Hi all, I'm new here, but this is the last place I can find to look for help regarding dbus and emacs specifics. I am writing an elisp file to integrate GNU Emacs with Zeitgeist over dbus. Because of the lack of good documentation on dbus in emacs and my lack of experience with advanced elisp, I am coming up with the following error in my method zeitgeist-send: Wrong type argument: D-Bus, (zeitgeist-event-timestamp) I have tried correcting the issue by placing :string before all the arguments, but that gave me the error: Wrong type argument: stringp, (zeitgeist-event-timestamp) This makes no sense, as I am positive that the value of (zeitgeist-event-timestamp) is a string. If you need, the dbus documentation for zeitgeist is here: http://zeitgeist-project.com/docs/0.4/dbus_api.html#index-0 The format for it is asaasay. I have attached the source code (it's a single file, a few functions). Thanks for any help! Patrick Niedzielski -- Humm and Strumm , a Free Software 3D adventure game for both Windows and *NIX. freeSoftwareHacker(); , a blog about Free Software, music, and law.