I am not sure what I would answer to this question.  I am retired from an academic post but still do the kind of things I did from the 1970s.  Even as an academic did stuff for other areas, computing mostly.  Buy I must choose one, so I guess "other".
==John ff
On 23 May 2022, at 18:29, Timothy <tecosaur@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Jean,

Jean Louis <bugs@gnu.support> writes:

** Which industry do you work in? :RadioSelect:
- [ ] Academia (Student)
- [ ] Academia/Research
- [ ] Education
- [ ] FinTech
- [ ] Healthcare
- [ ] Legal
- [ ] Manufacturing
- [ ] Software Development
- [ ] Telecom
- [ ] *other*

That question of industry provides some defaults which are rather
subjectively choosen

Any list of industries is subjective.

it is better that people enter industry themselves.

They can do so via the other field. The aim here is to capture what I suspect
will be the most common responses.

Or make a proper list of industries, something like:




“Student” is not an industry.

No, but I think it’s the most helpful response students could give.

Academia is not a specific industry, you maybe wish to say

I picked “academia” to avoid any potential confusion with student/university.

“Education” is not an industry, maybe “Education Services” is better.


All the best,