;;; xml.el --- XML parser ;; Copyright (C) 2000-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: Emmanuel Briot ;; Maintainer: Mark A. Hershberger ;; Keywords: xml, data ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; This file contains a somewhat incomplete non-validating XML parser. It ;; parses a file, and returns a list that can be used internally by ;; any other Lisp libraries. ;;; FILE FORMAT ;; The document type declaration may either be ignored or (optionally) ;; parsed, but currently the parsing will only accept element ;; declarations. The XML file is assumed to be well-formed. In case ;; of error, the parsing stops and the XML file is shown where the ;; parsing stopped. ;; ;; It also knows how to ignore comments and processing instructions. ;; ;; The XML file should have the following format: ;; value ;; value2 ;; value3 ;; ;; Of course, the name of the nodes and attributes can be anything. There can ;; be any number of attributes (or none), as well as any number of children ;; below the nodes. ;; ;; There can be only top level node, but with any number of children below. ;;; LIST FORMAT ;; The functions `xml-parse-file', `xml-parse-region' and ;; `xml-parse-tag' return a list with the following format: ;; ;; xml-list ::= (node node ...) ;; node ::= (qname attribute-list . child_node_list) ;; child_node_list ::= child_node child_node ... ;; child_node ::= node | string ;; qname ::= (:namespace-uri . "name") | "name" ;; attribute_list ::= ((qname . "value") (qname . "value") ...) ;; | nil ;; string ::= "..." ;; ;; Some macros are provided to ease the parsing of this list. ;; Whitespace is preserved. Fixme: There should be a tree-walker that ;; can remove it. ;; TODO: ;; * xml:base, xml:space support ;; * more complete DOCTYPE parsing ;; * pi support ;;; Code: ;; Note that buffer-substring and match-string were formerly used in ;; several places, because the -no-properties variants remove ;; composition info. However, after some discussion on emacs-devel, ;; the consensus was that the speed of the -no-properties variants was ;; a worthwhile tradeoff especially since we're usually parsing files ;; instead of hand-crafted XML. ;;; Macros to parse the list (defconst xml-undefined-entity "?" "What to substitute for undefined entities") (defconst xml-default-ns '(("" . "") ("xml" . "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace") ("xmlns" . "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/")) "Alist mapping default XML namespaces to their URIs.") (defvar xml-entity-alist '(("lt" . "<") ("gt" . ">") ("apos" . "'") ("quot" . "\"") ("amp" . "&")) "Alist mapping XML entities to their replacement text.") (defvar xml-entity-expansion-limit 20000 "The maximum size of entity reference expansions. If the size of the buffer increases by this many characters while expanding entity references in a segment of character data, the XML parser signals an error. Setting this to nil removes the limit (making the parser vulnerable to XML bombs).") (defvar xml-parameter-entity-alist nil "Alist of defined XML parametric entities.") (defvar xml-sub-parser nil "Non-nil when the XML parser is parsing an XML fragment.") (defvar xml-validating-parser nil "Set to non-nil to get validity checking.") (defsubst xml-node-name (node) "Return the tag associated with NODE. Without namespace-aware parsing, the tag is a symbol. With namespace-aware parsing, the tag is a cons of a string representing the uri of the namespace with the local name of the tag. For example, would be represented by (\"\" . \"foo\"). If you'd just like a plain symbol instead, use `symbol-qnames' in the PARSE-NS argument." (car node)) (defsubst xml-node-attributes (node) "Return the list of attributes of NODE. The list can be nil." (nth 1 node)) (defsubst xml-node-children (node) "Return the list of children of NODE. This is a list of nodes, and it can be nil." (cddr node)) (defun xml-get-children (node child-name) "Return the children of NODE whose tag is CHILD-NAME. CHILD-NAME should match the value returned by `xml-node-name'." (let ((match ())) (dolist (child (xml-node-children node)) (if (and (listp child) (equal (xml-node-name