all messages for Emacs-related lists mirrored at
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From: Da Zhang <>
Subject: bug#10192: Emacs 24.0.92 windows build, fatal error with M-< or M->
Date: Fri, 02 Dec 2011 00:20:21 -0500	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)

[-- Attachment #1.1: Type: text/plain, Size: 868 bytes --]

Dear Yidong,

I am a dedicated Emacs user who is excited for the new Emacs 24. I have tried the 3 pretests of Emacs 24, and I saw improvements of its stability from each pretest. For example, with my current extensive .emacs configuration file, the first 2 pretests were not able to start normally. However, all the three pretests have the following problems:
1. after the .emacs file is loaded into the pretest Emacs, when I press M-< or M->, the program abort with a fatal error: "A fatal error has occurred! Would you like to attach a debugger? Select Yes to debug, No to abort Emacs..."
2. certain part of eieio is not available, and the emacs prompts with "Symbol's function definition is void: eieio--defgeneric-init-form"

I am not sure if other windows users have experienced the same problem. I attached my .emacs file. Thanks for your attention.

Da Zhang

[-- Attachment #1.2: Type: text/html, Size: 1383 bytes --]

[-- Attachment #2: .emacs --]
[-- Type: text/plain, Size: 111665 bytes --]

;; Filename: .emacs
;; Description:
;; Author: Da Zhang
;; Created: Tue Sep 30 01:18:02 2008
;; Da Zhang
;;     Update #: 2576
;;; Commentary:
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; -*- Mode: Emacs-Lisp -*- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;; Code:

;;{{{ General settings {begin}--------------------

(defalias 'ttl 'toggle-truncate-lines)
(defalias 'sbm 'scroll-bar-mode)
(defalias 'menu 'menu-bar-mode)
(defalias 'tbm 'tool-bar-mode)
(defalias 'repl 'query-replace-regexp)
(defalias 'mkh 'make-header)
(defalias 'flb 'flyspell-buffer)
(defalias 'flm 'flyspell-mode)
(defalias 'flr 'flyspell-region)
(defalias 'prb 'ps-print-buffer)
(defalias 'prr 'ps-print-region)
(defalias 'printb 'htmlize-view-buffer)
(defalias 'printr 'htmlize-view-region)
(defalias 'sht 'shell-toggle)
(defalias 'trp 'transparency_plus)
(defalias 'trm 'transparency_minus)
(defalias 'trn 'transparencey_normal)
(defalias 'stw 'show-ws-toggle-show-trailing-whitespace)
(defalias 'font 'menu-set-font)
(defalias 'obp 'open-buffer-path)
(defalias 'zoomin 'text-scale-increase)
(defalias 'zoomout 'text-scale-decrease)
(defalias 'res 'research)
(defalias 'rep 'report)
(defalias 'fold 'folding-mode)
(defalias 'wc 'word-count)

;; Change cursor color according to mode
(defvar set-cursor-color-color "")
(defvar set-cursor-color-buffer "")
(defun set-cursor-color-according-to-mode ()
  "change cursor color according to some minor modes."
  ;; set-cursor-color is somewhat costly, so we only call it when needed:
  (let ((color
         (if buffer-read-only "white"
           (if overwrite-mode "red"
    (unless (and
             (string= color set-cursor-color-color)
             (string= (buffer-name) set-cursor-color-buffer))
      (set-cursor-color (setq set-cursor-color-color color))
      (setq set-cursor-color-buffer (buffer-name)))))
(add-hook 'post-command-hook 'set-cursor-color-according-to-mode)

;; set the cursor as a bar instead the rectangular block
(setq-default cursor-type 'box)

;; for cygwin's Emacs
(add-to-list 'load-path "c:/Emacs/site-lisp/")

;; disable the scroll bar on the right by default
(scroll-bar-mode t)

;; highlight the current line, as in Matlab
(global-hl-line-mode t)

;; disable the WoMan-log buffer
(setq-default woman-show-log nil)
(setq-default woman-ignore t)

;; when you mark a region, you can delete it or replace it as in other Windows programs:
;; simply hit delete or type whatever you want or yank
(delete-selection-mode t)

;; make the slow activity to echo my unfinished commands faster
(setq-default echo-keystrokes 0.1)

;; let there be a marker on every empty line on the left fringe: not needed, so nil
(setq-default default-indicate-empty-lines nil)

;; for Emacs 23 only. use the system's trash can when deleting files and foldrs
(setq-default delete-by-moving-to-trash t)

;; by default, do not display continuation lines, instead, give each line of the text just one screen line
(setq-default truncate-lines nil)

;; show the matching parentheses immediately
(setq-default show-paren-delay 0)

;; display the name of the current function at the mode-line
(which-function-mode t)

;; (setq visible-bell t)	; turn off the bell when we have error

(setq ring-bell-function 'ignore)   ; no bells

(setq inhibit-startup-message t)	; turn off the startup message

(setq column-number-mode t) 	; display the column number

(setq mouse-yank-at-point t)    ; prevent the mouse yanking at click. So move the caret first,
                                ; then use middle key of mouse to yank there

(setq kill-ring-max 200)        ; to have a very long kill ring so that I can recover more.

(setq default-fill-column 120)	; set the fill-column as XXX columns for easy reading, 80 is default

(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)    ; don't use TAB to indent.

(setq default-tab-width 4)      ; set the default TAB width to 4 characters.

(setq sentence-end-double-space nil) ; don't insert 2 spaces after sentence end.

(setq enable-recursive-minibuffers t) ; t means to enable me to use minibuffer recursively. but I don't like it

(defun stop-using-minibuffer ()
  "kill the minibuffer"
  (when (>= (recursion-depth) 1)

(add-hook 'mouse-leave-buffer-hook 'stop-using-minibuffer)

;; (setq scroll-step 1)

;; (setq mouse-wheel-scroll-amount '(1 ((shift) . 1) ((control))))

;; for smooth scrolling and disabling the automatical recentering of emacs when moving the cursor
(setq-default scroll-margin 0
	  scroll-conservatively 0
	  scroll-up-aggressively 0.01
	  scroll-down-aggressively 0.01)

(setq scroll-preserve-screen-position t)

(setq default-major-mode 'text-mode)	; set the default mode

(show-paren-mode t) ; match parentheses

(setq show-paren-style 'parenthesis)    ; when matching parentheses show the matching paren if it is visible
                                        ; otherwise show the entire expression

(mouse-avoidance-mode 'jump) ; when caret is close to mouse pointer, move
                                        ; the mouse pointer away automatically
; how the title of the buffer is displayed
; (setq frame-title-format "%b")

(auto-image-file-mode 1)	; enable emacs to open and display pictures directly

(fset 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p) ; use y/n rather than yes/no as choices

(display-time) ; display time

(global-font-lock-mode t)		; syntax highlighting
(setq font-lock-maximum-decoration t)
(setq font-lock-verbose t)
(setq font-lock-maximum-size '((t . 1048576) (vm-mode . 5250000)))

(transient-mark-mode t) ; use  high contrast to show region

(tool-bar-mode t) ; don't want that big tool bar

(setq user-full-name "Da Zhang")	; personal information

(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill) ; wrap long lines in text mode

(setq compile-command "make")

