreground "green" :weight normal))))
 '(org-hide ((((background light)) (:foreground "black"))))
 '(org-todo ((t (:foreground "red" :weight bold))))
 '(outline-1 ((t (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face)))))

;; Twitering-mode.el customizations

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/emacs-oauth") ;oauth support
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/twittering-mode")  ; Save directory
 (require 'twittering-mode)
(setq twittering-use-master-password t)

;; g-client
; (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/g-client") ;g-client load directory
; (require 'g) ;load g-client
; (setq g-user-email "")

;; Google-Cl
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/org-googlecl/")
(require 'org-googlecl)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c L") 'org-googlecl-list-blogs)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c B") 'googlecl-prompt-blog)

; Org2Blog
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/org2blog/")
(require 'org2blog)
(require 'xml-rpc)
(setq org2blog-server-url ""
     org2blog-server-user "SweetSauerPhotos"
     org2blog-use-tags-as-categories t
     org2blog-confirm-post t
     org2blog-server-weblog-id "")
(setq org2blog/wp-blog-alist
          :url ""
          :username "sweetsauerphotos"   
          :default-title "Hello World"
          :default-categories ("org2blog" "emacs")
          :tags-as-categories t)))

;; Org-Contacts
(add-to-list 'load-path "/elisp/org-contacts/")
(require 'org-contacts)
;; RSS
(require 'org-feed)
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/Worg/code/elisp/")
(require 'worg)

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/google-weather-el/")
(require 'google-weather)
(require 'org-google-weather)
(add-to-list 'load-path "/elisp/")
(require 'sunrisesunset)


[-- Attachment #3: BackTrace error when trying evaluate my .emacs --]
[-- Type: text/plain, Size: 17503 bytes --]