child) child-name)) (push child match))) (nreverse match))) (defun xml-get-attribute-or-nil (node attribute) "Get from NODE the value of ATTRIBUTE. Return nil if the attribute was not found. See also `xml-get-attribute'." (cdr (assoc attribute (xml-node-attributes node)))) (defsubst xml-get-attribute (node attribute) "Get from NODE the value of ATTRIBUTE. An empty string is returned if the attribute was not found. See also `xml-get-attribute-or-nil'." (or (xml-get-attribute-or-nil node attribute) "")) ;;; Regular expressions for XML components ;; The following regexps are used as subexpressions in regexps that ;; are `eval-when-compile'd for efficiency, so they must be defined at ;; compile time. (eval-and-compile ;; [4] NameStartChar ;; See the definition of word syntax in `xml-syntax-table'. (defconst xml-name-start-char-re (concat "[[:word:]:_]")) ;; [4a] NameChar ::= NameStartChar | "-" | "." | [0-9] | #xB7 ;; | [#x0300-#x036F] | [#x203F-#x2040] (defconst xml-name-char-re (concat "[-0-9.[:word:]:_·̀-ͯ‿-⁀]")) ;; [5] Name ::= NameStartChar (NameChar)* (defconst xml-name-re (concat xml-name-start-char-re xml-name-char-re "*")) ;; [6] Names ::= Name (#x20 Name)* (defconst xml-names-re (concat xml-name-re "\\(?: " xml-name-re "\\)*")) ;; [7] Nmtoken ::= (NameChar)+ (defconst xml-nmtoken-re (concat xml-name-char-re "+")) ;; [8] Nmtokens ::= Nmtoken (#x20 Nmtoken)* (defconst xml-nmtokens-re (concat xml-nmtoken-re "\\(?: " xml-name-re "\\)*")) ;; [66] CharRef ::= '&#' [0-9]+ ';' | '&#x' [0-9a-fA-F]+ ';' (defconst xml-char-ref-re "\\(?:&#[0-9]+;\\|&#x[0-9a-fA-F]+;\\)") ;; [68] EntityRef ::= '&' Name ';' (defconst xml-entity-ref (concat "&" xml-name-re ";")) (defconst xml-entity-or-char-ref-re (concat "&\\(?:#\\(x\\)?\\([0-9a-fA-F]+\\)\\|\\(" xml-name-re "\\)\\);")) ;; [69] PEReference ::= '%' Name ';' (defconst xml-pe-reference-re (concat "%\\(" xml-name-re "\\);")) ;; [67] Reference ::= EntityRef | CharRef (defconst xml-reference-re (concat "\\(?:" xml-entity-ref "\\|" xml-char-ref-re "\\)")) ;; [10] AttValue ::= '"' ([^<&"] | Reference)* '"' ;; | "'" ([^<&'] | Reference)* "'" (defconst xml-att-value-re (concat "\\(?:\"\\(?:[^&\"]\\|" xml-reference-re "\\)*\"\\|" "'\\(?:[^&']\\|" xml-reference-re "\\)*'\\)")) ;; [56] TokenizedType ::= 'ID' ;; [VC: ID] [VC: One ID / Element Type] [VC: ID Attribute Default] ;; | 'IDREF' [VC: IDREF] ;; | 'IDREFS' [VC: IDREF] ;; | 'ENTITY' [VC: Entity Name] ;; | 'ENTITIES' [VC: Entity Name] ;; | 'NMTOKEN' [VC: Name Token] ;; | 'NMTOKENS' [VC: Name Token] (defconst xml-tokenized-type-re (concat "\\(?:ID\\|IDREF\\|IDREFS\\|ENTITY\\|" "ENTITIES\\|NMTOKEN\\|NMTOKENS\\)")) ;; [58] NotationType ::= 'NOTATION' S '(' S? Name (S? '|' S? Name)* S? ')' (defconst xml-notation-type-re (concat "\\(?:NOTATION\\s-+(\\s-*" xml-name-re "\\(?:\\s-*|\\s-*" xml-name-re "\\)*\\s-*)\\)")) ;; [59] Enumeration ::= '(' S? Nmtoken (S? '|' S? Nmtoken)* S? ')' ;; [VC: Enumeration] [VC: No Duplicate Tokens] (defconst xml-enumeration-re (concat "\\(?:(\\s-*" xml-nmtoken-re "\\(?:\\s-*|\\s-*" xml-nmtoken-re "\\)*\\s-+)\\)")) ;; [57] EnumeratedType ::= NotationType | Enumeration (defconst xml-enumerated-type-re (concat "\\(?:" xml-notation-type-re "\\|" xml-enumeration-re "\\)")) ;; [54] AttType ::= StringType | TokenizedType | EnumeratedType ;; [55] StringType ::= 'CDATA' (defconst xml-att-type-re (concat "\\(?:CDATA\\|" xml-tokenized-type-re "\\|" xml-notation-type-re "\\|" xml-enumerated-type-re "\\)")) ;; [60] DefaultDecl ::= '#REQUIRED' | '#IMPLIED' | (('#FIXED' S)? AttValue) (defconst xml-default-decl-re (concat "\\(?:#REQUIRED\\|#IMPLIED\\|" "\\(?:#FIXED\\s-+\\)*" xml-att-value-re "\\)")) ;; [53] AttDef ::= S Name S AttType S DefaultDecl (defconst xml-att-def-re (concat "\\(?:\\s-*" xml-name-re "\\s-*" xml-att-type-re "\\s-*" xml-default-decl-re "\\)")) ;; [9] EntityValue ::= '"' ([^%&"] | PEReference | Reference)* '"' ;; | "'" ([^%&'] | PEReference | Reference)* "'" (defconst xml-entity-value-re (concat "\\(?:\"\\(?:[^%&\"]\\|" xml-pe-reference-re "\\|" xml-reference-re "\\)*\"\\|'\\(?:[^%&']\\|" xml-pe-reference-re "\\|" xml-reference-re "\\)*'\\)")) ) ; End of `eval-when-compile' ;; [75] ExternalID ::= 'SYSTEM' S SystemLiteral ;; | 'PUBLIC' S PubidLiteral S SystemLiteral ;; [76] NDataDecl ::= S 'NDATA' S ;; [73] EntityDef ::= EntityValue| (ExternalID NDataDecl?) ;; [71] GEDecl ::= '' ;; [74] PEDef ::= EntityValue | ExternalID ;; [72] PEDecl ::= '' ;; [70] EntityDecl ::= GEDecl | PEDecl ;; Note that this is setup so that we can do whitespace-skipping with ;; `(skip-syntax-forward " ")', inter alia. Previously this was slow ;; compared with `re-search-forward', but that has been fixed. (defvar xml-syntax-table ;; By default, characters have symbol syntax. (let ((table (make-char-table 'syntax-table '(3)))) ;; The XML space chars [3], and nothing else, have space syntax. (dolist (c '(?\s ?\t ?\r ?\n)) (modify-syntax-entry c " " table)) ;; The characters in NameStartChar [4], aside from ':' and '_', ;; have word syntax. This is used by `xml-name-start-char-re'. (modify-syntax-entry '(?A . ?Z) "w" table) (modify-syntax-entry '(?a . ?z) "w" table) (modify-syntax-entry '(#xC0 . #xD6) "w" table) (modify-syntax-entry '(#xD8 . #XF6) "w" table) (modify-syntax-entry '(#xF8 . #X2FF) "w" table) (modify-syntax-entry '(#x370 . #X37D) "w" table) (modify-syntax-entry '(#x37F . #x1FFF) "w" table) (modify-syntax-entry '(#x200C . #x200D) "w" table) (modify-syntax-entry '(#x2070 . #x218F) "w" table) (modify-syntax-entry '(#x2C00 . #x2FEF) "w" table) (modify-syntax-entry '(#x3001 . #xD7FF) "w" table) (modify-syntax-entry '(#xF900 . #xFDCF) "w" table) (modify-syntax-entry '(#xFDF0 . #xFFFD) "w" table) (modify-syntax-entry '(#x10000 . #xEFFFF) "w" table) table) "Syntax table used by the XML parser. In this syntax table, the XML space characters [ \\t\\r\\n], and only those characters, have whitespace syntax.") ;;; Entry points: ;;;###autoload (defun xml-parse-file (file &optional parse-dtd parse-ns) "Parse the well-formed XML file FILE. Return the top node with all its children. If PARSE-DTD is non-nil, the DTD is parsed rather than skipped. If PARSE-NS is non-nil, then QNAMES are expanded. By default, the variable `xml-default-ns' is the mapping from namespaces to URIs, and expanded names will be returned as a cons (\"namespace:\" . \"foo\"). If PARSE-NS is an alist, it will be used as the mapping from namespace to URIs instead. If it is the symbol `symbol-qnames', expanded names will be returned as a plain symbol `namespace:foo' instead of a cons. Both features can be combined by providing a cons cell (symbol-qnames . ALIST)." (with-temp-buffer (insert-file-contents file) (xml--parse-buffer parse-dtd parse-ns))) ;;;###autoload (defun xml-parse-region (&optional beg end buffer parse-dtd parse-ns) "Parse the region from BEG to END in BUFFER. Return the XML parse tree, or raise an error if the region does not contain well-formed XML. If BEG is nil, it defaults to `point-min'. If END is nil, it defaults to `point-max'. If BUFFER is nil, it defaults to the current buffer. If PARSE-DTD is non-nil, parse the DTD and return it as the first element of the list. If PARSE-NS is non-nil, then QNAMES are expanded. By default, the variable `xml-default-ns' is the mapping from namespaces to URIs, and expanded names will be returned as a cons (\"namespace:\" . \"foo\"). If PARSE-NS is an alist, it will be used as the mapping from namespace to URIs instead. If it is the symbol `symbol-qnames', expanded names will be returned as a plain symbol `namespace:foo' instead of a cons. Both features can be combined by providing a cons cell (symbol-qnames . ALIST)." ;; Use fixed syntax table to ensure regexp char classes and syntax ;; specs DTRT. (unless buffer (setq buffer (current-buffer))) (with-temp-buffer (insert-buffer-substring-no-properties buffer beg end) (xml--parse-buffer parse-dtd parse-ns))) ;; XML [5] ;; Fixme: This needs re-writing to deal with the XML grammar properly, i.e. ;; document ::= prolog element Misc* ;; prolog ::= XMLDecl? Misc* (doctypedecl Misc*)? (defun xml--parse-buffer (parse-dtd parse-ns) (with-syntax-table xml-syntax-table (let ((case-fold-search nil) ; XML is case-sensitive. ;; Prevent entity definitions from changing the defaults (xml-entity-alist xml-entity-alist) (xml-parameter-entity-alist xml-parameter-entity-alist) xml