Monday, May 13, 2002 Good News for Adult Webmasters USING A DIALER ON THEIR WEBSITE!!! INTELIDIALER WILL PERMIT TO INCREASE EASILY YOUR INCOMES WITH YOUR CURRENT TRAFFIC. Read carefully the following lines and learn how easy it can be! WHAT DOES INTELIDIALER OFFER YOU? Intelidialer allows you to use more than one dialer on your website to combine the best rates per country from several dialer providers. Imagine the following scenario: For UK traffic you could use dialer provider 'A' (which has the best rate for UK), for German traffic you could use dialer provider 'B' (which has the best payment terms), for USA traffic you could use dialer provider 'C' (which offer a Drop Dial system) and for the rest of the countries you could use dialer provider 'D'. You will reduce your financial risk (in case of non payment), as you are splitting your traffic on 4 differents companies. Intelidialer is not a dialer provider but an excellent tool to increase your current incomes and reduce your payment risk. And also, Intelidialer will inform you of valuable information like: * How many end-users have a Win32 based operative System. Usually this is the only system permiting the usage of a dialer. * How many end-users have a Modem connection. If the don't have a modem for sure they won't be able to use the dialer. * How many end-users are English speakers (or another language). We will tell you which are the languages spoken by your end-users requesting your dialer, so you can decide if it's useful to add more languages to your website/frontal or content. * How many end-users make dialer requests. You will know how many users make dialer request per country so you can compare it with the countries where you make minutes. So... in resume, Intelidialer can make you increase your incomes (with your current traffic), it can reduce your payment risk, it can give you valuable information concerning the end-users requesting your dialer(s), etc.! Don't waste a minute and visit us to learn more about INTELIDIALER.COM REMOVE: This e-mail is sent in reference of Information Exchange Promotion and Privacy Protection Act. section 50 marked as 'Advertisement' with the valid 'remove' instruction. We are very sorry for sending ad e-mail without your permission. Your e-mail address was obtained from the web pages and other Internet resources. We do not have any information except your e-mail address. This e-mail is not SPAM as it has a 'remove' option and will not be repeated by remove instruction. Click HERE to remove your email address from our database, if you don't want to receive more information about new products and relevant news in the dialer industry. Thank you.