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable org-property-set-functions-alist)
  add-to-list(org-property-set-functions-alist ("BIRTHDAY" . org-completing-read-date))
  eval-buffer(#<buffer  *load*> nil "/elisp/org-contacts/org-contacts.el" nil t)  ; Reading at buffer position 12430
  load-with-code-conversion("/elisp/org-contacts/org-contacts.el" "/elisp/org-contacts/org-contacts.el" nil t)
  eval-buffer()  ; Reading at buffer position 12833
  tmm-prompt((keymap (indent-line menu-item "Indent Line" lisp-indent-line) (indent-region menu-item "Indent Region" indent-region :help "Indent each nonblank line in the region" :enable mark-active) (comment-region menu-item "Comment Out Region" comment-region :help "Comment or uncomment each line in the region" :enable mark-active) (separator-format "--") (eval-sexp menu-item "Evaluate Last S-expression" eval-last-sexp :help "Evaluate sexp before point; print value in minibuffer") (eval-region menu-item "Evaluate Region" eval-region :help "Execute the region as Lisp code" :enable mark-active) (eval-buffer menu-item "Evaluate Buffer" eval-buffer :help "Execute the current buffer as Lisp code") (ielm menu-item "Interactive Expression Evaluation" ielm :help "Interactively evaluate Emacs Lisp expressions") (separator-eval "--") (byte-compile menu-item "Byte-compile this File" emacs-lisp-byte-compile :help "Byte compile the file containing the current buffer") (emacs-byte-compile-and-load menu-item "Byte-compile and Load" emacs-lisp-byte-compile-and-load :help "Byte-compile the current file (if it has changed), then load compiled code") (byte-recompile menu-item "Byte-recompile Directory..." byte-recompile-directory :help "Recompile every `.el' file in DIRECTORY that needs recompilation") (disas menu-item "Disassemble Byte Compiled Object..." disassemble :help "Print disassembled code for OBJECT in a buffer") (separator-byte "--") (edebug-defun menu-item "Instrument Function for Debugging" edebug-defun :help "Evaluate the top level form point is in, stepping through with Edebug" :keys "C-u C-M-x") (lint "Linting" keymap (lint-d menu-item "Lint Defun" elint-defun :help "Lint the function at point") (lint-b menu-item "Lint Buffer" elint-current-buffer :help "Lint the current buffer") (lint-f menu-item "Lint File..." elint-file :help "Lint a file") (lint-di menu-item "Lint Directory..." elint-directory :help "Lint a directory")) (profiling "Profiling" keymap (prof-func menu-item "Instrument Function..." elp-instrument-function :help "Instrument a function for profiling") (prof-pack menu-item "Instrument Package..." elp-instrument-package :help "Instrument for profiling all function that start with a prefix") (prof-res menu-item "Show Profiling Results" elp-results :help "Display current profiling results") (prof-resfunc menu-item "Reset Counters for Function..." elp-reset-function :help "Reset the profiling information for a function") (prof-resall menu-item "Reset Counters for All Functions" elp-reset-all :help "Reset the profiling information for all functions being profiled") (sep-rem "--") (prof-restfunc menu-item "Remove Instrumentation for Function..." elp-restore-function :help "Restore an instrumented function to its original definition") (prof-restall menu-item "Remove Instrumentation for All Functions" elp-restore-all :help "Restore the original definitions of all functions being profiled")) (tracing "Tracing" keymap (tr-f menu-item "Trace Function..." trace-function :help "Trace the function given as an argument") (tr-q menu-item "Trace Function Quietly..." trace-function-background :help "Trace the function with trace output going quietly to a buffer") (tr-sep "--") (tr-uf menu-item "Untrace function..." untrace-function :help "Untrace function, and possibly activate all remaining advice") (tr-a menu-item "Untrace All" untrace-all :help "Untrace all currently traced functions")) (re-builder menu-item "Construct Regexp" re-builder :help "Construct a regexp interactively") (checkdoc menu-item "Check Documentation Strings" checkdoc :help "Check documentation strings for style requirements") (eldoc menu-item "Auto-Display Documentation Strings" eldoc-mode :button (:toggle bound-and-true-p eldoc-mode) :help "Display the documentation string for the item under cursor") "Emacs-Lisp"))