result dtd) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (not (eobp)) (if (search-forward "<" nil t) (progn (forward-char -1) (setq result (xml-parse-tag-1 parse-dtd parse-ns)) (cond ((null result) ;; Not looking at an xml start tag. (unless (eobp) (forward-char 1))) ((and xml (not xml-sub-parser)) ;; Translation of rule [1] of XML specifications (error "XML: (Not Well-Formed) Only one root tag allowed")) ((and (listp (car result)) parse-dtd) (setq dtd (car result)) (if (cdr result) ; possible leading comment (add-to-list 'xml (cdr result)))) (t (add-to-list 'xml result)))) (goto-char (point-max)))) (if parse-dtd (cons dtd (nreverse xml)) (nreverse xml))))) (defun xml-maybe-do-ns (name default xml-ns) "Perform any namespace expansion. NAME is the name to perform the expansion on. DEFAULT is the default namespace. XML-NS is a cons of namespace names to uris. When namespace-aware parsing is off, then XML-NS is nil. During namespace-aware parsing, any name without a namespace is put into the namespace identified by DEFAULT. nil is used to specify that the name shouldn't be given a namespace. Expanded names will by default be returned as a cons. If you would like to get plain symbols instead, provide a cons cell (symbol-qnames . ALIST) in the XML-NS argument." (if (consp xml-ns) (let* ((symbol-qnames (eq (car-safe xml-ns) 'symbol-qnames)) (nsp (string-match ":" name)) (lname (if nsp (substring name (match-end 0)) name)) (prefix (if nsp (substring name 0 (match-beginning 0)) default)) (special (and (string-equal lname "xmlns") (not prefix))) ;; Setting default to nil will insure that there is not ;; matching cons in xml-ns. In which case we (ns (or (cdr (assoc (if special "xmlns" prefix) (if symbol-qnames (cdr xml-ns) xml-ns))) ""))) (if (and symbol-qnames (not (string= prefix "xmlns"))) (intern (concat ns lname)) (cons ns (if special "" lname)))) (intern name))) (defun xml-parse-tag (&optional parse-dtd parse-ns) "Parse the tag at point. If PARSE-DTD is non-nil, the DTD of the document, if any, is parsed and returned as the first element in the list. If PARSE-NS is non-nil, expand QNAMES; for further details, see `xml-parse-region'. Return one of: - a list : the matching node - nil : the point is not looking at a tag. - a pair : the first element is the DTD, the second is the node." (let* ((case-fold-search nil) ;; Prevent entity definitions from changing the defaults (xml-entity-alist xml-entity-alist) (xml-parameter-entity-alist xml-parameter-entity-alist) (buf (current-buffer)) (pos (point))) (with-temp-buffer (with-syntax-table xml-syntax-table (insert-buffer-substring-no-properties buf pos) (goto-char (point-min)) (xml-parse-tag-1 parse-dtd parse-ns))))) (defun xml-parse-tag-1 (&optional parse-dtd parse-ns) "Like `xml-parse-tag', but possibly modify the buffer while working." (let* ((xml-validating-parser (or parse-dtd xml-validating-parser)) (xml-ns (cond ((eq parse-ns 'symbol-qnames) (cons 'symbol-qnames xml-default-ns)) ((or (consp (car-safe parse-ns)) (and (eq (car-safe parse-ns) 'symbol-qnames) (listp (cdr parse-ns)))) parse-ns) (parse-ns xml-default-ns)))) (cond ;; Processing instructions, like . ((looking-at-p "<\\?") (search-forward "?>") (skip-syntax-forward " ") (xml-parse-tag-1 parse-dtd xml-ns)) ;; Character data (CDATA) sections, in which no tag should be interpreted ((looking-at "" nil t) (error "XML: (Not Well Formed) CDATA section does not end anywhere in the document")) (concat (buffer-substring-no-properties pos (match-beginning 0)) (xml-parse-string)))) ;; DTD for the document ((looking-at-p "") ;; FIXME: This loses the skipped-over spaces. (skip-syntax-forward " ") (unless (eobp) (let ((xml-sub-parser t)) (xml-parse-tag-1 parse-dtd xml-ns)))) ;; end tag ((looking-at-p "") (forward-char 2) (nreverse children)) ;; is this a valid start tag ? ((eq (char-after) ?>) (forward-char 1) ;; Now check that we have the right end-tag. (let ((end (concat ""))) (while (not (looking-at end)) (cond ((eobp) (error "XML: (Not Well-Formed) End of document while reading element `%s'" node-name)) ((looking-at-p "" nil t) (match-beginning 0) (point-max)))) node-name)) ;; Read a sub-element and push it onto CHILDREN. ((= (char-after) ?