To see what kgdb is doing run kgdb -a -r /dev/cuad0 kernel.debug and perhaps kgdb -a -a -a -r /dev/cuad0 kernel.debug from the command line. With GDB, Emacs uses the marker ^Z^Z to parse the file and line number: (gdb) b main Breakpoint 1 at 0x804862c: file myprog.c, line 95. (gdb) r Starting program: /home/nickrob/myprog Breakpoint 1, main (argc=1, argv=0xbfcfbfd4) at myprog.c:95 ^Z^Z/home/nickrob/myprog.c:95:1274:beg:0x804862c (gdb) kgdb should output something similar. However, I guess the kernel in your case is already running, so maybe it's a bit like attaching to a process and perhaps the first marker is missing. Sanjeev: I'm using emacs graphical. I see now what you meant by gdb-many-windows (locals and breakpoints and stackframes). and I dont think its got anything to do with source code display, eg in my case even after the new break enters the old source code is displayed in the multi-window mode. and when I do a "n" the current source where the break hit was displayed. and like in other emacs instances after the "n" when I do a "f" I get the source opened in a seperate window if it is not already opened. But I think like you said the marker ^Z^Z is missing, I dont want to step everytime I jump into gdb to see where I am in the code. Any way to get this working ? I tried doing a ^Z^Z on the emacs window and it minimized on the first ^Z :). Doesnt want me to use it anymore. Regards, Sanjeev. --------------------------------- Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.