On 22.09.2020 15:10, Theodor Thornhill wrote:
Jostein Kjønigsen <jostein@secure.kjonigsen.net> writes:

Hey Theo.

Thanks for your work on trying to get something new, and possibly better 
C#-support mainlined in Emacs!
My pleasure - hopefully we'll get there :)


Hey Theo.

I still haven't looked at the code in your patch, but I've applied it to latest Emacs Git master, and given it a test-run.

When going over existing code, everything looks and feels nice. And it's much faster than my "old", non-transferable code. So I definitely think this is a very good start.

While I hold no "position" in GNU or Emacs as a whole, I would consider myself a C# veteran (since 2004), and as the old maintainer of old csharp-mode, I think I have some experience which may be useful.

So for the time being, I'll just promote myself to being the "critical Emacs C#-user", and provide some feedback based on my expectations for how editing C# should feel or behave.

Please don't consider the following comments as negative towards your work, or me in any way trying to dissuade you from getting this mainlined. I'm just here to try to help you ensure that what you land is going to be "good enough" so that it will be easier to argue for inclusion in core-Emacs later on :)

So with all that said, so far I've noticed a few things which I think arguably goes against C# convention, and would be nice to get fixed, if possible. There's also a some things where I just feel it would "better" to do things differently.

Roughly it boils down to this list:

1. Attributes

2. Object initializers

3. Lambda indentation

4. Misc variables/field fontification issues

First off: Attributes are not handled properly.

In java-mode annotations gets fontified and indented properly:

In your current csharp-mode draft, we get no fontification, and we also get a trailing indentation bug for the equivalent C# code:

For annotation-heavy frameworks like ASP.Net Core this might get annoying. It would be great if this could get fixed.

Second: Object initializers are not indented properly.

Consider the following fairly simple case. Using the provided patch we get the following indentation:

According to C# convention, one would expect something more like this:

This one is arguably very hard to get right, because it's a conceptually infinitely recursive problem. (You may initialize a property with another object-initializer.)

While solving this perfectly for all cases is clearly out the window, do you think it would be possible at least to make 1-level object-initilizers work?

One the bright side collection-initializers seems to work just fine :)

Third: Lamda-function indentation when used with higher order functions

Lambdas also suffer from some unexpected indentation issues:

Here I would expect the following indentation instead:

Fourth: variable-fontification

Here I have no absolute C# convention to quote for absolute correctness, but it kinda "feels wrong" to me at places.

Without a proper language-engine to guide us, it will be literally impossible to know what is a class, a namespace, an enum, a local field or an actual variable at any point in the code, and fontify the code 100% correctly based on that.

So we'll have to make due with imperfections, make some pragmatical decisions on what we think will be good default/fallback values, and that's OK.

Right now though, all implicitly typed variables (vars), local variables with method-access and local fields with property-access are shown using font-lock-constant-face and that seems a bit off:

For var-heavy functions, this inconsistency is somewhat distracting, and I would much prefer a font-lock-variable-face fallback in these cases.

As for "_field" and "foo.", I'm not sure what the best fallback would be. Without a language-engine to guide us, this is genuinely hard stuff to get right.

By C# convention pascalCased or _underCased identifiers typically represent local variables and object-local fields (and thus might use font-lock-variable-face as a fallback).

Conversely CamelCased identifiers typically represent either Classes or public properties/methods on those, depending on identifier in question being dot-accessed or not (and for these another face might make more sense).

I'm sure just discussing the soft-rules for these aspects could take months alone, not speaking for the effort required to actually making it happen in code.

Consider it something to aim for, but I wouldn't expect anyone to get this right in a version 1 of anything.

Otherwise, great work, and thank you for putting in this effort!

Kind regards
Jostein Kjønigsen

jostein@kjonigsen.net 🍵 jostein@gmail.com