<) (let ((tag (xml-parse-tag-1 nil xml-ns))) (when tag (push tag children)))) ;; Read some character data. (t (let ((expansion (xml-parse-string))) (push (if (stringp (car children)) ;; If two strings were separated by a ;; comment, concat them. (concat (pop children) expansion) expansion) children))))) ;; Move point past the end-tag. (goto-char (match-end 0)) (nreverse children))) ;; Otherwise this was an invalid start tag (expected ">" not found.) (t (error "XML: (Well-Formed) Couldn't parse tag: %s" (buffer-substring-no-properties (- (point) 10) (+ (point) 1))))))) ;; (Not one of PI, CDATA, Comment, End tag, or Start tag) (t (unless xml-sub-parser ; Usually, we error out. (error "XML: (Well-Formed) Invalid character")) ;; However, if we're parsing incrementally, then we need to deal ;; with stray CDATA. (let ((s (xml-parse-string))) (when (zerop (length s)) ;; We haven't consumed any input! We must throw an error in ;; order to prevent looping forever. (error "XML: (Not Well-Formed) Could not parse: %s" (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (min (+ (point) 10) (point-max))))) s))))) (defun xml-parse-string () "Parse character data at point, and return it as a string. Leave point at the start of the next thing to parse. This function can modify the buffer by expanding entity and character references." (let ((start (point)) ;; Keep track of the size of the rest of the buffer: (old-remaining-size (- (buffer-size) (point))) ref val) (while (and (not (eobp)) (not (looking-at-p "<"))) ;; Find the next < or & character. (skip-chars-forward "^<&") (when (eq (char-after) ?&) ;; If we find an entity or character reference, expand it. (unless (looking-at xml-entity-or-char-ref-re) (error "XML: (Not Well-Formed) Invalid entity reference")) ;; For a character reference, the next entity or character ;; reference must be after the replacement. [4.6] "Numerical ;; character references are expanded immediately when ;; recognized and MUST be treated as character data." (if (setq ref (match-string 2)) (progn ; Numeric char reference (setq val (save-match-data (decode-char 'ucs (string-to-number ref (if (match-string 1) 16))))) (and (null val) xml-validating-parser (error "XML: (Validity) Invalid character reference `%s'" (match-string 0))) (replace-match (if val (string val) xml-undefined-entity) t t)) ;; For an entity reference, search again from the start of ;; the replaced text, since the replacement can contain ;; entity or character references, or markup. (setq ref (match-string 3) val (assoc ref xml-entity-alist)) (and (null val) xml-validating-parser (error "XML: (Validity) Undefined entity `%s'" ref)) (replace-match (or (cdr val) xml-undefined-entity) t t) (goto-char (match-beginning 0))) ;; Check for XML bombs. (and xml-entity-expansion-limit (> (- (buffer-size) (point)) (+ old-remaining-size xml-entity-expansion-limit)) (error "XML: Entity reference expansion \ surpassed `xml-entity-expansion-limit'")))) ;; [2.11] Clean up line breaks. (let ((end-marker (point-marker))) (goto-char start) (while (re-search-forward "\r\n?" end-marker t) (replace-match "\n" t t)) (goto-char end-marker) (buffer-substring start (point))))) (defun xml-parse-attlist (&optional xml-ns) "Return the attribute-list after point. Leave point at the first non-blank character after the tag." (let* ((attlist ()) (symbol-qnames (eq (car-safe xml-ns) 'symbol-qnames)) (xml-ns (if symbol-qnames (cdr xml-ns) xml-ns)) end-pos name) (skip-syntax-forward " ") (while (looking-at (eval-when-compile (concat "\\(" xml-name-re "\\)\\s-*=\\s-*"))) (setq end-pos (match-end 0)) (setq name (xml-maybe-do-ns (match-string-no-properties 1) nil xml-ns)) (goto-char end-pos) ;; See also: http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xml-20001006#AVNormalize ;; Do we have a string between quotes (or double-quotes), ;; or a simple word ? (if (looking-at "\"\\([^\"]*\\)\"") (setq end-pos (match-end 0)) (if (looking-at "'\\([^']*\\)'") (setq end-pos (match-end 0)) (error "XML: (Not Well-Formed) Attribute values must be given between quotes"))) ;; Each attribute must be unique within a given