;; when the caret is at the end of line and you want to move it up, it stays at each line's end: t
;; when the caret is at the end of line and you want to move it up, it stays at each line's end: nil
(setq track-eol nil)

;; set up emacs so that it generates backup files
(setq make-backup-files t)
(setq-default make-backup-files t)
;; Backups in ~/.backups/emacs/ folder
(defun make-backup-file-name (FILE)
    (let ((dirname (concat "~/.backups/emacs/"
                     (format-time-string "%y/%m/%d/"))))
          (if (not (file-exists-p dirname))
             (make-directory dirname t))
           (concat dirname (file-name-nondirectory FILE))))

;; kill a line and the RET together by C-k
(setq-default kill-whole-line t)

;; show-wspace, load this library to enable several nice features: show-ws-toggle-show-hard-spaces,
;; show-ws-toggle-show-tabs
(require 'show-wspace)

;; "focus follows mouse": the window your mouse pointer is over receives focus (input) so you don't need to click on it
;; to give it focus.
(setq mouse-autoselect-window nil)

;; set the default encoding system
(prefer-coding-system 'utf-8)

;; htmlize: output color highlighted file into html file
(require 'htmlize)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.htm$" . html-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.html$" . html-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.tmpl$" . html-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.xml$" . xml-mode))

;; my version of revert-buffer
(defun da-revert-buffer (&optional arg)
  "save the current position to tmp, then call revert-buffer, then goto-char(position)"
  (interactive "P")
  (defvar tmp)
  (setq tmp (point))
  (if arg
      (revert-buffer t t)
      (revert-buffer t)
  (goto-char tmp)
  (kill-local-variable 'tmp))

;; several quick accesses 
(defun work ()
  "Switch to my work dir."
   (find-file "C:/Documents and Settings/da/My Documents/work")

(defun research ()
  "Switch to my research dir."
   (find-file "C:/research")

(defun report ()
  "Switch to my research dir."
   (find-file "C:/Documents and Settings/da/My Documents/report")

(defun lit ()
  "Switch to the literature folder."
   (find-file "C:/Documents and Settings/da/My Documents/literature")

(defun doc ()
  "Switch to the literature folder."
   (find-file "C:/Documents and Settings/da/My Documents")

(defun matlab-dir ()
  "Switch to the literature folder."
   (find-file "C:/MATLAB2008a/work/Da_matural_subroutines")

;; modify kill line and kill region so that if M-w or C-w without an active region, just copy the line
(defadvice kill-ring-save (before slick-copy activate compile) "When called
  interactively with no active region, copy a single line instead."
  (interactive (if mark-active (list (region-beginning) (region-end)) (message
  "Copied line") (list (line-beginning-position) (line-beginning-position

(defadvice kill-region (before slick-cut activate compile)
  "When called interactively with no active region, kill a single line instead."
    (if mark-active (list (region-beginning) (region-end))
      (list (line-beginning-position)
        (line-beginning-position 2)))))

;; Load the appropriate interaction-mode for given source file extensions
(setq auto-mode-alist
      (append '(("\\.pl$" . perl-mode)
                ("\\.perl$" . perl-mode)
                ("\\.txt$" . text-mode)
                ("\\.html$" . html-mode)
                ("\\.java$" . java-mode)
                ("\\.nqc$" . c++-mode)
                ("\\.C$". c++-mode)
                ("\\.H$". c++-mode)
                ("\\.h$". c++-mode)
                ("\\.dra$". c++-mode)
                ("\\.par$". c++-mode)
                ("\\.env$". shell-script-mode)
                ("\\.eml$" . mail-mode)
                ("\\.org$$\\'" . org-mode)
                ("\\.m$$\\'" . matlab-mode)
                ("\\.tlc$" . tlc-mode)
                ("\\.ijm$" . java-mode)

;; global-auto-revert-mode
(global-auto-revert-mode t)

;; use fringe to indicate empty lines on the left
(setq-default indicate-empty-lines t
        indicate-buffer-boundaries 'left)

(setq redisplay-dont-pause nil) ;; Non-nil means update isn't paused when input is detected.

(setq-default scroll-step 1) ;; change the behavior of scroll

;; start usging the version control mechanism
;; (setq version-control t)
;; (setq kept-old-version 2) ; you can backup 2 old versions, i.e, last version, the one before last version
;; (setq kept-new-versions 1); back up the new version once
;; (setq delete-old-versions t);; get rid of the old versions other than the last 2 versions
;; (setq backup-directory-alist '(("." . "~/backups"))) ; set up the path for backups
;; (setq backup-by-copying t) ; using direct copy to back up
;; default start up path:
;; (setq default-directory "C:/Documents and Settings/da/My Documents/") ; My documents

;; just to turn on these settings
;; (put 'set-goal-column 'disabled nil)	
;; (put 'upcase-region 'disabled nil)
;; (put 'downcase-region 'disabled nil)
;; (put 'LaTeX-hide-environment 'disabled nil)

;; (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'delete-trailing-whitespace)

;; ;; Non-nil means to automatically adjust `window-vscroll' to view tall lines.
;; (setq-default auto-window-vscroll nil)

;; ;; midnight mode
;; (require 'midnight)
;; (setq clean-buffer-list-delay-general 2)

;;}}} General settings {end}--------------------

;;{{{ ELPA {begin}--------------------

;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
;;; This provides support for the package system and
;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
;;; packages in your .emacs.
     (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))

(setq package-archives '(("ELPA" . "") 
                          ("gnu" . "")
                          ("marmalade" . "")))

;;}}} ELPA {end}--------------------

;;{{{ Transparency {begin}--------------------

(defun opacity-modify (&optional dec)
  "modify the transparency of the emacs frame; if DEC is t,
    decrease the transparency, otherwise increase it in 20%-steps"
  (let* ((alpha-or-nil (frame-parameter nil 'alpha)) ; nil before setting
          (oldalpha (if alpha-or-nil alpha-or-nil 100))
          (newalpha (if dec (- oldalpha 10) (+ oldalpha 10))))
    (when (and (>= newalpha frame-alpha-lower-limit) (<= newalpha 100))
      (modify-frame-parameters nil (list (cons 'alpha newalpha))))))

(defun transparency_plus ()
  "increase the transparency"
  (opacity-modify t))

(defun transparency_minus ()
  "decrease the transparency"

(defun transparencey_normal ()
  "make the transparency to normal"
  (modify-frame-parameters nil `((alpha . 100))))

;;}}} Transparency {end}--------------------

;;{{{ Diary and calendar {begin}--------------------

;; set the latitude and longitude of Norman, OK so that Emacs can calculate the
;; time of sunrise and sunset for me
(setq calendar-latitude +42.37)
(setq calendar-longitude -71.03)
(setq calendar-location-name "Boston, MA")

;; set up how calendar displays
(setq calendar-remove-frame-by-deleting t)
(setq calendar-week-start-day 1)            ; a week starts at Monday
(setq mark-diary-entries-in-calendar t)        ; mark the dates where I have diaries
;; (setq mark-holidays-in-calendar nil)        ; don't show hoildays on the calendar
;; (setq view-calendar-holidays-initially nil) ; don't show holidays when the calendar starts

;; set up diary
(setq diary-file "~/diary");; the default diary path
(setq diary-mail-addr "")
(add-hook 'diary-hook 'appt-make-list)

