My apologies for overlooking the other option. I do agree that having symmetry between the packages would lend itself to ease of configuration. Either way, I'm happy the option exists. Thank you.  -------- Original message --------From: Juri Linkov Date: 3/18/20 7:58 PM (GMT-05:00) To: No Wayman Cc: Subject: Re: Feature request: tab-line-new-button-show > Juri very kindly added `tab-bar-new-button-show' to control the display of> the new button in tab-bar-mode in response to a message I sent him> on Reddit.>> I think an analogue variable in tab-line-mode would be great for> keyboard-centric users of tab-line-mode.Thanks for the feedback.  tab-line-mode definitely should allow doing the same.Actually it already does.  When tab-line-new-tab-choice is customized to nil -"No button".