I'm on a slow n/w connection this weekend... please give me a couple of days to check this out.

BTW, as a *partial* workaround, I had added this to my .emacs:

(global-unset-key (quote [ns-power-off])) ; prevent 'aqua'/'ns' prompt-related crashes on exit
(global-unset-key (quote [(menu-bar) file exit-emacs])) ; prevent 'aqua'/'ns' prompt-related crashes on exit

Thanks for pointing out the potential fix!

 Livin Stephen

2009/9/19 Adrian Robert <adrian.b.robert@gmail.com>

I checked in external function declaration in nsfns.m on 2009-08-21 that fixed a related crash (bug #2154) on Leopard/PPC.  If you haven't checked this since then could you please see if the issue still exists?