;;}}} Diary and calendar {end}--------------------

;;{{{ Auctex Settings {begin}--------------------

;; Reftex activation
(autoload 'reftex-mode "reftex" "RefTeX Minor Mode" t)
(autoload 'turn-on-reftex "reftex" "RefTeX Minor Mode" nil)
(autoload 'reftex-citation "reftex-cite" "Make citation" nil)
(autoload 'reftex-index-phrase-mode "reftex-index" "Phrase mode" t)
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'turn-on-reftex)   ; with AUCTeX LaTeX mode
(add-hook 'latex-mode-hook 'turn-on-reftex)   ; with Emacs latex mode
(setq reftex-plug-into-AUCTeX t)

;; ;; enable document parcing
(setq TeX-auto-save t)
(setq TeX-parse-self t)

;; To get a full featured LaTeX-section command, insert:
(setq LaTeX-section-hook

;; auto fill
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)

;; flyspell
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'flyspell-mode)
(add-hook 'latex-mode-hook 'flyspell-mode)
(add-hook 'TeX-mode-hook 'flyspell-mode)

;; latex toolbar
;; (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'LaTeX-install-toolbar)

;; enable the Tex-fold-mode for all Auctex modes, which can hide (fold) and show (unfold) macros and environments
;; described in section 6.2
(add-hook 'TeX-mode-hook (lambda ()
                           (TeX-fold-mode 1)
                           (define-key TeX-mode-map
                             "\C-m" 'reindent-then-newline-and-indent)))

;; enabled source-specials (for dvi inverse search) permanently
(add-hook 'TeX-mode-hook 'TeX-source-specials-mode 1)

;; variables for BibTeX auto search
(setq reftex-bibpath-environment-variables '("/cygdrive/c/H/Bib/"))

;; Add standard Sweave file extensions to the list of files recognized
;; by AUCTeX.
(setq TeX-file-extensions
      '("Rnw" "rnw" "Snw" "snw" "tex" "sty" "cls" "ltx" "texi" "texinfo" "dtx"))

;; to enable auto-fill-mode in all text mode, similar to above:
;; (add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)

;; if you often use /include and multifile structure, enable emacs to ask for
;; a master file every time you open a new file
;; (setq-default TeX-master nil)

;;}}} Auctex Settings {end}--------------------

;;{{{ printing {begin}--------------------

;;; Easier printing
(require 'w32-winprint)
(require 'htmlize-view)

;; since the correct program gsprint.exe is used, now emacs can print by
;; PostScript print XXX
(setq ps-lpr-command "C:/Program Files/Ghostgum/gsview/gsprint.exe")
;; This line causes ghostscript to query which printer to
;; use - which you may not need if, for example, you only
;; have one printer.
(setq ps-lpr-switches '("-query"))
(setq ps-printer-name t)

;; to enable the new printing package of Emacs 22
;; more options and customizations are needed to fully use this printing.el, but
;; I will leave it for later invesgivation
(require 'printing)
;; First of all, take a glance of printing documentation only to have an idea
;; of what `printing' is capable.
;; Then try to set the variables: `pr-ps-name', `pr-ps-printer-alist',
;; `pr-txt-name', `pr-txt-printer-alist' and `pr-path-alist'.  These variables
;; are the main variables for printing processing.
;; Now, please, see these variables documentation more in deep.  You can do
;; this by typing C-h v pr-ps-name RET (for example) if you already loaded
;; printing package, or by browsing printing.el source file.

;;}}} printing {end}--------------------

;;{{{ Muse {begin}--------------------

;; (add-to-list 'load-path "c:/Emacs/site-lisp/muse/")
;; (add-to-list 'load-path "c:/Emacs/site-lisp/muse/")
(require 'muse-mode)     ; load authoring mode
(require 'muse-html)     ; load publishing styles I use
(require 'muse-latex)
(require 'muse-texinfo)
(require 'muse-docbook)
(require 'muse-project)  ; publish files in projects
(require 'muse-colors)
(require 'muse-wiki)

(setq muse-html-meta-content-type (concat "text/html; charset=utf-8"))

(define-key muse-mode-map [f5] 'muse-project-publish-this-file)

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.muse$" . muse-mode))

(defun my-muse-mode-hook ()
  (setq auto-fill-mode t)
  (flyspell-mode 1)
  (footnote-mode 1)

(add-hook 'muse-mode-hook 'my-muse-mode-hook)

;; load the customization file for muse mode and project definitions
;; location: site-lisp/muse-da-projects.el
(load "muse-da-projects")

;; muse to slides
(require 'muse-html-slidy)

;;}}} Muse {end}--------------------

;;{{{ CS-RCS mode {begin}--------------------

;; this is the integration of the ComponentSoftware CS-RCS front end of RCS in
;; windows and the emacs. CF:
(load "vc-hooks")
(setq vc-path "C:/program files/ComponentSoftware/cs-rcs/system")

;; don't use the vc-toggle-read-only, use the toggle-read-only
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-q") 'toggle-read-only)

;;}}} CS-RCS mode {end}--------------------

;;{{{ Org-mode {begin}--------------------

(add-to-list 'load-path "c:/Emacs/site-lisp/org/")
;; (add-to-list 'load-path "C:/Emacs/site-lisp/org/")
(require 'org-install)
;; The following lines are always needed.  Choose your own keys.
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.org\\'" . org-mode))
;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-c l") 'org-store-link)
;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-c a") 'org-agenda)
;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-c b") 'org-iswitchb)

(setq org-hide-leading-stars t)
(setq org-log-done t)
;; set sorting strategy for org TODO items
(setq org-agenda-sorting-strategy
      '((agenda priority-down time-up)
        (todo priority-down category-keep)
        (tags priority-down category-keep)))

;; CDLaTeX hook
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'turn-on-org-cdlatex)

;; allows changing todo states with S-left and S-right skipping all of the normal processing when entering or leaving a
;; todo state
(setq org-treat-S-cursor-todo-selection-as-state-change nil)
(setq org-agenda-skip-timestamp-if-done t)
(setq org-todo-keywords '((type "MAYBE(m)" "TODO(t)" "STARTED(s)" "WAITING(w)" "|" "DONE(d)")))
;; (setq org-todo-keyword-faces
;;       '(("WAITING" . (:foreground "gray" :weight bold))))
;; (setq org-todo-keyword-faces
;;       '(("MAYBE" . (:foreground "gray" :weight bold))))
;; (setq org-todo-keyword-faces
;;       '(("TODO" . (:foreground "red" :weight bold))))

;; (setq org-directory "~/org")
(setq org-directory "c:/H/GTD/")
(setq org-reverse-note-order nil)
(global-set-key [f12] 'remember)
(global-set-key [C-f12] 'gtd)
(defun gtd ()
  "Switch to my GTD project file."
   (find-file "c:/H/GTD/")

;; org-google-weather support
(require 'google-weather)
(require 'org-google-weather)

;; disable the translation from _ and ^ to subscript and superscript
(setq-default org-export-with-sub-superscripts nil)

;; sacha chua's org-toodledo mode for toodledo integration (
;; (require 'org-toodledo)
;; (setq org-toodledo-userid "td4bf2dc9a78677")
;; (setq org-toodledo-password "da014916")

