* Emacs on pure GTK This directory tree holds a modified copy of version 28.0.50 of GNU Emacs, the extensible, customizable and self-documenting real-time display editor, modified to run on the GTK toolkit without platform-specific support. This is a modified copy of https://github.com/masm11/emacs, with the following changes: - Support was added for both GTK+ 2 and GTK 4 :: Emacs now builds on GTK 2, 3 and 4. - Child frames have been implemented :: Packages that make use of child frames play an important part in my work-flow, so I implemented them. - Broadway is now supported on GTK 3 and GTK 4 :: - Emacs now uses a GtkHeaderBar :: To better comply with GNOME design guidelines, tool-bar items and menu items can be optionally displayed in the header bar. - Input methods will no longer block key-presses from being read :: This makes permanently enabled input methods usable. - ~~read-color~~ now uses a GTK colour picker if applicable :: This makes for better integration with GTK. - GTK message dialogues are used for ~~x-popup-dialog~~ :: This improves the appearance quite a bit. - GTK widgets can be embedded in frames :: This is much more powerful in theory than xwidgets, but in it's current state requires some work. - Improved touchscreen support :: Touchscreen support has been vastly improved, with support for scrolling, long-click selections, and so on.