element (if (assoc name attlist) (error "XML: (Not Well-Formed) Each attribute must be unique within an element")) ;; Multiple whitespace characters should be replaced with a single one ;; in the attributes (let ((string (match-string-no-properties 1))) (replace-regexp-in-string "\\s-\\{2,\\}" " " string) (let ((expansion (xml-substitute-special string))) (unless (stringp expansion) ;; We say this is the constraint. It is actually that ;; neither external entities nor "<" can be in an ;; attribute value. (error "XML: (Not Well-Formed) Entities in attributes cannot expand into elements")) (push (cons name expansion) attlist))) (goto-char end-pos) (skip-syntax-forward " ")) (nreverse attlist))) ;;; DTD (document type declaration) ;; The following functions know how to skip or parse the DTD of a ;; document. FIXME: it fails at least if the DTD contains conditional ;; sections. (defun xml-skip-dtd () "Skip the DTD at point. This follows the rule [28] in the XML specifications." (let ((xml-validating-parser nil)) (xml-parse-dtd))) (defun xml-parse-dtd (&optional _parse-ns) "Parse the DTD at point." (forward-char (eval-when-compile (length "") xml-validating-parser) (error "XML: (Validity) Invalid DTD (expecting name of the document)")) ;; Get the name of the document (looking-at xml-name-re) (let ((dtd (list (match-string-no-properties 0) 'dtd)) (xml-parameter-entity-alist xml-parameter-entity-alist) next-parameter-entity) (goto-char (match-end 0)) (skip-syntax-forward " ") ;; External subset (XML [75]) (cond ((looking-at "PUBLIC\\s-+") (goto-char (match-end 0)) (unless (or (re-search-forward "\\=\"\\([[:space:][:alnum:]-'()+,./:=?;!*#@$_%]*\\)\"" nil t) (re-search-forward "\\='\\([[:space:][:alnum:]-()+,./:=?;!*#@$_%]*\\)'" nil t)) (error "XML: Missing Public ID")) (let ((pubid (match-string-no-properties 1))) (skip-syntax-forward " ") (unless (or (re-search-forward "\\='\\([^']*\\)'" nil t) (re-search-forward "\\=\"\\([^\"]*\\)\"" nil t)) (error "XML: Missing System ID")) (push (list pubid (match-string-no-properties 1) 'public) dtd))) ((looking-at "SYSTEM\\s-+") (goto-char (match-end 0)) (unless (or (re-search-forward "\\='\\([^']*\\)'" nil t) (re-search-forward "\\=\"\\([^\"]*\\)\"" nil t)) (error "XML: Missing System ID")) (push (list (match-string-no-properties 1) 'system) dtd))) (skip-syntax-forward " ") (if (eq (char-after) ?>) ;; No internal subset (forward-char) ;; Internal subset (XML [28b]) (unless (eq (char-after) ?\[) (error "XML: Bad DTD")) (forward-char) ;; [2.8]: "markup declarations may be made up in whole or in ;; part of the replacement text of parameter entities." ;; Since parameter entities are valid only within the DTD, we ;; first search for the position of the next possible parameter ;; entity. Then, search for the next DTD element; if it ends ;; before the next parameter entity, expand the parameter entity ;; and try again. (setq next-parameter-entity (save-excursion (if (re-search-forward xml-pe-reference-re nil t) (match-beginning 0)))) ;; Parse the rest of the DTD ;; Fixme: Deal with NOTATION, PIs. (while (not (looking-at-p "\\s-*\\]")) (skip-syntax-forward " ") (cond ((eobp) (error "XML: (Well-Formed) End of document while reading DTD")) ;; Element declaration [45]: ((and (looking-at (eval-when-compile (concat "]+\\)>"))) (or (null next-parameter-entity) (<= (match-end 0) next-parameter-entity))) (let ((element (match-string-no-properties 1)) (type (match-string-no-properties 2)) (end-pos (match-end 0))) ;; Translation of rule [46] of XML specifications (cond ((string-match-p "\\`EMPTY\\s-*\\'" type) ; empty declaration (setq type 'empty)) ((string-match-p "\\`ANY\\s-*$" type) ; any type of contents (setq type 'any)) ((string-match "\\`(\\(.