;;}}} Org-mode {end}--------------------

;;{{{ Remember mode {begin}--------------------

(require 'remember)

(setq org-remember-templates
      '(("TODO" ?t "* %?%&" "~/org/" bottom)
        ("NOTES" ?n "* %?\n** %T\n" "~/org/" bottom)
        ("MINUTES" ?m "* %?\n** %T\n" "~/org/" bottom)))

(setq remember-annotation-functions '(org-remember-annotation))
(setq remember-handler-functions '(org-remember-handler))
(add-hook 'remember-mode-hook 'org-remember-apply-template)

;; CF:

;;}}} Remember mode {end}--------------------

;;{{{ outline minor mode {begin}--------------------

(global-unset-key (kbd "C-o"))
(global-set-key (kbd "M-o") 'open-line)
;; Set the minor mode prefix to C-o
(setq outline-minor-mode-prefix "\C-o")
(add-hook 'muse-mode-hook 'outline-minor-mode)
(add-hook 'html-mode-hook 'outline-minor-mode)
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'outline-minor-mode)

;;}}} outline minor mode {end}--------------------

;;{{{ cygwin-shell {begin}--------------------

;; disable these two -- they slow down the start up so much, and I don't know the use of them

;;; Add Cygwin Info pages
(setq Info-default-directory-list (append Info-default-directory-list (list "c:/cygwin/usr/info/")))

(setq ediff-shell shell-file-name)      ; Ediff shell

(add-hook 'comint-output-filter-functions
    'shell-strip-ctrl-m nil t)
(add-hook 'comint-output-filter-functions
    'comint-watch-for-password-prompt nil t)

;; to use the bash shell provided by cygwin
(setq explicit-shell-file-name "C:/cygwin/bin/bash.exe")

;; to use the windows system shell
;; (setq explicit-shell-file-name "cmdproxy.exe")

;; For subprocesses invoked via the shell
;; (e.g., "shell -c command")
(setq shell-file-name explicit-shell-file-name)

;; set environmental variables specific for this Emacs emulation of bash.exe (this shell will not load /etc/profile properly)
;; but this emulation will read ~/.bashrc
;; if use \ to separate path, must use \\ to escape \
;; or use / to separate path
(setenv "SHELL" shell-file-name)
(setenv "PATH" (concat (getenv "PATH") "C:\\cygwin\\bin;C:\\cygwin\\usr\\X11R6\\bin;C:\\cygwin\\usr\\sbin;C:\\cygwin\\usr\\local\\bin;"))
(setenv "PATH" (concat "C:\\cygwin\\bin;C:\\cygwin\\usr\\X11R6\\bin;C:\\cygwin\\usr\\sbin;C:\\cygwin\\usr\\local\\bin;" (getenv "PATH")))
;; (setenv "PS1" "\[\e[31;1m\][\w]\[\e[0m\]")

;;; Shell mode
(setq ansi-color-names-vector ; better contrast colors
      ["black" "red4" "green4" "yellow4"
       "blue3" "magenta4" "cyan4" "white"])
(add-hook 'shell-mode-hook 'ansi-color-for-comint-mode-on)

;;}}} cygwin-shell {end}--------------------

;;{{{ default emacs windows size {begin}--------------------

(setq default-frame-alist
      '((top . 0) (left . 0)
        (width . 164) (height . 52)))

;; (set-frame-height (selected-frame) 54) ; # of lines

;; (set-frame-width (selected-frame) 164); # of columns

;; (set-frame-position (selected-frame) 0 0) ; upper left corner is (0,0)

;; set up the X resource Geometry for MS-Windows
;; Emacs.Geometry:83x59 (3:4) 124x59 (4:3, resolution: 1280x1024)
;; CF:

;;}}} default emacs windows size {end}--------------------

;;{{{ Emacs Server {begin}--------------------


;;}}} Emacs Server {end}--------------------

;;{{{ line number setting {begin}--------------------

;; for adding line numbers to the beginning of each line
;; better than setnu.el
(require 'linum)
(defun toggle-linum-mode ()	; define function
  "Toggle the linum-mode"
  (if linum-mode
      (linum-mode -1)
    (linum-mode 1)))

;; use f1 as the key sequency for toggle line number on/off
(global-set-key [f1] 'toggle-linum-mode)

;;}}} line number setting  {end}--------------------

;;{{{ buffer modes {begin}--------------------

;; ibuffer
(require 'ibuffer)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-b") 'ibuffer) ; ibuffer.el, to lable, sort, hide, search, replace through buffers
(defun ibuffer-ediff-marked-buffers ()
  (let* ((marked-buffers (ibuffer-get-marked-buffers))
         (len (length marked-buffers)))
    (unless (= 2 len)
      (error (format "%s buffer%s been marked (needs to be 2)"
                     len (if (= len 1) " has" "s have"))))
    (ediff-buffers (car marked-buffers) (cadr marked-buffers))))

(define-key ibuffer-mode-map "e" 'ibuffer-ediff-marked-buffers)

;; use /-R in ibuffer mode to enable the filtered view of buffers
(setq ibuffer-saved-filter-groups
      (quote (("default"
               ("dir" (or
                (mode . dired-mode)
                (mode . shell-mode)))
               ("org" (or
                           (name . "^\\*Calendar\\*$")
                           (name . "^diary$")
                           (mode . org-mode)
                           (mode . org-agenda-mode)))
               ("muse" (or
                           (mode . muse-mode)
                           (name . "^\\.muse$")))
               ("webpage" (or
                           (mode . html-mode)
                           (mode . xml-mode)
                           (mode . css-mode)
                           (name . "^\\.html$")
                           (name . "^\\.htm$")
                           (name . "^\\.xml$")
                           (name . "^\\.tmpl$")
                           (name . "^\\.css$")))
               ("lisp" (or
                         (mode . emacs-lisp-mode)
                         (name . "^\\.el$")
                         (name . "^\\.elc$")))
               ("latex" (or
                         (mode . TeX-latex-mode)
                         (mode . TeX-tex-mode)
                         (mode . latex-mode)
                         (mode . bibtex-mode)
                         (name . "^\\.tex$")
                         (name . "^\\.bib$")
                         (name . "^\\.bbl$")
                         (name . "^\\.aux$")
                         (name . "^\\.log$")
                         (name . "^\\.blg$")))
               ("matlab" (or
                          (mode . matlab-mode)
                          (name . "^\\.m$")))
               ("c++" (or
                          (mode . c++-mode)
                          (mode . c-mode)
                          (mode . makefile-mode)
                          (name . "makefile")
                          (name . "^\\.cpp$")
                          (name . "^\\.c$")
                          (name . "^\\.h$")
                          (name . "^\\.hpp$")
                          (name . "^\\.dra$")
                          (name . "^\\.par$")))
               ("doc" (or
                                 (mode . Info-mode)
                                 (mode . apropos-mode)
                                 (mode . woman-mode)
                                 (mode . help-mode)
                                 (mode . Man-mode)))

;; Note: the name of the group is case sensitive, so "default" != "DEFAULT"
(add-hook 'ibuffer-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
            (ibuffer-switch-to-saved-filter-groups "default")))

