On 2016-12-07 09:49, Andreas Röhler wrote: > That was just an example. However, with this in mind, the file was > never ready for production. To be constructive: the major flaw in > this context are circular dependencies. Which was pointed at already. > As long as these circularities aren't dissolved, debugging might be > an ordeal. Can you give a concise description of what concretely is wrong with syntax-ppss, and how it could be made better? "it might be a bit tricky to debug" and "there's a scary comment somewhere in the source" are very weak reasons to call it "never ready for production", no? Also: Isn't something that works fine on millions in of Emacs instances and has been in production for over 15 years "ready for production" by definition? I haven't seen many issues reported about syntax-ppss since I started following the bugs list a year ago… Thanks! Clément.