Help with ‘shell-mode’

‘M-r’ (comint-history-isearch-backward-regexp)
  Search for a regular expression backward in input history using Isearch.

‘<C-up>’, ‘M-p’ (comint-previous-input)
  Cycle backwards through input history, saving input.

‘<C-down>’, ‘M-n’ (comint-next-input)
  Cycle forwards through input history.

‘C-c .’ (comint-insert-previous-argument)
  Insert the INDEXth argument from the previous Comint command-line at point.

‘C-c C-s’ (comint-write-output)
  Write output from interpreter since last input to FILENAME.

‘C-c C-d’ (comint-send-eof)
  Send an EOF to the current buffer's process.

‘C-c C-p’ (comint-previous-prompt)
  Move to end of Nth previous prompt in the buffer.

‘C-c C-n’ (comint-next-prompt)
  Move to end of Nth next prompt in the buffer.

‘C-c C-l’ (comint-dynamic-list-input-ring)
  Display a list of recent inputs entered into the current buffer.

‘C-c C-e’ (comint-show-maximum-output)
  Put the end of the buffer at the bottom of the window.

‘C-c C-r’, ‘C-M-l’ (comint-show-output)
  Display start of this batch of interpreter output at top of window.

‘C-c C-o’ (comint-delete-output)
  Delete all output from interpreter since last input.

‘C-c RET’ (comint-copy-old-input)
  Insert after prompt old input at point as new input to be edited.

‘C-c C-\’ (comint-quit-subjob)
  Send quit signal to the current subjob.

‘C-c C-z’ (comint-stop-subjob)
  Stop the current subjob.

‘C-c C-c’ (comint-interrupt-subjob)
  Interrupt the current subjob.

‘C-c C-w’ (backward-kill-word)
  Kill characters backward until encountering the beginning of a word.

‘C-c C-u’ (comint-kill-input)
  Kill all text from last stuff output by interpreter to point.

‘C-c C-a’ (comint-bol-or-process-mark)
  Move point to beginning of line (after prompt) or to the process mark.

‘C-c C-x’ (comint-get-next-from-history)
  After fetching a line from input history, this fetches the following line.

‘C-c SPC’ (comint-accumulate)
  Accumulate a line to send as input along with more lines.

‘C-c M-r’ (comint-previous-matching-input-from-input)
  Search backwards through input history for match for current input.

‘C-c M-s’ (comint-next-matching-input-from-input)
  Search forwards through input history for match for current input.

‘C-c M-o’ (comint-clear-buffer)
  Clear the comint buffer.

‘RET’ (comint-send-input)
  Send input to process.

‘C-d’ (comint-delchar-or-maybe-eof)
  Delete ARG characters forward or send an EOF to subprocess.

‘<kp-delete>’, ‘<delete>’ (delete-forward-char)
  Delete the following N characters (previous if N is negative).

‘<mouse-2>’ (comint-insert-input)
  In a Comint buffer, set the current input to the previous input at point.

‘C-c C-b’ (shell-backward-command)
  Move backward across ARG shell command(s).  Does not cross lines.

‘C-c C-f’ (shell-forward-command)
  Move forward across ARG shell command(s).  Does not cross lines.

‘TAB’ (completion-at-point)
  Perform completion on the text around point.

‘M-?’ (comint-dynamic-list-filename-completions)
  Display a list of possible completions for the filename at point.

‘M-RET’ (shell-resync-dirs)
  Resync the buffer's idea of the current directory stack.