(setq ibuffer-saved-filters
               (quote (("dir" 
                   (mode . dired-mode)
                   (mode . shell-mode))))
                   (name . "^\\*Calendar\\*$")
                   (name . "^diary$")
                   (mode . org-mode)
                   (mode . org-agenda-mode))))
                   (mode . muse-mode)
                   (name . "^\\.muse$"))))
                   (mode . html-mode)
                   (mode . xml-mode)
                   (mode . css-mode)
                   (name . "^\\.html$")
                   (name . "^\\.htm$")
                   (name . "^\\.xml$")
                   (name . "^\\.tmpl$")
                   (name . "^\\.css$"))))
                   (mode . emacs-lisp-mode)
                   (name . "^\\.el$")
                   (name . "^\\.elc$"))))
                   (mode . TeX-latex-mode)
                   (mode . TeX-tex-mode)
                   (mode . latex-mode)
                   (mode . bibtex-mode)
                   (name . "^\\.tex$")
                   (name . "^\\.bib$")
                   (name . "^\\.bbl$")
                   (name . "^\\.dra$")
                   (name . "^\\.par$")
                   (name . "^\\.aux$")
                   (name . "^\\.log$")
                   (name . "^\\.blg$"))))
                   (mode . matlab-mode)
                   (name . "^\\*M-Lint\\*$")
                   (name . "^\\.m$"))))
                   (mode . c++-mode)
                   (mode . c-mode)
                   (mode . makefile-mode)
                   (name . "makefile")
                   (name . "^\\.cpp$")
                   (name . "^\\.c$")
                   (name . "^\\.h$")
                   (name . "^\\.hpp$")
                   (name . "^\\.dra$")
                   (name . "^\\.par$"))))
                   (mode . image-mode)
                   (name . "^\\.jpg$")
                   (name . "^\\.png$")
                   (name . "^\\.tif$")
                   (name . "^\\.tiff$"))))
                   (mode . Info-mode)
                   (mode . apropos-mode)
                   (mode . woman-mode)
                   (mode . help-mode)
                   (mode . Man-mode)))))))

;; column width of ibuffer
;; Use human readable Size column instead of original one
(define-ibuffer-column size-h
  (:name "Size" :inline t)
   ((> (buffer-size) 1000) (format "%7.3fk" (/ (buffer-size) 1000.0)))
   ((> (buffer-size) 1000000) (format "%7.3fM" (/ (buffer-size) 1000000.0)))
   (t (format "%8d" (buffer-size)))))

;; Modify the default ibuffer-formats
(setq ibuffer-formats
      '((mark modified read-only " "
              (name 40 40 :left)
              " "
              (size-h 9 -1 :right)
              " "
              (mode 16 16 :left :elide)
              " "

;; swbuff
;; (require 'swbuff)
;; (global-set-key (kbd "<C-prior>") 'swbuff-switch-to-previous-buffer)
;; (global-set-key (kbd "<C-next>") 'swbuff-switch-to-next-buffer)
;; (setq swbuff-exclude-buffer-regexps
;;      '("^ .*" "^\\*.*\\*")) ;; from swbuff.el
;; ;;'("^ " "\\*.*\\*")) ;; Wang Yin's original setting
;; (setq swbuff-status-window-layout 'scroll)
;; (setq swbuff-clear-delay 0.1)
;; (setq swbuff-separator "|")
;; (setq swbuff-window-min-text-height 1)

;; tabbar
;; (require 'tabbar-acquamacs)
(require 'tabbar)
(tabbar-mode 1)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-S-p") 'tabbar-backward-group)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-S-n") 'tabbar-forward-group)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-S-b") 'tabbar-backward)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-S-f") 'tabbar-forward) ; tabbar.el, put all the buffers on the tabs.
(global-set-key (kbd "C-<") 'tabbar-backward)
(global-set-key (kbd "C->") 'tabbar-forward) ; tabbar.el, put all the buffers on the tabs.
(setq tabbar-background-color "gray80")
(setq tabbar-cycle-scope (quote tabs))
(setq tabbar-separator (quote (1)))
(setq table-time-before-update 0.1)
(setq tabbar-use-images nil)

;;}}} buffer modes {end}--------------------

;;{{{ browse-kill-ring {begin}--------------------

(require 'browse-kill-ring)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c k") 'browse-kill-ring)
(browse-kill-ring-default-keybindings) ; browse-kill-ring.el, to use a buffer to
                                       ; let you select what you want to yank
;;}}} browse-kill-ring {end}--------------------

;;{{{ ido {begin}--------------------

;; ido.el, easist way to switch among buffers and to search files
;; (require 'ido)
;; (ido-mode t)

;; use the following "(add-hook 'term-setup-hook 'ido-mode)" instead of
(require 'ido)
(ido-mode t)
;; as a work around of a bug in this version of the emacs
;; 23-cvs-081124: recursive load tramp
;; (add-hook 'term-setup-hook 'ido-mode)

;; ignore what buffer, file, directory in ido minibuffer
(setq ido-ignore-buffers
      '("\\` " "^\\*ESS\\*" "^\\*Messages\\*" "^\\*Help\\*" "^\\*Buffer"
        "^\\*.*Completions\\*$" "^\\*Ediff" "^\\*tramp" "^\\*cvs-"
        "_region_" " output\\*$" "^TAGS$" "^\*Ido" "^\\*WoMan-log\\*"))

(setq ido-ignore-directories
      '("\\`auto/" "\\.prv/" "\\`CVS/" "\\`\\.\\./" "\\`\\./"))

(setq ido-ignore-files
      '("\\.asv/" "\\`auto/" "\\.prv/" "_region_" "\\`CVS/" "\\`#" "\\`.#" "\\`\\.\\./" "\\`\\./"))

;; flex-matching: ido will match files containing the characters which have been
;; entered anywhere so long as they are in the correct sequence.
(setq ido-enable-flex-matching t)

;; whether a new buffer is created if no buffer matches substring. Choices are
;; 'always to create new buffers unconditionally, 'prompt to ask user whether to
;; create buffer, or 'never to never create new buffer.
(setq ido-create-new-buffer 'always)

;; ido auto merge
(setq ido-auto-merge-delay-time 5) ; wait for 5 seconds before doing auto merge.

;; the following are keybindings of ido, but I just didn't enable them because someday I want to bind these
;; keys by myself
(add-hook 'ido-define-mode-map-hook 'ido-my-keys)

(defun ido-my-keys ()
  "Set up the keymap for `ido'."

