I have found a simple test "by hand" that works. Initial conditions : two files file1.pdf and file2.pdf with 101 pages and only a small difference in page 85. time (mkdir file1_burst; cd file1_burst; pdftk ../file1.pdf burst; cd .. mkdir file2_burst; cd file2_burst; pdftk ../file2.pdf burst for I in pg*; do echo $I; diff -a $I ../file1_burst/$I|grep -v 'BaseFont\|FontName\|Creator\|Info\|...c...\|\-\-\-\|..c..'; done cd .. ; rm -Rf file1_burst; rm -Rf file2_burst) pg_0001.pdf pg_0002.pdf pg_0003.pdf pg_0004.pdf pg_0005.pdf . . . pg_0084.pdf pg_0085.pdf < x?T?n?0 ??W?(5CQ??^ < 0000059304 00000 n > 0000059305 00000 n < 0000059402 00000 n < 0000059466 00000 n < 0000059513 00000 n > 0000059403 00000 n > 0000059467 00000 n > 0000059514 00000 n < 59672 > 59673 pg_0086.pdf pg_0087.pdf pg_0088.pdf pg_0089.pdf pg_0090.pdf pg_0091.pdf pg_0092.pdf pg_0093.pdf pg_0094.pdf pg_0095.pdf pg_0096.pdf pg_0097.pdf pg_0098.pdf pg_0099.pdf pg_0100.pdf pg_0101.pdf real 0m7.009s user 0m6.160s sys 0m0.210s This can probably be optimized much. The only page for which there is a difference is the one with a change. Doc-view reconversion needs in the same computer 20 seconds. Cheers, Carlos Le 19/04/2012 16:17, Tassilo Horn a écrit : > Carlos Aguilar writes: > > Hi Carlos, > >> I often use doc-view mode with medium to large pdf/ps/dvi files, when >> writing/modifying latex documents. > Yes, frequently changing documents are clearly not the prime use-case > for doc-view, exactly because of the reasons you mention. Do you use > AUCTeX for writing your documents? If yes, then preview-latex might be > exactly what you need. > > ,----[ (info "(preview-latex)Top") ] > | preview-latex is a package embedding preview fragments into Emacs > | source buffers under the AUCTeX editing environment for LaTeX. It uses > | `preview.sty' for the extraction of certain environments (most notably > | displayed formulas). Other applications of this style file are > | possible and exist. > `---- > >> I wondered if it would be possible to keep a set of signatures of the >> pdf/ps/dvi pages processed so that those that are unchanged are not >> reconverted to (already existing) bitmap images. > Um, I have no idea how to do that. Doc-view only knows the PNG images > generated from the original document, and you can't compare those with > pages in the document. > > Well, it also has the old document's contents in the current buffer and > the updated document is on the file system, so in theory it could also > compare the documents. But I have no clue how to do that. Googling > around, I've found http://www.qtrac.eu/comparepdf.html, but I'm not sure > if it does the trick. (Oh, and of course if the comparison of the docs > is not significantly cheaper than a reconversion, there's no sense in > doing so. ;-)) > > Bye, > Tassilo