I'll be honest, every time I've ever seen Hyperbole attempted to be explained, it goes over my head in 2 seconds.

It seems like something akin to Acme where its mouse driven button events that trigger other things to occur.

Could never find a single solid video that dumbed down Hyperbole to make it useful for the average person though unfortunately. Seems neat though.



On Thu, Jun 23, 2022, at 1:22 AM, indieterminacy wrote:
On 23-06-2022 06:04, David Masterson wrote:
> Samuel Wales <samologist@gmail.com> writes:

>> i am interested in whether hyperbole can inspire org.  or maybe spin
>> off stuff that is useful for org.

> Hyperbole is loaded and activated in your .emacs file.  Therefore, it's
> features are available in any file you work on (including Org
> files). Many of the features may be useful to you as a replacement to a
> feature in Org or something to work along side Org.  Dig into the
> Hyperbole manual...

any buffer!

so it works inside emacs teminal emulators too!
Jonathan McHugh