Adding on to the ruby-ts-mode I thought I would point out an example of the type of power available with tree sitter. With a not so complex function: (defun my-func ( node parent &rest _) "Proof of concept to do right justification of NODE and PARENT." (message "here %s" (treesit-node-text node)) (let* ((children (treesit-node-children parent t)) (open-bracket (nth 0 (treesit-node-children parent nil))) (first-child (nth 0 children)) (same-line (equal (line-number-at-pos (treesit-node-start open-bracket)) (line-number-at-pos (treesit-node-start first-child)))) (max-length (apply #'max (mapcar (lambda ( child ) (- (treesit-node-end child) (treesit-node-start child))) children))) (node-length (- (treesit-node-end node) (treesit-node-start node))) (grand-parent-bol (save-excursion (goto-char (treesit-node-start (treesit-node-parent parent))) (back-to-indentation) (point))) (align-column (if same-line (- (+ (treesit-node-end open-bracket) max-length 1) ruby-ts-mode-indent-offset) (+ grand-parent-bol max-length 1)))) (- align-column node-length))) And two indent rules: ((query "(array \"[\" ( (_) ( \",\" (_) )*) @indent \",\"? \"]\")") my-func ruby-ts-mode-indent-offset) ((n-p-gp "]" "array" "assignment") grand-parent ruby-ts-mode-indent-offset) The programmer can now right justify elements of an array in two different fashions: if dog array = [ 145, 21110, 11 ] end if dog array = [ 145, 21110, 11] end The two rules could be conditionally added to the rest of the rules via a customizable boolean variable such as ruby-ts-mode--right-justify-arrays (for example). And this concept could be applied to hashes. The possibilities are almost endless. My question is, do others see adding this versatility at this point in time to the Emacs distribution as desirable? Should we wait and see how users use the new system? Perhaps some see both of the above formats as abominations. Perry