Friends,   I have one again written a library to segregate user configuration files among different concerns --- data, config, runtime and cache --- following the XDG user directory specification.  I enclose the library.   From the commentary in user-directories/user-directories.el ;; Following the XDG Base Directory Specification ;; (, ;; user-directories strives to allow a package writer or an Emacs user ;; to segregate the various Emacs configuration and runtime files into ;; appropriate directories. ;; ;; Thus, following the specification, a configuration file (normally a ;; file that is written by the user or in behalf of him) will reside ;; in the configuration directory (normally ~/.config/emacs).  It ca ;; be located with: ;; ;;   (locate-user-config-file "init.el") ;;   "/home/fhc/.config/emacs/init.el" ;; ;; Similarly, there are locator functions for third party files --- ;; `locate-user-data-file' --- and for cache files --- ;; `locate-user-cache-file'.  Run time files, locatable with ;; `locate-user-runtime-files' will be erased at the last logout, ;; according to the specification, and are thus appropriate for ;; security-sensitive data. ;; ;; There are also directories defined for :documents, :music, :videos, ;; :pictures and :downloads.  In Linux, also other that the command ;; xdg-user-dir can reference, like :templates or :publicshare. ;; Locator functions are concomitantly created.  For instance, in one ;; of my machines (Linux, portuguese): ;; ;;   (locate-user-documents-file "org/index.txt") ;;   "/home/fhc/Documentos/org/index.txt" ;; ;;   (locate-user-pictures-file "image.png") ;;   "/home/fhc/Imagens/image.png" ;; ;; Emacs Lisp package writers may use the former functions to ;; segregate files among different concerns.  For instance: ;; ;;   (setq abbrev-file-name (locate-user-config-file "abbrev_defs")) ;;   (setq projectile-known-projects-file (locate-user-data-file "projectile-bookmarks.eld")) ;;   (setq projectile-cache-file (locate-user-cache-file "projectile.cache")) ;; * HOW DO I INSTALL IT?   Just including the two directories in a site-lisp directory is enough on my machine to recognize ~/.config/emacs/init.el and run it at the site start.   Unfortunately, user-init-file will not be set, because I think it is hardcoded in C from an array of possibilities.  However, user-emacs-directory is correctly set, and thus all the files that would be in ~/.emacs.d will be located by default at the :data directory --- and elisp package writers can start to put all created files to the correct directories, according to their concerns. * WHAT ABOUT FREEBSD, OSX, ETC?   Discovery is provided on Windows and Linux.  The value at system-type will determine which discovery provider is loaded.  A value of gnu/linux will load user-directories-linux.el and a value of windows-nt will load user-directories-windows-nt.el.   If one wants to add a file named user-directories-darwin.el or user-directories-kfreebsd.el, patterned after user-directories-linux.el or user-directories-windows-nt.el, then the directories for the two systems would be correctly discovered.  As a cavaet emptor, I haven't tested any windows-nt discovery, since I do not use Emacs on Windows.  If the value system-type has no file to provide discoveries, all the :data, :cache, :runtime and :config directories will be created, but this time inside user-emacs-directory.   I have assigned the copyright to the Free Software Foundation. * WHAT CAN STILL BE DONE?   - user-directories/user-directories-darwin.el;   - user-directories/user-directories-kfreebsd.el;   - improve setup-user-directories-default, if the layout specified at that function is not sensible   - make user-init-file writable during initialisation --- while one loads the XDG file, and tries to set user-init-file at user-directories-init.el, the value reverts to ~/.emacs for no reason.  Help needed here.   Thanks for your time.     Best wishes,       Francisco Colaço