On 29/09/2007, Alan Mackenzie wrote: > > > Because XML is more flexible and a more modern standard for > > documentation IMHO. > > Assembler is more flexible than C, but nobody nowadays uses assembler > very much. Being "more modern" has never been a compelling argument for > anything in Emacs. The question to ask is "is it any good?". Yes. Look around. > > XML isn't any good as a source format; it's designed to be parseable by > programs with minimum effort, and places no value on being readable or > writeable. Using XML/Docbook as a source language would be taking a > step back to 1960s technology: Rubbish. > > (i) There is nothing like Texinfo's "@" or Lisp's/C's "\" for escape > purposes; you've got to write "<" as "<", much like you had to write > ".lt." in Fortran. "ΓΌ" (German "u umlaut") appears as "ü". And so > on. Yuck! That stuff isn't unreadable, but it's uncomfortably close, > and it's clumsy enough to condemn XML. Go play catchup Alan. You're years behind. About ten. > > (ii) Instead of using single character block delimiters like "{}" in C > or "()" in Lisp, XML uses long, long keywords, e.g. > "" to open a block and > "" to close it. This harks back to > Algol's and Pascal's "BEGIN" and "END". It also reduces the readability > and signal to noise ratio horribly. Hackers detest prolixity. ;-) It's called semantic markup. > > (iii) You can't just comment out a block of XML. Wrong. > Doing so make the > source syntactically incorrect. In fact, XML comments have a rigid > syntactic structure which stops you describing XML constructs in them. > I think this snag, in itself, rules out XML/Docbook as a sensible source > format. Where have you been? > > (iv) This one might just be me, but I find "<" and ">" as delimiters far > too jaggy and violent (except for occasional use, as in C's "#include > " or a C++/Java template). It's just you. > > > > I guess too many developpers actually use Texinfo to document their > > > code, and both users and developpers seem to be happy with that. Let's agree to differ on that. > > > You may be right. I think it is worth challenging though, otherwise > > we'll never progress? > > XML as a source language isn't progress; it's like regressing into the > dark ages. Go ask around the OSS world what's being used for documentation. > I suspect most Docbook writers actually use special purpose > editors to create their source code, rather than Emacs or vi. Emacs has done for me for the last ten years. > I'm not saying that Texinfo is ideal, Oh good. -- Dave Pawson XSLT XSL-FO FAQ. http://www.dpawson.co.uk