*\\))\\s-*\\'" type) ; children ([47]) (setq type (xml-parse-elem-type (match-string-no-properties 1 type)))) ((string-match-p "^%[^;]+;[ \t\n\r]*\\'" type) ; substitution nil) (xml-validating-parser (error "XML: (Validity) Invalid element type in the DTD"))) ;; rule [45]: the element declaration must be unique (and (assoc element dtd) xml-validating-parser (error "XML: (Validity) DTD element declarations must be unique (<%s>)" element)) ;; Store the element in the DTD (push (list element type) dtd) (goto-char end-pos))) ;; Attribute-list declaration [52] (currently unsupported): ((and (looking-at (eval-when-compile (concat ""))) (or (null next-parameter-entity) (<= (match-end 0) next-parameter-entity))) (goto-char (match-end 0))) ;; Comments (skip to end, ignoring parameter entity): ((looking-at-p "") (and next-parameter-entity (> (point) next-parameter-entity) (setq next-parameter-entity (save-excursion (if (re-search-forward xml-pe-reference-re nil t) (match-beginning 0)))))) ;; Internal entity declarations: ((and (looking-at (eval-when-compile (concat ""))) (or (null next-parameter-entity) (<= (match-end 0) next-parameter-entity))) (let* ((name (prog1 (match-string-no-properties 2) (goto-char (match-end 0)))) (alist (if (match-string 1) 'xml-parameter-entity-alist 'xml-entity-alist)) ;; Retrieve the deplacement text: (value (xml--entity-replacement-text ;; Entity value, sans quotation marks: (substring (match-string-no-properties 3) 1 -1)))) ;; If the same entity is declared more than once, the ;; first declaration is binding. (unless (assoc name (symbol-value alist)) (set alist (cons (cons name value) (symbol-value alist)))))) ;; External entity declarations (currently unsupported): ((and (or (looking-at (eval-when-compile (concat ""))) (looking-at (eval-when-compile (concat "")))) (or (null next-parameter-entity) (<= (match-end 0) next-parameter-entity))) (goto-char (match-end 0))) ;; If a parameter entity is in the way, expand it. (next-parameter-entity (save-excursion (goto-char next-parameter-entity) (unless (looking-at xml-pe-reference-re) (error "XML: Internal error")) (let* ((entity (match-string 1)) (elt (assoc entity xml-parameter-entity-alist))) (if elt (progn (replace-match (cdr elt) t t) ;; The replacement can itself be a parameter entity. (goto-char next-parameter-entity)) (goto-char (match-end 0)))) (setq next-parameter-entity (if (re-search-forward xml-pe-reference-re nil t) (match-beginning 0))))) ;; Anything else is garbage (ignored if not validating). (xml-validating-parser (error "XML: (Validity) Invalid DTD item")) (t (skip-chars-forward "^]")))) (if (looking-at "\\s-*]>") (goto-char (match-end 0)))) (nreverse dtd))) (defun xml--entity-replacement-text (string) "Return the replacement text for the entity value STRING. The replacement text is obtained by replacing character references and parameter-entity references." (let ((ref-re (eval-when-compile (concat "\\(?:&#\\([0-9]+\\)\\|&#x\\([0-9a-fA-F]+\\)\\|%\\(" xml-name-re "\\)\\);"))) children) (while (string-match ref-re string) (push (substring string 0 (match-beginning 0)) children) (let ((remainder (substring string (match-end 0))) ref val) (cond ((setq ref (match-string 1 string)) ;; Decimal character reference (setq val (decode-char 'ucs (string-to-number ref))) (if val (push (string val) children))) ;; Hexadecimal character reference ((setq ref (match-string 2 string)) (setq val (decode-char 'ucs (string-to-number ref 16))) (if val (push (string val) children))) ;; Parameter entity reference ((setq ref (match-string 3 string)) (setq val (assoc ref xml-parameter-entity-alist)) (and (null val) xml-validating-parser (error "XML: (Validity) Undefined parameter entity `%s'" ref)) (push (or (cdr val) xml-undefined-entity) children))) (setq string remainder))) (mapconcat 'identity (nreverse (cons string children)) ""))) (defun xml-parse-elem-type (string) "Convert element type STRING into a Lisp structure." (let (elem modifier) (if (string-match "(\\([^)]+\\))\\([+*?]?\\)" string) (progn (setq elem (match-string-no-properties 1 string) modifier (match-string-no-properties 2 string)) (if (string-match-p "|" elem) (setq elem (cons 'choice (mapcar 'xml-parse-elem-type (split-string elem "|")))) (if (string-match-p "," elem) (setq elem (cons 'seq (mapcar 'xml-parse-elem-type (split-string elem ","))))))) (if (string-match "[ \t\n\r]*\\([^+*?]+\\)\\([+*?]?