  tmm-prompt((keymap (file "File" keymap (new-file menu-item "Visit New File..." find-file :enable ... :help "Specify a new file's name, to edit the file") (open-file menu-item "Open File..." menu-find-file-existing :enable ... :help "Read an existing file into an Emacs buffer") (dired menu-item "Open Directory..." dired :enable ... :help "Read a directory, to operate on its files") (insert-file menu-item "Insert File..." insert-file :enable ... :help "Insert another file into current buffer") (kill-buffer menu-item "Close" kill-this-buffer :enable ... :help "Discard (kill) current buffer") (separator-save "--") (save-buffer menu-item "Save" save-buffer :enable ... :help "Save current buffer to its file") (write-file menu-item "Save As..." write-file :enable ... :help "Write current buffer to another file") (revert-buffer menu-item "Revert Buffer" revert-buffer :enable ... :help "Re-read current buffer from its file") (recover-session menu-item "Recover Crashed Session" recover-session :enable ... :help "Recover edits from a crashed session") (separator-print "--") (print-buffer menu-item "Print Buffer" print-buffer :enable ... :help "Print current buffer with page headings") (print-region menu-item "Print Region" print-region :enable mark-active :help "Print region between mark and current position") (ps-print-buffer-faces menu-item "Postscript Print Buffer" ps-print-buffer-with-faces :enable ... :help "Pretty-print current buffer to PostScript printer") (ps-print-region-faces menu-item "Postscript Print Region" ps-print-region-with-faces :enable mark-active :help "Pretty-print marked region to PostScript printer") (ps-print-buffer menu-item "Postscript Print Buffer (B+W)" ps-print-buffer :enable ... :help "Pretty-print current buffer in black and white to PostScript printer") (ps-print-region menu-item "Postscript Print Region (B+W)" ps-print-region :enable mark-active :help "Pretty-print marked region in black and white to PostScript printer") (separator-window "--") (split-window menu-item "Split Window" split-window-vertically :enable ... :help "Split selected window in two windows") (one-window menu-item "Remove Splits" delete-other-windows :enable ... :help "Selected window grows to fill the whole frame") (make-frame menu-item "New Frame" make-frame-command :visible ... :help "Open a new frame") (make-frame-on-display menu-item "New Frame on Display..." make-frame-on-display :visible ... :help "Open a new frame on another display") (delete-this-frame menu-item "Delete Frame" delete-frame :visible ... :enable ... :help "Delete currently selected frame") (separator-exit "--") (exit-emacs menu-item "Quit" save-buffers-kill-terminal :help "Save unsaved buffers, then exit") "File") (edit "Edit" keymap (undo menu-item "Undo" undo :enable ... :help "Undo last operation") (cut menu-item "Cut" kill-region :enable ... :help "Cut (kill) text in region between mark and current position") (copy menu-item "Copy" menu-bar-kill-ring-save :enable mark-active :help "Copy text in region between mark and current position" :keys "\\[kill-ring-save]") (paste menu-item "Paste" yank :enable ... :help "Paste (yank) text most recently cut/copied") (paste-from-menu menu-item "Paste from Kill Menu" yank-menu :enable ... :help "Choose a string from the kill ring and paste it") (clear menu-item "Clear" delete-region :enable ... :help "Delete the text in region between mark and current position") (mark-whole-buffer menu-item "Select All" mark-whole-buffer :help "Mark the whole buffer for a subsequent cut/copy") (separator-search "--") (search menu-item "Search" ...) (replace menu-item "Replace" ...) (goto menu-item "Go To" ...) (bookmark menu-item "Bookmarks" menu-bar-bookmark-map) (separator-bookmark "--") (fill menu-item "Fill" fill-region :enable ... :help "Fill text in region to fit between left and right margin") (props menu-item "Text Properties" facemenu-menu) "Edit") (options "Options" keymap (transient-mark-mode menu-item "Active Region Highlighting" transient-mark-mode :enable ... :help "Make text in active region stand out in color (Transient Mark mode)" :button ...) (highlight-paren-mode menu-item "Paren Match Highlighting" show-paren-mode :help "Highlight matching/mismatched parentheses at cursor (Show Paren mode)" :button ...) (highlight-separator "--") (line-wrapping menu-item "Line Wrapping in this Buffer" ...) (auto-fill-mode