  ;; common keys
  (define-key ido-mode-map "\C-e" 'ido-edit-input)
  (define-key ido-mode-map "\t" 'ido-complete) ;; complete partial, using TAB
  (define-key ido-mode-map "\C-j" 'ido-select-text)
  (define-key ido-mode-map "\C-m" 'ido-exit-minibuffer)
  (define-key ido-mode-map "?" 'ido-completion-help) ;; list completions
  (define-key ido-mode-map [(control ? )] 'ido-restrict-to-matches)
  (define-key ido-mode-map [(control ?@)] 'ido-restrict-to-matches)

  ;; cycle through matches
  (define-key ido-mode-map "\C-r" 'ido-prev-match)
  (define-key ido-mode-map "\C-s" 'ido-next-match)
  (define-key ido-mode-map [right] 'ido-next-match)
  (define-key ido-mode-map [left] 'ido-prev-match)

  ;; toggles
  (define-key ido-mode-map "\C-t" 'ido-toggle-regexp) ;; same as in isearch
  (define-key ido-mode-map "\C-p" 'ido-toggle-prefix)
  (define-key ido-mode-map "\C-c" 'ido-toggle-case)
  (define-key ido-mode-map "\C-a" 'ido-toggle-ignore)

  ;; keys used in file and dir environment
  (when (memq ido-cur-item '(file dir))
    (define-key ido-mode-map "\C-b" 'ido-enter-switch-buffer)
    (define-key ido-mode-map "\C-d" 'ido-enter-dired)
    (define-key ido-mode-map "\C-f" 'ido-fallback-command)

    ;; cycle among directories
    ;; use [left] and [right] for matching files
    (define-key ido-mode-map [down] 'ido-next-match-dir)
    (define-key ido-mode-map [up]   'ido-prev-match-dir)

    ;; backspace functions
    (define-key ido-mode-map [backspace] 'ido-delete-backward-updir)
    (define-key ido-mode-map "\d"        'ido-delete-backward-updir);; use of backspace
    (define-key ido-mode-map [(meta backspace)] 'ido-delete-backward-word-updir)
    (define-key ido-mode-map [(control backspace)] 'backward-kill-word)

    ;; I can't understand this
    (define-key ido-mode-map [(meta ?d)] 'ido-wide-find-dir)
    (define-key ido-mode-map [(meta ?f)] 'ido-wide-find-file)
    (define-key ido-mode-map [(meta ?k)] 'ido-forget-work-directory)
    (define-key ido-mode-map [(meta ?m)] 'ido-make-directory)

    (define-key ido-mode-map [(meta down)] 'ido-next-work-directory)
    (define-key ido-mode-map [(meta up)] 'ido-prev-work-directory)
    (define-key ido-mode-map [(meta left)] 'ido-prev-work-file)
    (define-key ido-mode-map [(meta right)] 'ido-next-work-file)

    ;; search in the directories
    ;; use C-_ to undo this
    (define-key ido-mode-map [(meta ?s)] 'ido-merge-work-directories)
    (define-key ido-mode-map [(control ?\/)] 'ido-undo-merge-work-directory)

  (when (eq ido-cur-item 'file)
    (define-key ido-mode-map "\C-k" 'ido-delete-file-at-head)
    (define-key ido-mode-map "\C-l" 'ido-toggle-literal)
    (define-key ido-mode-map "\C-o" 'ido-copy-current-word)
    (define-key ido-mode-map "\C-v" 'ido-toggle-vc)
    (define-key ido-mode-map "\C-w" 'ido-copy-current-file-name)

  (when (eq ido-cur-item 'buffer)
    (define-key ido-mode-map "\C-b" 'ido-fallback-command)
    (define-key ido-mode-map "\C-f" 'ido-enter-find-file)
    (define-key ido-mode-map "\C-k" 'ido-kill-buffer-at-head)

;;}}} ido {end}--------------------

;;{{{ auto save of the time of last change {begin}--------------------

;; set up the time stamp so that the time and date of last change can be saved
;; according to the following webpage:
(add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'time-stamp)
(setq time-stamp-format "%:u %02m/%02d/%04y %02H:%02M:%02S") ; format: username  mm/dd/yy hh/mm/ss

;;}}} auto save of the time of last change {end}--------------------

;;{{{ set up rect mark for selected region {begin}--------------------

;; according to rect-mark.el
;; press Shift and drag mouse to highlight a region
;; Support for marking a rectangle of text with highlighting.
(require 'rect-mark)

;; Use this section in your "~/.emacs" when rect-mark isn't included
;; as an integral part of Emacs.  Don't forget to remove the first
;; three columns.

;; ;; Support for marking a rectangle of text with highlighting.

(define-key ctl-x-map "r\C-@" 'rm-set-mark)
(define-key ctl-x-map [?r ?\C-\ ] 'rm-set-mark)
;; bind C-x r C-x to rm-exchange-point-and-mark===> working great with C-x C-x:
;; exchange-point-and-mark
(define-key ctl-x-map "r\C-x" 'rm-exchange-point-and-mark)
(define-key ctl-x-map "r\C-w" 'rm-kill-region)
(define-key ctl-x-map "r\M-w" 'rm-kill-ring-save)
(define-key global-map [S-down-mouse-1] 'rm-mouse-drag-region)

(autoload 'rm-set-mark "rect-mark"
  "Set mark for rectangle." t)
(autoload 'rm-exchange-point-and-mark "rect-mark"
  "Exchange point and mark for rectangle." t)
(autoload 'rm-kill-region "rect-mark"
  "Kill a rectangular region and save it in the kill ring." t)
(autoload 'rm-kill-ring-save "rect-mark"
  "Copy a rectangular region to the kill ring." t)
(autoload 'rm-mouse-drag-region "rect-mark"
  "Drag out a rectangular region with the mouse." t)

;; ;; Use this section in your "~/.emacs" to modify picture mode so that
;; ;; it automatically uses the rect-mark equivalents of many commands.

;; ;; ;; One vision of a better picture mode.
(add-hook 'picture-mode-hook 'rm-example-picture-mode-bindings)
(autoload 'rm-example-picture-mode-bindings "rect-mark"
  "Example rect-mark key and mouse bindings for picture mode.")

;;}}} set up rect mark for selected region {end}--------------------

;;{{{ set up auto pair parentheses {begin}--------------------

;;right after you input left bracket or parenthesis, emacs automatically pair
;;the right one for your, including:(), "", [] , {}, etc.
(defun my-general-mode-auto-pair ()
  "Auto pair the matching parentheses."
  (make-local-variable 'skeleton-pair-alist)
  (setq skeleton-pair-alist  '(
                               (?' _ "'")
                               (?\" _ "\"")
                               (?\( _ ")")
                               (?\[ _ "]")
                               (?{ \n > _ \n ?} >)))
  (setq skeleton-pair t)
  (local-set-key (kbd "(") 'skeleton-pair-insert-maybe)
  (local-set-key (kbd "{") 'skeleton-pair-insert-maybe)
  (local-set-key (kbd "'") 'skeleton-pair-insert-maybe)
  (local-set-key (kbd "\"") 'skeleton-pair-insert-maybe)
  (local-set-key (kbd "[") 'skeleton-pair-insert-maybe))

(add-hook 'java-mode-hook 'my-general-mode-auto-pair)
(add-hook 'perl-mode-hook 'my-general-mode-auto-pair)
(add-hook 'php-mode-hook 'my-general-mode-auto-pair)
(add-hook 'BibTeX-mode 'my-general-mode-auto-pair)

(defun my-c-mode-auto-pair ()
  "Auto pair the matching parentheses specialized for C/C++ programming."
  (make-local-variable 'skeleton-pair-alist)
  (setq skeleton-pair-alist  '(
                               (?' _ "'")
                               (?\" _ "\"")
                               (?\( _ ")")
                               (?\[ _ "]")))
  (setq skeleton-pair t)
  (local-set-key (kbd "(") 'skeleton-pair-insert-maybe)
  (local-set-key (kbd "'") 'skeleton-pair-insert-maybe)
  (local-set-key (kbd "\"") 'skeleton-pair-insert-maybe)
  (local-set-key (kbd "[") 'skeleton-pair-insert-maybe))

