
I have a problem to compile my code in emacs. I simply run the compile command>

        C:/cygwin/bin/gcc.exe -Wall -o test test.c

Following information just shows:

        Compilation exited abnormally with code 1 at Sat Feb 27 22:15:30

And nothing else. I can compile the code in Cygwin and there is no problem. Also, when I tried the following compile command:


It shows:

        gcc: no input files

        Compilation exited abnormally with code 1 at Sat Feb 27 22:21:39

Which I think means the enviorment is correct.

Now I'm stuck here, could you help me?

BR Minghui

PS: My computer enviorment is:

Emacs  22.3.1, Windows 2000, Cygwin