menu-item "Auto Fill in Text Modes" menu-bar-text-mode-auto-fill :help "Automatically fill text while typing (Auto Fill mode)" :button ...) (case-fold-search menu-item "Case-Insensitive Search" toggle-case-fold-search :help "Ignore letter-case in search commands" :button ...) (cua-emulation-mode menu-item "Shift movement mark region (CUA)" cua-mode :visible ... :help "Use shifted movement keys to set and extend the region." :button ...) (cua-mode menu-item "C-x/C-c/C-v Cut and Paste (CUA)" cua-mode :visible ... :help "Use C-z/C-x/C-c/C-v keys for undo/cut/copy/paste" :button ...) (edit-options-separator "--") (uniquify menu-item "Use Directory Names in Buffer Names" toggle-uniquify-buffer-names :help "Uniquify buffer names by adding parent directory names" :button ...) (save-place menu-item "Save Place in Files between Sessions" toggle-save-place-globally :help "Visit files of previous session when restarting Emacs" :button ...) (cursor-separator "--") (blink-cursor-mode menu-item "Blinking Cursor" blink-cursor-mode :help "Whether the cursor blinks (Blink Cursor mode)" :button ...) (debugger-separator "--") (debug-on-error menu-item "Enter Debugger on Error" toggle-debug-on-error :help "Enter Lisp debugger when an error is signaled" :button ...) (debug-on-quit menu-item "Enter Debugger on Quit/C-g" toggle-debug-on-quit :help "Enter Lisp debugger when C-g is pressed" :button ...) (mule-separator "--") (mule menu-item "Mule (Multilingual Environment)" ...) (showhide-separator "--") (showhide menu-item "Show/Hide" ...) (menu-set-font menu-item "Set Default Font..." menu-set-font :visible ... :help "Select a default font") (custom-separator "--") (save menu-item "Save Options" menu-bar-options-save :help "Save options set from the menu above") (customize menu-item "Customize Emacs" ...) "Options") (buffer "Buffers" keymap "Select Buffer" [... ... ... ... ...] (command-separator "--") (next-buffer menu-item "Next Buffer" next-buffer :help "Switch to the \"next\" buffer in a cyclic order") (previous-buffer menu-item "Previous Buffer" previous-buffer :help "Switch to the \"previous\" buffer in a cyclic order") (select-named-buffer menu-item "Select Named Buffer..." switch-to-buffer :help "Prompt for a buffer name, and select that buffer in the current window") (list-all-buffers menu-item "List All Buffers" list-buffers :help "Pop up a window listing all Emacs buffers")) (tools "Tools" keymap (grep menu-item "Search Files (Grep)..." grep :help "Search files for strings or regexps (with Grep)") (compile menu-item "Compile..." compile :help "Invoke compiler or Make, view compilation errors") (shell menu-item "Shell Command..." shell-command :help "Invoke a shell command and catch its output") (shell-on-region menu-item "Shell Command on Region..." shell-command-on-region :enable mark-active :help "Pass marked region to a shell command") (gdb menu-item "Debugger (GDB)..." gdb :help "Debug a program from within Emacs with GDB") (ede menu-item "Project support (EDE)" global-ede-mode :help "Toggle the Emacs Development Environment (Global EDE mode)" :button ...) (semantic menu-item "Source Code Parsers (Semantic)" semantic-mode :help "Toggle automatic parsing in source code buffers (Semantic mode)" :button ...) (separator-prog "--") (spell menu-item "Spell Checking" ispell-menu-map) (separator-spell "--") (compare menu-item "Compare (Ediff)" menu-bar-ediff-menu) (ediff-merge menu-item "Merge" menu-bar-ediff-merge-menu) (epatch menu-item "Apply Patch" menu-bar-epatch-menu) (separator-compare "--") (vc menu-item "Version Control" vc-menu-map :filter vc-menu-map-filter) (pcl-cvs menu-item "PCL-CVS" cvs-global-menu) (separator-vc "--") (gnus menu-item "Read Net News (Gnus)" gnus :help "Read network news groups") (rmail menu-item ... menu-bar-read-mail :visible ... :help "Read your mail and reply to it") (compose-mail menu-item ... compose-mail :visible ... :help "Send a mail message") (directory-search menu-item "Directory Search" eudc-tools-menu) (separator-net "--") (calendar menu-item "Calendar" calendar :help "Invoke the Emacs built-in calendar") (calc menu-item "Programmable Calculator" calc :help "Invoke the Emacs built-in full scientific calculator") (simple-calculator menu-item "Simple Calculator" calculator :help "Invoke the Emacs built-in quick calculator") (separator-encryption-decryption "--") (encryption-decryption menu-item "Encryption/Decryption" ...) (separator-games "--") (games menu-item "Games" ...) "Tools") (mouse-1 . tmm-menubar-mouse) (emacs-lisp "Emacs-Lisp" keymap (indent-line menu-item "Indent Line" lisp-indent-line) (indent-region menu-item "Indent Region" indent-region :help "Indent each nonblank line in the region" :enable mark-active) (comment-region menu-item "Comment Out Region" comment-region :help "Comment or uncomment each line in the region" :enable mark-active) (separator-format "--") (eval-sexp menu-item "Evaluate Last S-expression" eval-last-sexp :help "Evaluate sexp before point; print value in minibuffer") (eval-region menu-item "Evaluate Region" eval-region :help "Execute the region as Lisp code" :enable mark-active) (eval-buffer menu-item "Evaluate Buffer" eval-buffer :help "Execute the current buffer as Lisp code") (ielm menu-item "Interactive Expression Evaluation" ielm :help "Interactively evaluate Emacs Lisp expressions") (separator-eval "--") (byte-compile menu-item "Byte-compile this File" emacs-lisp-byte-compile :help "Byte compile the file containing the current buffer") (emacs-byte-compile-and-load menu-item "Byte-compile and Load" emacs-lisp-byte-compile-and-load :help "Byte-compile the current file (if it has changed), then load compiled code") (byte-recompile menu-item "Byte-recompile Directory..." byte-recompile-directory :help "Recompile every `.el' file in DIRECTORY that needs recompilation") (disas menu-item "Disassemble Byte Compiled Object..." disassemble :help "Print disassembled code for OBJECT in a buffer") (separator-byte "--") (edebug-defun menu-item "Instrument Function for Debugging" edebug-defun :help "Evaluate the top level form point is in, stepping through with Edebug" :keys "C-u C-M-x") (lint "Linting" keymap ... ... ... ...) (profiling "Profiling" keymap ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) (tracing "Tracing" keymap ... ... ... ... ...) (re-builder menu-item "Construct Regexp" re-builder :help "Construct a regexp interactively") (checkdoc menu-item "Check Documentation Strings" checkdoc :help "Check documentation strings for style requirements") (eldoc menu-item "Auto-Display Documentation Strings" eldoc-mode :button ... :help "Display the documentation string for the item under cursor") "Emacs-Lisp") nil (help-menu "Help" keymap (emacs-tutorial menu-item "Emacs Tutorial" help-with-tutorial :help "Learn how to use Emacs") (emacs-tutorial-language-specific menu-item "Emacs Tutorial (choose language)..." help-with-tutorial-spec-language :help "Learn how to use Emacs (choose a language)") (emacs-faq menu-item "Emacs FAQ" view-emacs-FAQ :help "Frequently asked (and answered) questions about Emacs") (emacs-news menu-item "Emacs News" view-emacs-news :help "New features of this version") (emacs-known-problems menu-item "Emacs Known Problems" view-emacs-problems :help "Read about known problems with Emacs") (send-emacs-bug-report menu-item "Send Bug Report..." report-emacs-bug :help "Send e-mail to Emacs maintainers") (emacs-psychotherapist menu-item "Emacs Psychotherapist" doctor :help "Our doctor will help you feel better") (sep1 "--") (search-documentation menu-item "Search Documentation" ...) (describe menu-item "Describe" ...) (emacs-manual menu-item "Read the Emacs Manual" info-emacs-manual :help "Full documentation of Emacs features") (more-manuals menu-item "More Manuals" ...) (find-emacs-packages menu-item "Find Emacs Packages" finder-by-keyword :help "Find packages and features by keyword") (external-packages menu-item "External Packages" menu-bar-help-extra-packages :help "Lisp packages distributed separately for use in Emacs") (sep2 "--") (getting-new-versions menu-item "Getting New Versions" describe-distribution :help "How to get the latest version of Emacs") (describe-copying menu-item "Copying Conditions" describe-copying :help "Show the Emacs license (GPL)") (describe-no-warranty menu-item "(Non)Warranty" describe-no-warranty :help "Explain that Emacs has NO WARRANTY") (sep4 "--") (about-emacs menu-item "About Emacs" about-emacs :help "Display version number, copyright info, and basic help") (about-gnu-project menu-item "About GNU" describe-gnu-project :help "About the GNU System, GNU Project, and GNU/Linux") "Help")) nil nil)
  call-interactively(menu-bar-open nil nil)

