On 2/14/15 1:25 AM, Jan D. wrote: > > Also, /Library is in not the equivalent of /usr/local. /usr/local is the equivalent of /usr/local. Not really. /usr/local is for unix command liney stuff, which Emacs isn't really a part of once it becomes a self contained .app. > /Library is a system directory, a mix of /etc and /usr/share. There are startup daemons there, fonts, internet plugins and so on. These things are not in /usr/local on any sane Unix-like OS. /Library is not really a system directory, though the system does install stuff there by default. You're right that it's a bit of a mix, but it's also definitely got /usr/local leanings as well. Apple says this about it [1]: > /Library (OS X only)—Apps that share resources between users store those resources in this version of the Library directory. So it's certainly OK to put site wide application stuff in /Library (given that it's Apple's stated purpose). And I believe it's technically 100% kosher to delete anything in there. Nothing in there is critical to the system running. The Fonts that actually matter are in /System/Library/Fonts. That's not really here nor there though (but it's why I said it's "not really" a system directory). The question is why should Emacs not default to a reasonable, user controlled site-wide place? And where should that place be? I think it's worthwhile to take a look at what Perl does, because it's one of the more fitting-in-est unix programs the Mac ships with. The built-in Perl modules are in /System/Library/Perl. If you run 'cpan' and install modules yourself, they go into /Library/Perl. Tcl is similar. So what I'm proposing is not without precedent... I believe if a Mac user saw that /Library/Application Support/Emacs or /Library/Emacs in the load-path, they would not bat an eye, and would completely understand under what circumstances they would add stuff there. On the other hand, there's a bit of asymmetry since the user's config is still ~/.emacs and not ~/Library/Application Support/Emacs (and I wouldn't want that to change). Even so, I still think /Library is the right place to default locallisppath. -David [1] https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/FileManagement/Conceptual/FileSystemProgrammingGuide/FileSystemOverview/FileSystemOverview.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40010672-CH2-SW1