\\)" string) (setq elem (match-string-no-properties 1 string) modifier (match-string-no-properties 2 string)))) (if (and (stringp elem) (string= elem "#PCDATA")) (setq elem 'pcdata)) (cond ((string= modifier "+") (list '+ elem)) ((string= modifier "*") (list '* elem)) ((string= modifier "?") (list '\? elem)) (t elem)))) ;;; Substituting special XML sequences (defun xml-substitute-special (string) "Return STRING, after substituting entity and character references. STRING is assumed to occur in an XML attribute value." (let ((strlen (length string)) children) (while (string-match xml-entity-or-char-ref-re string) (push (substring string 0 (match-beginning 0)) children) (let* ((remainder (substring string (match-end 0))) (is-hex (match-string 1 string)) ; Is it a hex numeric reference? (ref (match-string 2 string))) ; Numeric part of reference (if ref ;; [4.6] Character references are included as ;; character data. (let ((val (decode-char 'ucs (string-to-number ref (if is-hex 16))))) (push (cond (val (string val)) (xml-validating-parser (error "XML: (Validity) Undefined character `x%s'" ref)) (t xml-undefined-entity)) children) (setq string remainder strlen (length string))) ;; [4.4.5] Entity references are "included in literal". ;; Note that we don't need do anything special to treat ;; quotes as normal data characters. (setq ref (match-string 3 string)) ; entity name (let ((val (or (cdr (assoc ref xml-entity-alist)) (if xml-validating-parser (error "XML: (Validity) Undefined entity `%s'" ref) xml-undefined-entity)))) (setq string (concat val remainder))) (and xml-entity-expansion-limit (> (length string) (+ strlen xml-entity-expansion-limit)) (error "XML: Passed `xml-entity-expansion-limit' while expanding `&%s;'" ref))))) (mapconcat 'identity (nreverse (cons string children)) ""))) (defun xml-substitute-numeric-entities (string) "Substitute SGML numeric entities by their respective utf characters. This function replaces numeric entities in the input STRING and returns the modified string. For example \"*\" gets replaced by \"*\"." (if (and string (stringp string)) (let ((start 0)) (while (string-match "&#\\([0-9]+\\);" string start) (ignore-errors (setq string (replace-match (string (read (substring string (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))) nil nil string))) (setq start (1+ (match-beginning 0)))) string) nil)) ;;; Printing a parse tree (mainly for debugging). (defun xml-debug-print (xml &optional indent-string) "Outputs the XML in the current buffer. XML can be a tree or a list of nodes. The first line is indented with the optional INDENT-STRING." (setq indent-string (or indent-string "")) (dolist (node xml) (xml-debug-print-internal node indent-string))) (defalias 'xml-print 'xml-debug-print) (defun xml-escape-string (string) "Convert STRING into a string containing valid XML character data. Replace occurrences of &<>\\='\" in STRING with their default XML entity references (e.g., replace each & with &). XML character data must not contain & or < characters, nor the > character under some circumstances. The XML spec does not impose restriction on \" or \\=', but we just substitute for these too \(as is permitted by the spec)." (with-temp-buffer (insert string) (dolist (substitution '(("&" . "&") ("<" . "<") (">" . ">") ("'" . "'") ("\"" . """))) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (search-forward (car substitution) nil t) (replace-match (cdr substitution) t t nil))) (buffer-string))) (defun xml-debug-print-internal (xml indent-string) "Outputs the XML tree in the current buffer. The first line is indented with INDENT-STRING." (let ((tree xml) attlist) (insert indent-string ?< (symbol-name (xml-node-name tree))) ;; output the attribute list (setq attlist (xml-node-attributes tree)) (while attlist (insert ?\ (symbol-name (caar attlist)) "=\"" (xml-escape-string (cdar attlist)) ?\") (setq attlist (cdr attlist))) (setq tree (xml-node-children tree)) (if (null tree) (insert ?/ ?>) (insert ?>) ;; output the children (dolist (node tree) (cond ((listp node) (insert ?\n) (xml-debug-print-internal node (concat indent-string " "))) ((stringp node) (insert (xml-escape-string node))) (t (error "Invalid XML tree")))) (when (not (and (null (cdr tree)) (stringp (car tree)))) (insert ?\n indent-string)) (insert ?< ?/ (symbol-name (xml-node-name xml)) ?>)))) (provide 'xml) ;;; xml.el ends here