[-- Attachment #4: Type: text/plain, Size: 10804 bytes --]

I am going to start reading into this after I
finish my paper that is due this coming week but I would appreciate any
direction.   I find this list most useful and helpful and appreciate all
of the discussion as I find all of it helpful and some of you have
provided me with some really great help.

Thank you all!

Matthew  Sauer

Emacs  : GNU Emacs 23.2.1 (i686-pc-cygwin, GTK+ Version 2.20.1)
 of 2010-10-01 on laptop
Package: Org-mode version 7.4

current state:
 org-log-done t
 org-mouse-features '(context-menu move-tree yank-link activate-stars activate-bullets activate-checkboxes)
 org-export-latex-after-initial-vars-hook '(org-beamer-after-initial-vars)
 org-todo-keyword-faces '(("\"TODO\"" :foreground "red") ("\"NEXT\"" :foreground "steelblue") ("\"WORKING\"" :foreground "sienna")
                          ("\"REVIEW\"" :foreground "olivedrab") ("\"DONE\"" :foreground "dimgrey") ("\"DEFFERED\"" :foreground "dimgrey")
                          ("\"CANCEL\"" :foreground "dimgrey"))
 org-startup-align-all-tables t
 org-speed-command-hook '(org-speed-command-default-hook org-babel-speed-command-hook)
 org-agenda-custom-commands '(("P" "Projects" ((tags "PROJECT")))
                              ("H" "Office and Home Lists"
                               ((agenda) (tags-todo "WORK") (tags-todo "HOME") (tags-todo "COMPUTER") (tags-todo "CHURCH")
                                (tags-todo "READING") (tags-todo "SCHOOL"))
                              ("D" "Daily Action List"
                               ((agenda ""
                                 ((org-agenda-ndays 1) (org-agenda-sorting-strategy (quote ((agenda time-up priority-down tag-up))))
                                  (org-deadline-warning-days 0))
 org-agenda-files '("/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/" "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/" "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/"
                    "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/" "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/" "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/")
 org-agenda-include-diary t
 org-blocker-hook '(org-block-todo-from-checkboxes org-block-todo-from-children-or-siblings-or-parent)
 org-agenda-window-setup 'other-window
 org-hide-leading-stars t
 org-agenda-exporter-settings '((ps-number-of-columns 1) (ps-landscape-mode t) (htmlize-output-type (quote css)))
 org-tags-match-list-sublevels nil
 org-metaup-hook '(org-babel-load-in-session-maybe)
 org-after-todo-state-change-hook '(org-clock-out-if-current)
 org-agenda-text-search-extra-files '(agenda-archives)
 org-attach-directory "/cygdrive/C/Dropbox/Org/data/"
 org-time-stamp-rounding-minutes 5
 org-todo-state-tags-triggers '((todo ("ARCHIVE")) (done ("ARCHIVE" . t)))
 org-log-states-order-reversed nil
 org-log-state-notes-insert-after-drawers t
 org-agenda-sorting-strategy '((agenda time-up priority-down tag-up) (todo tag-up))
 org-export-blocks-postblock-hook '(org-exp-res/src-name-cleanup)
 org-agenda-restore-windows-after-quit t
 org-log-note-clock-out t
 org-deadline-warning-days 7
 org-export-html-style "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"mystyles.css\">"
 org-export-latex-format-toc-function 'org-export-latex-format-toc-default
 org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done t
 org-agenda-insert-diary-strategy 'top-level
 org-support-shift-select 'always
 org-log-redeadline 'note
 org-clock-in-resume t
 org-tags-exclude-from-inheritance '("ARCHIVE")
 org-tab-first-hook '(org-hide-block-toggle-maybe org-src-native-tab-command-maybe org-babel-hide-result-toggle-maybe)
 org-src-mode-hook '(org-src-babel-configure-edit-buffer org-src-mode-configure-edit-buffer)
 org-confirm-shell-link-function 'yes-or-no-p
 org-export-first-hook '(org-beamer-initialize-open-trackers)
 org-use-tag-inheritance nil
 org-clock-persist t
 org-clock-sound t
 org-todo-keywords '((sequence "TODO" "NEXT" "WORKING" "REVIEW" "DONE" "DEFFERED" "CANCEL"))
 org-agenda-before-write-hook '(org-agenda-add-entry-text)
 org-agenda-log-mode-add-notes nil
 org-clock-persist-query-save t
 org-default-notes-file "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/"
 org-agenda-repeating-timestamp-show-all nil
 org-directory "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org"
 org-log-reschedule 'note
 org-tag-alist '(("ARCHIVE" . 65))
 org-use-extra-keys t
 org-log-refile 'note
 org-babel-pre-tangle-hook '(save-buffer)
 org-cycle-hook '(org-cycle-hide-archived-subtrees org-cycle-hide-drawers org-cycle-show-empty-lines
 org-export-preprocess-before-normalizing-links-hook '(org-remove-file-link-modifiers)
 org-use-speed-commands t
 org-replace-disputed-keys t
 org-timeline-show-empty-dates t
 org-mode-hook '((lambda nil (setq org-mouse-context-menu-function (quote org-mouse-context-menu))
                  (when (memq (quote context-menu) org-mouse-features) (org-defkey org-mouse-map [mouse-3] nil)
                   (org-defkey org-mode-map [mouse-3] (quote org-mouse-show-context-menu)))
