Of course, `C-g' removes the mismatch portion. But if there is no mismatch portion then it cancels searching, instead of being a no-op. But I think that what I described: a key that deletes the mismatched portion, might actually solve your problem of searching within a keyboard macro. When defining the macro, you could presumably just hit that key when typing the search string is "done". If there is no mismatched portion for a given search, then the key would do nothing. However, the interactive part of using your macro wrt searching is not really clear to me. So maybe I'm missing something. Anyway, such a key does not exist yet, but if I get some time I'll try to come up with it. Or perhaps someone else (you?) will beat me to it. Look in isearch.el for the part of the code that identifies the mismatched portion for highlighting, or the part of `isearch-edit-string' that moves the cursor to the mismatch beginning. HTH. Drew, thanks for the answer. Unfortunately I need a different behavior in my particular case. I was proposed with similar work-around also on stack overflow. Though, I'm often using incremental search for query specific tags in a large text file which is used like database system with help of some configuration and scripts. Before each incremental search there is a macro which places me to BOF and afterwards starts incremental search. For this scheme it would be very convenient just not to append mismatched part at all. I understand that it's not that standard feature and I use different approach when let's say coding or typing text but again for this particular case I need the mentioned behavior. It will save me some additional clicks to backspace and/or c-s c-g. In other words: I'm looking for a way of not showing mismatched characters during incremental search. Thanks a lot for your time.