Hi everyone and Michael, I observe weird behavior with TRAMP. Sometimes it hangs, and sometimes performing the same action, it does not. Let me expand with the example. First see the attached backtrace of a hang ('hang.bt') and then see the attached debug of a hang ('hang.debug'). Notice how I waited for almost 3 minutes until eventually pressing to generate the backtrace and as soon as I exited the backtrace buffer, the last line 00:36:39.418776 tramp-maybe-open-connection (3) # Opening connection for root@g75vw using sudo...failed got printed in the debug buffer. What looks peculiar is this bit: 00:32:56.556463 tramp-send-command (6) # test -d /usr/bin 2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $? 00:32:57.493123 tramp-send-command (6) # test -e /\*scratch\* 2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $? 00:32:57.567582 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # tramp_exit_status 1 ///deee5cb9d3522d2a1faeef9e0327d4f1#$ 00:33:57.490307 tramp-send-command (6) # test -e /\*scratch\* 2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $? 00:33:57.491565 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # tramp_exit_status 1 ///deee5cb9d3522d2a1faeef9e0327d4f1#$ That is where did the status of '/usr/bin' test go? And why on earth would '*scratch*' be tested? I verified and files like with '*scratch*' names of course do not exist. It looks like TRAMP hangs after these tests. Now, doing the same action, i.e. opening home directory with the 'sudo' method another time later (ensured that there is no open TRAMP connection existing before, i.e. it is indeed the same initial state as the hang case), results in the attached debug ('through.debug') and of course no backtrace as there is no hang to interrupt. The three obvious differences that I noticed are: 1. Presence of 01:02:19.200224 tramp-get-test-command (5) # Finding a suitable ‘test’ command in the beginning and a couple of times subsequently. 2. The fact that quotes ‘ and ’ are displayed literally instead of some cryptic escape sequences \342\200\230 and \342\200\231. 3. Proper exit status for 01:02:28.525502 tramp-send-command (6) # test -d /usr/bin 2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $? 01:02:28.525915 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # tramp_exit_status 0 and no further '*scratch*' testing but rather proceeds with next directories mentioned in '$PATH'. Why does the same action result in different behavior out which the first one is totally broken? To supplement (or maybe confuse even more) on the first case, I have another variant of it. The initial action and the resulting backtrace of the hang were of course still the same ('hang.bt'), but what I did when backtrace appeared was a bit different. In particular, I executed 'M-x copy-region-as-kill' (I also hit at some point to auto complete it) in the backtrace buffer and only then closed it. As a result, the attached debug ('hang.copy-region-as-kill.debug') appeared. As you can see the first part of it is almost identical to 'hang.debug', except that tests for '*scratch*' came a bit earlier. However, after those '*scratch*' tests, when I interrupted it, you will find something even more weird involving 'tramp_perl_file_name_all_completions' and subsequent tests for 'copy-region-as-kill' which are for sure a questionable side effect of my manipulations in the backtrace buffer. Phew... Any ideas where to start looking? Regards, Alexander