                  (org-defkey org-mode-map [down-mouse-1] (quote org-mouse-down-mouse))
                  (when (memq (quote context-menu) org-mouse-features)
                   (org-defkey org-mouse-map [C-drag-mouse-1] (quote org-mouse-move-tree))
                   (org-defkey org-mouse-map [C-down-mouse-1] (quote org-mouse-move-tree-start)))
                  (when (memq (quote yank-link) org-mouse-features) (org-defkey org-mode-map [S-mouse-2] (quote org-mouse-yank-link))
                   (org-defkey org-mode-map [drag-mouse-3] (quote org-mouse-yank-link)))
                  (when (memq (quote move-tree) org-mouse-features) (org-defkey org-mouse-map [drag-mouse-3] (quote org-mouse-move-tree))
                   (org-defkey org-mouse-map [down-mouse-3] (quote org-mouse-move-tree-start)))
                  (when (memq (quote activate-stars) org-mouse-features)
                   (font-lock-add-keywords nil
                    (\` (((\, outline-regexp) 0 (\` (face org-link mouse-face highlight keymap (\, org-mouse-map))) (quote prepend)))) t)
                  (when (memq (quote activate-bullets) org-mouse-features)
                   (font-lock-add-keywords nil
                     (("^[ 	]*\\([-+*]\\|[0-9]+[.)]\\) +"
                       (1 (\` (face org-link keymap (\, org-mouse-map) mouse-face highlight)) (quote prepend)))
                  (when (memq (quote activate-checkboxes) org-mouse-features)
                   (font-lock-add-keywords nil
                     (("^[ 	]*\\([-+*]\\|[0-9]+[.)]\\) +\\(\\[[ X]\\]\\)"
                       (2 (\` (face bold keymap (\, org-mouse-map) mouse-face highlight)) t))
                  (defadvice org-open-at-point (around org-mouse-open-at-point activate)
                   (let ((context (org-context)))
                    (cond ((assq :headline-stars context) (org-cycle)) ((assq :checkbox context) (org-toggle-checkbox))
                     ((assq :item-bullet context) (let ((org-cycle-include-plain-lists t)) (org-cycle))) (t ad-do-it))
                 #[nil "\300\301\302\303\304$\207" [org-add-hook change-major-mode-hook org-show-block-all append local] 5]
                 (lambda nil (org-add-hook (quote change-major-mode-hook) (quote org-babel-show-result-all) (quote append) (quote local)))
                 org-babel-result-hide-spec org-babel-hide-all-hashes)
 org-contacts-files '("/cygdrive/C/Dropbox/Org/")
 org-agenda-ndays 7
 org-refile-targets '(("" :maxlevel . 1) ("" :maxlevel . 1) ("" :maxlevel . 1) ("" :maxlevel . 2)
                      ("" :maxlevel . 1) ("" :level . 1) ("" :maxlevel . 1))
 org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c-hook '(org-babel-hash-at-point org-babel-execute-safely-maybe)
 org-return-follows-link t
 org-confirm-elisp-link-function 'yes-or-no-p
 org-fast-tag-selection-single-key t
 org-log-into-drawer t
 org-agenda-mode-hook '((lambda nil (setq org-mouse-context-menu-function (quote org-mouse-agenda-context-menu))
                         (org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map [mouse-3] (quote org-mouse-show-context-menu))
                         (org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map [down-mouse-3] (quote org-mouse-move-tree-start))
                         (org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map [C-mouse-4] (quote org-agenda-earlier))
                         (org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map [C-mouse-5] (quote org-agenda-later))
                         (org-defkey org-agenda-mode-map [drag-mouse-3]
                           (lambda (event) (interactive "e")
                            (case (org-mouse-get-gesture event) (:left (org-agenda-earlier 1)) (:right (org-agenda-later 1))))
 org-feed-alist '(("Catholic" "" "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/" "The Catholic Lane")
                  ("qotd" ""
                   "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/" "Quote of the Day")
 org-agenda-start-on-weekday nil
 org-agenda-todo-ignore-with-date t
 org-export-interblocks '((lob org-babel-exp-lob-one-liners) (src org-babel-exp-inline-src-blocks))
 org-log-repeat 'note
 org-agenda-skip-deadline-if-done t
 org-enforce-todo-dependencies t
 org-insert-heading-respect-content t
 org-insert-mode-line-in-empty-file t
 org-occur-hook '(org-first-headline-recenter)
 org-export-preprocess-before-selecting-backend-code-hook '(org-beamer-select-beamer-code)
 org-hierarchical-checkbox-statistics nil
 org-tags-column -78
 org-modules '(org-bbdb org-bibtex org-gnus org-info org-jsinfo org-irc org-mew org-mhe org-rmail org-vm org-wl org-w3m org-mouse)
 org-provide-todo-statistics '(quote all-headlines)
 org-export-latex-final-hook '(org-beamer-amend-header org-beamer-fix-toc org-beamer-auto-fragile-frames
 org-enforce-todo-checkbox-dependencies t
 org-metadown-hook '(org-babel-pop-to-session-maybe)
 org-export-blocks '((src org-babel-exp-src-blocks nil) (comment org-export-blocks-format-comment t)
                     (ditaa org-export-blocks-format-ditaa nil) (dot org-export-blocks-format-dot nil))

