Hi, As RMS recently pointed out, we should have something like Libre.js for our JavaScript Webkit Xwidgets in emacs. I plan to implement that idea, but I have some design choices and would like to hear inputs from you guys. There are two obvious options to achieve this: 1) Implement (part of) the Web Extension API https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API and let libre.js runs as-is in Emacs. 2) reimplement libre.js as libre.el Both will require adding primitives to Emacs C source to expose urlRequest events, etc. Option 1, besides enabling libre.js, can also bring numerous existing cross-browser extensions to Emacs, if we finally support a large enough portion of the Web Extension API. However those extensions are all written in JS and JS is worse than Elisp. Option 2 might require as much work as option 1, but without the additional benefit (or drawback?) of bringing other JS extensions. What do you think? Best, Qiantan qhong@mit.edu