Any new on this yet - either recieving the forms or concerns about the code?

Nathaniel Flath

On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 2:46 PM, Nathaniel Flath <> wrote:
I received the forms yesterday and sent them back, so the FSF should get them in about a week.  The contract I signed mentioned I was recieving a dollar for the copyright - any idea when I can expect it?

I found another issue whith that regex, which was it didn't recognize functions that throw exceptions.  I fixed that, and have been using it since September with no additional issues.

(defvar cc-imenu-java-generic-expression
       "[" c-alpha "_][\]\[." c-alnum "_<> ]+[ \t\n\r]+" ; type spec
       "\\([" c-alpha "_][" c-alnum "_]*\\)" ; method name
       "[ \t\n\r]*"
       ;; An argument list htat is either empty or contains any number
       ;; of arppguments.  An argument is any number of annotations

       ;; followed by a type spec followed by a word.  A word is an
       ;; identifier.  A type spec is an identifier, possibly followed
       ;; by < typespec > possibly followed by [].
       (concat "("
               "[ \t\n\r]*"
               "[" c-alpha "_]"
               "[" c-alnum "._]""*"
               "[ \t\n\r]+"
               "[" c-alpha "_]"
               "[\]\[" c-alnum "_.]*"

               "[ \t\n\r]*"
               "[\]\[.," c-alnum "_<> \t\n\r]*"
               "[ \t\n\r]+"
               "[" c-alpha "_]"
               "[" c-alnum "_]*"
               "[ \t\n\r,]*"
               "[.," c-alnum " \t\n\r]*"

               )) 1))
  "Imenu generic expression for Java mode.  See `imenu-generic-expression'.")

Nathaniel Flath

On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 9:32 PM, Stefan Monnier <> wrote:
> I have not signed any copyright assignment forms to the FSF - I'll print
> them out and mail them in on Monday.

The way it works is as follows: fill the form below, and email it as
instructed, at which point the FSF will send you the form you need
to sign.


Please email the following information to, and we
will send you the assignment form for your past and future changes.

Please use your full legal name (in ASCII characters) as the subject
line of the message.

[What is the name of the program or package you're contributing to?]

[Did you copy any files or text written by someone else in these changes?
Even if that material is free software, we need to know about it.]

[Do you have an employer who might have a basis to claim to own
your changes?  Do you attend a school which might make such a claim?]

[For the copyright registration, what country are you a citizen of?]

[What year were you born?]

[Please write your email address here.]

[Please write your postal address here.]

[Which files have you changed so far, and which new files have you written
so far?]