         reply	other threads:[~2011-03-06  2:50 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 104+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2011-02-27  1:36 Startup page Matthew Sauer
2011-02-27  2:57 ` Dan Davison
2011-02-28 20:35   ` Eric S Fraga
2011-02-27 10:15 ` Bastien
2011-02-27 14:03   ` Christian Mandel
2011-02-28 11:51 ` Konrad Hinsen
2011-03-11  5:59   ` Ido Magal
2011-03-11  7:56     ` Rainer M Krug
     [not found]       ` <>
2011-03-06  2:49         ` U-SWEETSAUERPORT\Matthew Sauer [this message]
2011-03-06  4:47           ` Bug: Org-Contacts.el [7.4] Nick Dokos
2011-03-06 19:50             ` Matthew Sauer
2011-03-06 20:02               ` Matthew Sauer
2011-03-06 23:20                 ` Bastien
2011-03-07  1:26                   ` Matthew Sauer
2011-03-07 17:32                     ` Achim Gratz
2011-03-16 16:19       ` Re: [Orgmode] Startup page Matthew Sauer
2011-03-16 16:45         ` Nick Dokos
2011-03-17 10:34           ` Matthew Sauer
2011-03-17 10:52             ` Filippo A. Salustri
2011-03-17 22:17               ` Matthew Sauer
2011-03-17 22:48                 ` Nick Dokos
2011-03-18  0:03                   ` Filippo A. Salustri
2011-03-18  0:08                     ` Bastien
2011-03-18  0:22                       ` Matthew Sauer
  -- strict thread matches above, loose matches on Subject: below --
2012-11-21 21:15 Babel source blocks Russell Adams
2012-03-19 15:01 table spreadsheet problem Martin Halder
2012-03-19 15:32 ` Russell Adams
2012-03-19 15:45   ` Martin Halder
2012-03-19 15:48     ` Russell Adams
2012-03-15 17:45 Latex Listings & Floats Russell Adams
2012-03-15 20:33 ` Sebastien Vauban
2011-07-24  8:00 Table formula to convert hex to dec Russell Adams
2011-07-24  9:52 ` Michael Brand
2011-07-24 16:39   ` Michael Brand
2009-10-29 23:29 [OT] lisp func to write timestamp to buffer Marcelo de Moraes Serpa
2009-10-30  0:47 ` Russell Adams
2009-10-30  2:44 ` Nick Dokos
2009-10-30  2:53   ` Russell Adams
2009-10-07  0:17 contact management in org-mode? Lindsay Todd
2009-10-07  2:21 ` Maurizio Vitale
2009-10-07  4:16   ` Bernt Hansen
2009-10-25  2:34     ` Russell Adams
2009-10-25  6:04       ` Charles Philip Chan
2009-10-25 13:51         ` Darlan Cavalcante Moreira
2009-10-25 14:14           ` Charles Philip Chan
2009-10-25 14:18           ` Richard Riley
2009-10-25 14:22           ` Russell Adams
2009-10-29  7:58       ` Eric S Fraga, Eric S Fraga
2009-10-29 15:46         ` Gregory J. Grubbs
2009-10-29 16:00           ` Richard Riley
2009-10-29 17:36             ` Russell Adams
2009-10-29 20:00               ` Alan E. Davis
2009-10-29 22:25                 ` Eric S Fraga
2009-10-30  8:48                 ` Uwe Jochum
2009-10-31  3:10                   ` Russell Adams
2009-10-31  3:26                     ` Russell Adams
2009-10-31 16:38                       ` Gregory J. Grubbs
2009-11-20 14:32                       ` Russell Adams
2012-07-19 11:10                         ` [Orgmode] " Russell Adams
2012-07-20  0:57                           ` Karl Voit
2012-08-08 12:04                           ` Thomas Koch
2012-08-08 12:14                             ` Bastien
2012-08-09 11:31                             ` Jose E. Marchesi
2012-08-10  5:48                             ` Russell Adams
2012-08-13 22:24                               ` Semantics, Tagging, File systems, Tools, tagstore (was: [Orgmode] Re: contact management in org-mode?) Karl Voit
2012-08-09 12:04                           ` [Orgmode] Re: contact management in org-mode? Sriram Karra
2009-11-02 10:37                     ` Eric S Fraga, Eric S Fraga
2009-11-08  5:59                     ` Ben Finney
2009-11-08 14:52                       ` Matt Lundin
2009-11-08 22:22                         ` Sebastian Rose
2009-11-11 13:19                           ` Sebastian Rose
2009-11-09  6:41                         ` Gour
2009-11-15 20:50                         ` Sean Sieger
2009-10-31 21:54                   ` Shelagh Manton
2009-10-08 17:13 ` Sean Sieger
2009-09-08 20:41 Correct Way to Customize LaTeX Export? Peter Jones
2009-09-08 20:49 ` Russell Adams
     [not found]   ` <RLAdams@AdamsInfoServ.Com>
2009-09-08 21:11     ` Nick Dokos
2009-10-30  3:17     ` [OT] lisp func to write timestamp to buffer Nick Dokos
2011-07-24 15:58     ` Table formula to convert hex to dec Nick Dokos
2012-01-25 17:34     ` ICS import? Russell Adams
2012-01-25 17:50     ` Nick Dokos
     [not found]       ` <>
     [not found]         ` <3023.1327520270@alphaville>
     [not found]           ` <>
     [not found]             ` <4180.1327526628@alphaville>
2012-01-25 22:26               ` Matthew Sauer
2012-01-25 23:51                 ` Russell Adams
2012-01-26  0:03                   ` Arun Persaud
2012-01-26  0:21                   ` Nick Dokos
2012-01-26  0:58                     ` Russell Adams
2012-03-15 19:56     ` Latex Listings & Floats Nick Dokos
2012-03-19 15:56     ` table spreadsheet problem Nick Dokos
2012-03-19 16:05       ` Russell Adams
2012-03-19 16:25       ` Martin Halder
2012-03-19 17:42     ` Nick Dokos
2012-03-19 17:54       ` Russell Adams
2012-03-19 18:01         ` Nick Dokos
2012-03-19 18:21           ` Russell Adams
2012-05-15  2:57     ` ICS import? Nick Dokos
2012-05-15  3:03       ` Nick Dokos
2012-08-10  6:41     ` [Orgmode] Re: contact management in org-mode? Nick Dokos
2012-08-10 11:40       ` Sriram Karra
2012-08-10 14:03         ` Nick Dokos
2012-11-21 22:06     ` Babel source blocks Nick Dokos
2012-11-21 22:15       ` Russell Adams
2012-11-21 22:44     ` Nick Dokos
2012-11-21 22:53       ` Russell Adams

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You may reply publicly to this message via plain-text email
using any one of the following methods:

* Save the following mbox file, import it into your mail client,
  and reply-to-all from there: mbox

  Avoid top-posting and favor interleaved quoting:

* Reply using the --to, --cc, and --in-reply-to
  switches of git-send-email(1):

  git send-email \ \ \ \

* If your mail client supports setting the In-Reply-To header
  via mailto: links, try the mailto: link
Be sure your reply has a Subject: header at the top and a blank line before the message body.
Code repositories for project(s) associated with this external index

This is an external index of several public inboxes,
see mirroring instructions on how to clone and mirror
all data and code used by this external index.