(add-hook 'c-mode-hook 'my-general-mode-auto-pair)
(add-hook 'c++-mode-hook 'my-general-mode-auto-pair)

;; define my version of paratheses pair strategy for matlab mode
(defun my-matlab-mode-auto-pair ()
  "Auto pair the matching parentheses specialized for Matlab programming."
  (make-local-variable 'skeleton-pair-alist)
  (setq skeleton-pair-alist  '(
                               (?' _ "'")
                               (?\( _ ")")
                               (?\[ _ "]")
                               (?\{ _ "}")))
  (setq skeleton-pair t)
  (local-set-key (kbd "(") 'skeleton-pair-insert-maybe)
  (local-set-key (kbd "{") 'skeleton-pair-insert-maybe)
  (local-set-key (kbd "'") 'skeleton-pair-insert-maybe)
  (local-set-key (kbd "[") 'skeleton-pair-insert-maybe))

(add-hook 'matlab-mode-hook 'my-matlab-mode-auto-pair)
(add-hook 'sh-mode-hook 'my-matlab-mode-auto-pair)

;; define my version of paratheses pair strategy for all AucTeX modes
(defun my-TeX-mode-auto-pair ()
  "Auto pair the matching parentheses specialized for TeX/LaTeX."
  (make-local-variable 'skeleton-pair-alist)
;; version 1: (),{},[],$$
  (setq skeleton-pair-alist  '(
                               (?\( _ ")")
                               (?\[ _ "]")
                               (?\{ _ "}")
                               (?\$ _ "$")))

;; version 2: (  ),{  },[  ],$  $----->not used
;;   (setq skeleton-pair-alist  '(
;;                                (?\( ?  _ " )")
;;                                (?\[ ?  _ " ]")
;;                                (?\{ ?  _ " }")
;;                                (?\$ ?  _ " $")))
  (setq skeleton-pair t)
  (local-set-key (kbd "(") 'skeleton-pair-insert-maybe)
  (local-set-key (kbd "{") 'skeleton-pair-insert-maybe)
  (local-set-key (kbd "`") 'skeleton-pair-insert-maybe)
  (local-set-key (kbd "[") 'skeleton-pair-insert-maybe)
  (local-set-key (kbd "$") 'skeleton-pair-insert-maybe))

(add-hook 'TeX-mode-hook 'my-TeX-mode-auto-pair)
;; (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'my-TeX-mode-auto-pair)
(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'my-TeX-mode-auto-pair)
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'my-TeX-mode-auto-pair)
(add-hook 'bibtex-mode-hook 'my-TeX-mode-auto-pair)

;;}}} set up auto pair parentheses {end}--------------------

;;{{{ color theme {begin}--------------------

;; enable the color-theme package
(require 'color-theme) ; load  the color-theme package

;; Call function da-color-theme to change to the dark face, and call C-u da-color-theme for the yellow background face.
(require 'switch-color-theme-matlab-latex)
(global-set-key [f6] 'da-color-theme)

(da-color-theme) ; select my own color theme as default

(require 'zenburn)

;;}}} color theme {end}--------------------

;;{{{ file header {begin}--------------------

;; use M-x make-header to auto write fire header for my source codes
(require 'header2)
;; Do this in your ~/.emacs:according to the header2.el

;; User options (variables) defined here:
;;   `header-copyright-notice', `header-history-label', `header-max',
;;   `make-header-hook'
;; Other variables defined here:
;;   `file-header-update-alist', `header-prefix-string', `return-to'
(setq header-copyright-notice "Da Zhang MGH Radiology\n")
(setq header-modification-author "Da Zhang\n")
(setq make-header-hook '( header-file-name
(make-local-variable 'user-full-name)
(make-local-variable 'user-mail-address)

;; Update file headers when write files.
(add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'update-file-header)
;; Create headers for file buffers in my favorite modes.
(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'auto-make-header)
(add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook   'auto-make-header)
(add-hook 'c++-mode-hook   'auto-make-header)
(add-hook 'java-mode-hook   'auto-make-header)
(add-hook 'perl-mode-hook   'auto-make-header)

(defun my-matlab-mode-auto-make-header ()
  "Auto make header for matlab code."
  (make-local-variable 'make-header-hook)
  (setq make-header-hook '( header-file-name
(add-hook 'matlab-mode-hook 'my-matlab-mode-auto-make-header)

(defun my-org-mode-auto-make-header ()
  "Auto make header for matlab code."
  (make-local-variable 'make-header-hook)
  (setq make-header-hook '( header-org-mode
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'my-org-mode-auto-make-header)

(defun my-perl-mode-auto-make-header ()
  "Auto make header for matlab code."
  (make-local-variable 'make-header-hook)
  (setq make-header-hook '(header-perl-header-begin 
(add-hook 'perl-mode-hook 'my-perl-mode-auto-make-header)

;;}}} file header {end}--------------------

;;{{{ redo {begin}--------------------

(require 'redo)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-?") 'redo)

;;}}} redo {end}--------------------

;;{{{ scroll without cursor moving {begin}--------------------

;; scroll functions
(defun hold-line-scroll-up()
  "Scroll the page with the cursor in the same line"
  (let ((next-screen-context-lines
          (window-start) (window-end)
(defun hold-line-scroll-down()
  "Scroll the page with the cursor in the same line"
  (let ((next-screen-context-lines
          (window-start) (window-end)
;; while scroll up/down by holding Ctrl and mouse wheel up/down, the cursor doesn't move within the current
;; window, and scroll line by line.
(global-set-key (kbd "<C-wheel-up>") 'hold-line-scroll-up)
(global-set-key (kbd "<C-wheel-down>") 'hold-line-scroll-down)

;;}}} scroll without cursor moving {end}--------------------

;;{{{ shell toggle {begin}--------------------

(autoload 'shell-toggle "da-shell-toggle"
 "Toggles between the *shell* buffer and whatever buffer you are editing."
(autoload 'shell-toggle-cd "da-shell-toggle"
 "Pops up a shell-buffer and insert a \"cd <file-dir>\" command." t)

(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-'") 'shell-toggle-cd)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-'") 'shell-toggle)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-!") 'shell-command)

(defun open-buffer-path ()
  "Run explorer on the directory of the current buffer."
   (concat "explorer "  (replace-regexp-in-string "/" "\\\\" 
                                                  (if (eq major-mode 'dired-mode)
                                                    (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name))) t t))))

;; (defun run-shell-at-buffer-path ()
;;   "Run explorer on the directory of the current buffer."
;;   (interactive)
;;   (shell-command
;;    (concat "bash " " -c " (concat "'cd " (replace-regexp-in-string "/" "\\\\" 
;;                                                   (if (eq major-mode 'dired-mode)
;;                                                       dired-directory
;;                                                     (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name))) t t) "'" ))

;;}}} shell toggle {end}--------------------

;;{{{ dired mode {begin}--------------------

;; enable dired to visit subfolders in the current buffer by typing "a"
(put 'dired-find-alternate-file 'disabled nil)

;; dired+ mode
(require 'dired+)
(require 'dired-details)
;; use ( or ) to toggle the details shown in dired
(require 'dired-details+)

