With the latest bazaar pull (revno 99388), after `make bootstrap' (macosx 10.6.2, configure --with-ns), the resulting emacs gives me an error when I try to open an existing file in org-mode. The backtrace contains a null character, so I'm attaching it as a zip file (hoping that that's reasonably easy to deal with these days) as well. The outline-map-region line shows ^@ and ^K, whereas the actual backtrace includes null and control-K. Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)$ copy-marker(nil)$ outline-map-region(#[nil "^H X\203\n^@\304 \207\n\210^K\207" [outline-level levels beg end outline-show-heading] 2] 47 nil)$ hide-sublevels(1)$ org-overview()$ org-cycle-internal-global()$ org-cycle((4))$ org-set-startup-visibility()$ org-mode()$ set-auto-mode-0(org-mode nil)$ set-auto-mode()$ normal-mode(t)$ after-find-file(nil t)$ find-file-noselect-1(# "~/tmp/foo.org" nil nil "~/tmp/foo.org" (12094261 234881026))$ find-file-noselect("~/tmp/foo.org" nil nil t)$ find-file("~/tmp/foo.org" t)$ call-interactively(find-file nil nil)$ Please let me know if there's something else I can do to help. *Chad