Help with ‘rst-mode’

‘C-M-i’ (ispell-complete-word)
  Try to complete the word before or at point.

‘C-c 5’ (rst-deprecated-compile-slides-preview)
  Deprecated binding for rst-compile-slides-preview, use \[rst-compile-slides-preview] instead.

‘C-c 4’ (rst-deprecated-compile-pdf-preview)
  Deprecated binding for rst-compile-pdf-preview, use \[rst-compile-pdf-preview] instead.

‘C-c 3’ (rst-deprecated-compile-pseudo-region)
  Deprecated binding for rst-compile-pseudo-region, use \[rst-compile-pseudo-region] instead.

‘C-c 2’ (rst-deprecated-compile-alt-toolset)
  Deprecated binding for rst-compile-alt-toolset, use \[rst-compile-alt-toolset] instead.

‘C-c 1’ (rst-deprecated-compile)
  Deprecated binding for rst-compile, use \[rst-compile] instead.

‘C-c C-c C-c’ (rst-compile)
  Compile command to convert reST document into some output file.

‘C-c C-c C-a’ (rst-compile-alt-toolset)
  Compile command with the alternative tool-set.

‘C-c C-c C-x’ (rst-compile-pseudo-region)
  Show pseudo-XML rendering.

‘C-c C-c C-p’ (rst-compile-pdf-preview)
  Convert the document to a PDF file and launch a preview program.

‘C-c C-c C-s’ (rst-compile-slides-preview)
  Convert the document to an S5 slide presentation and launch a preview program.

‘C-c C-f’ (rst-deprecated-goto-section)
  Deprecated binding for rst-goto-section, use \[rst-goto-section] instead.

‘C-c C-u’ (rst-deprecated-toc-update)
  Deprecated binding for rst-toc-update, use \[rst-toc-update] instead.

‘C-c TAB’ (rst-deprecated-toc-insert)
  Deprecated binding for rst-toc-insert, use \[rst-toc-insert] instead.

‘C-c C-t C-t’ (rst-toc)
  Display a table-of-contents.

‘C-c C-t TAB’ (rst-toc-insert)
  Insert a simple text rendering of the table of contents.

‘C-c C-t C-u’ (rst-toc-update)
  Automatically find the contents section of a document and update.

‘C-c C-t C-j’ (rst-goto-section)
  Go to the section the current line describes.

‘C-c C-w’ (rst-deprecated-straighten-bullets-region)
  Deprecated binding for rst-straighten-bullets-region, use \[rst-straighten-bullets-region] instead.

‘C-c C-v’ (rst-deprecated-convert-bullets-to-enumeration)
  Deprecated binding for rst-convert-bullets-to-enumeration, use \[rst-convert-bullets-to-enumeration] instead.

‘C-c C-e’ (rst-deprecated-enumerate-region)
  Deprecated binding for rst-enumerate-region, use \[rst-enumerate-region] instead.

‘C-c C-b’ (rst-deprecated-bullet-list-region)
  Deprecated binding for rst-bullet-list-region, use \[rst-bullet-list-region] instead.

‘C-c C-l C-b’ (rst-bullet-list-region)
  Add bullets to all the leftmost paragraphs in the given region.

‘C-c C-l C-e’ (rst-enumerate-region)
  Add enumeration to all the leftmost paragraphs in the given region.

‘C-c C-l C-c’ (rst-convert-bullets-to-enumeration)
  Convert the bulleted and enumerated items in the region to enumerated lists.

‘C-c C-l C-s’ (rst-straighten-bullets-region)
  Make all the bulleted list items in the region consistent.

‘C-c C-l TAB’ (rst-insert-list)
  Insert a list item at the current point.

‘C-c C-d’ (rst-deprecated-line-block-region)
  Deprecated binding for rst-line-block-region, use \[rst-line-block-region] instead.

‘C-c C-r C-l’ (rst-line-block-region)
  Toggle line block prefixes for a region.

‘C-c C-r <tab>’ (rst-shift-region)
  Shift region BEG to END by CNT tabs.

‘C-c C-r <t>’, ‘C-c C-l <t>’ (rst-deprecated-shift-region)
  Deprecated binding for rst-shift-region, use \[rst-shift-region] instead.

‘C-c C-p’ (rst-deprecated-forward-section)
  Deprecated binding for rst-forward-section, use \[rst-forward-section] instead.

‘C-c C-n’ (rst-deprecated-backward-section)
  Deprecated binding for rst-backward-section, use \[rst-backward-section] instead.

‘C-c RET’ (rst-deprecated-mark-section)
  Deprecated binding for rst-mark-section, use \[rst-mark-section] instead.

‘C-c C-s’ (rst-deprecated-straighten-adornments)
  Deprecated binding for rst-straighten-adornments, use \[rst-straighten-adornments] instead.

‘C-c C-a <t>’ (rst-deprecated-adjust)
  Deprecated binding for rst-adjust, use \[rst-adjust] instead.

‘C-c C-a C-d’ (rst-display-adornments-hierarchy)
  Display the current file's section title adornments hierarchy.

‘C-c C-a C-s’ (rst-straighten-adornments)
  Redo all the adornments in the current buffer.

‘C-c C-h’, ‘C-c C-a C-h’, ‘C-c C-r C-h’, ‘C-c C-l C-h’, ‘C-c C-t C-h’, ‘C-c C-c C-h’ (describe-prefix-bindings)
  Describe the bindings of the prefix used to reach this command.

‘C-=’, ‘C-c C-=’, ‘C-c C-a C-a’ (rst-adjust)
  Auto-adjust the adornment around point.

‘C-M-e’ (rst-forward-section)
  Skip to the next reStructuredText section title.

‘C-M-a’ (rst-backward-section)
  Like `rst-forward-section', except move back one title.

‘C-M-h’ (rst-mark-section)
  Select COUNT sections around point.