This applies both to context and unified diffs. To get a 0-context hunk, you invoke diff command with -c0 or -U0 argument. 1. Example files (4 and 3 lines long): test: z abc def test2: z abc def 2. Run `diff -c0 test test2 > test.diff`: *** test 2012-07-09 06:04:04.572209000 +0400 --- test2 2012-07-09 06:04:11.987150600 +0400 *************** *** 3 **** - --- 2 ---- 3. Open test.diff in Emacs, then: a) Do `C-u C-c C-a' (reverse hunk) -> see the empty line appear after "z", instead of after "abc". b) Open test2, add empty line after "abc", go to test.diff window, do `C-c C-a' (apply hunk), see the newline between "z" and "abc" disappear instead. Not sure if we can rely on the line number being always off by 1 in such hunks (there's no insertion, so, technically, the second line number in the header could be arbitrary), but at least 3 versions of diff across 2 different OSes work the same in this regard. Note that if you try to create such hunk with `diff-split-hunk' (by slicing it off a bigger hunk), the line number won't be off by 1. Maybe that's a bug in `diff-split-hunk'. --Dmitry