;; find-dired
(require 'find-dired)
(setq find-ls-option '("-print0 | xargs -0 ls -ld" . "-ld"))

;; Hack dired to launch files mouse clicking
;; and Ret to open the dir into the same buffer
(require 'w32-browser)

;; open the father path using M-<up>
(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook (lambda ()
                             (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "<M-up>")
                             (define-key dired-mode-map
                               "c" 'diredp-copy-this-file)
                             ;; (define-key dired-mode-map
                             ;;   [M-f8] 'dired-w32-browser) ;; open in window associated application
                             (define-key dired-mode-map
                               (kbd "<C-M-return>") 'dired-w32-browser) ;; open in window associated application
                             (define-key dired-mode-map
                               "\r" 'dired-find-alternate-file)))

;; we want dired not not make always a new buffer if visiting a directory
;; but using only one dired buffer for all directories.
(defadvice dired-advertised-find-file (around dired-subst-directory activate)
  "Replace current buffer if file is a directory."
  (let ((orig (current-buffer))
        (filename (dired-get-filename)))
    (when (and (file-directory-p filename)
               (not (eq (current-buffer) orig)))
      (kill-buffer orig))))

(eval-after-load "dired"
  ;; don't remove `other-window', the caller expects it to be there
  '(defun dired-up-directory (&optional other-window)
     "Run Dired on parent directory of current directory."
     (interactive "P")
     (let* ((dir (dired-current-directory))
     	    (orig (current-buffer))
     	    (up (file-name-directory (directory-file-name dir))))
       (or (dired-goto-file (directory-file-name dir))
     	   ;; Only try dired-goto-subdir if buffer has more than one dir.
     	   (and (cdr dired-subdir-alist)
                (dired-goto-subdir up))
     	     (kill-buffer orig)
     	     (dired up)
     	     (dired-goto-file dir))))))

;; enable dired to recursively copy and delete files and directories
(setq dired-recursive-copies 'top)
(setq dired-recursive-deletes 'top)

;; sorting functionality in dired
;; ss sort according to file size
;; sx sort according to file extention
;; st sort according to access time
;; sn sort according to file name
(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook (lambda ()
  (make-local-variable  'dired-sort-map)
  (setq dired-sort-map (make-sparse-keymap))
  (define-key dired-mode-map "s" dired-sort-map)
  (define-key dired-sort-map "s"
    '(lambda () "sort by Size"
       (interactive) (dired-sort-other (concat dired-listing-switches "S"))))
  (define-key dired-sort-map "x"
    '(lambda () "sort by eXtension"
       (interactive) (dired-sort-other (concat dired-listing-switches "X"))))
  (define-key dired-sort-map "t"
    '(lambda () "sort by Time"
       (interactive) (dired-sort-other (concat dired-listing-switches "t"))))
  (define-key dired-sort-map "n"
    '(lambda () "sort by Name"
       (interactive) (dired-sort-other (concat dired-listing-switches ""))))))

;; put folder at the top of the list
(defun dired-sort-dir-first ()
  "Dired sort hook to list directories first."
    (let (buffer-read-only)
      (forward-line 2) ;; beyond dir. header
      (sort-regexp-fields t "^.*$" "[ ]*." (point) (point-max))))
  (and (featurep 'xemacs)
       (fboundp 'dired-insert-set-properties)
       (dired-insert-set-properties (point-min) (point-max)))
  (set-buffer-modified-p nil))
(add-hook 'dired-after-readin-hook 'dired-sort-dir-first)

;; use C-x C-j to open the containing folder of the current file
;; C-x C-j open the directory of current buffer
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-j") 'open-dir-current-file)

(defun open-dir-current-file()
  (if (buffer-file-name)
      (dired default-directory)))

;; omit certain file extensions that I don't want to see
;; use M-o to toggle omitting these files
(setq dired-omit-extensions '("CVS/" "~"
                              ".a" ".aux"
                              ".bin" ".lbin" ".blg"
                              ".class" ".cp" ".cps"
                              ".fasl" ".fas" ".fmt"
                              ".ufsl"  ".ln" ".fn" ".fns"
                              ".ky" ".kys"
                              ".la" ".lof" ".lot"
                              ".pgs" ".pg"
                              ".tfm" ".toc" ".tp" ".tps"
                              ".vr" ".vrs"

;;}}} dired mode {end}--------------------

;;{{{ bm Bookmarks {begin}--------------------

;; Make sure the repository is loaded as early as possible
(setq bm-restore-repository-on-load t)
(require 'bm)

;; M$ Visual Studio key setup.
(global-set-key [(f2)]                  'bm-toggle)
(global-set-key [(control f2)]          'bm-previous)
(global-set-key [(shift f2)]            'bm-next)
(global-set-key [(meta f2)]             'bm-show-all)
(global-set-key [(control shift f2)]    'bm-remove-all-current-buffer)

(global-set-key [(f3)]                  'bm-next)
(global-set-key [(control f3)]          'bm-previous)

;; Click on fringe to toggle bookmarks, and use mouse wheel to move
;; between them.
(setq bm-marker 'bm-marker-left)
(setq bm-highlight-style 'bm-highlight-line-and-fringe)

;; (global-set-key (kbd "<left-fringe> <mouse-5>") 'bm-next-mouse)
;; (global-set-key (kbd "<left-fringe> <mouse-4>") 'bm-previous-mouse)
;; (global-set-key (kbd "<left-fringe> <mouse-1>") 'bm-toggle-mouse)

;; make bookmarks persistent as default
(setq bm-repository-file "c:/home/zhangda/bm-repository")
(setq-default bm-buffer-persistence t)

;; Update bookmark repository when saving the file.
(add-hook 'after-save-hook 'bm-buffer-save)

;; Restore bookmarks when buffer is reverted.
(add-hook 'after-revert-hook 'bm-buffer-restore)

;; Loading the repository from file when on start up.
(add-hook' after-init-hook 'bm-repository-load)

;; Restoring bookmarks when on file find.
(add-hook 'find-file-hooks 'bm-buffer-restore)

;; Saving bookmark data on killing a buffer
(add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'bm-buffer-save)

;; Saving the repository to file when on exit.
;; kill-buffer-hook is not called when Emacs is killed, so we
;; must save all bookmarks first.
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook '(lambda nil

;; make sure bookmarks is saved before check-in (and revert-buffer)
(add-hook 'vc-before-checkin-hook 'bm-buffer-save)

;;}}} bm Bookmarks {end}--------------------

;;{{{ word-count {begin}--------------------

;;; Final version: while
(defun word-count (beginning end)
  "Print number of words in the region."
  (interactive "r")
  (message "Counting words in region ... ")
;;; 1. Set up appropriate conditions.
    (let ((count 0))
      (goto-char beginning)
;;; 2. Run the while loop.
      (while (and (< (point) end)
                  (re-search-forward "\\w+\\W*" end t))
        (setq count (1+ count)))
;;; 3. Send a message to the user.
      (cond ((zerop count)
              "The region does NOT have any words."))
            ((= 1 count)
              "The region has 1 word."))
              "The region has %d words." count))))))

;;}}} word-count {end}--------------------

;;{{{ unicad {begin}--------------------

;; Unicad helps Emacs to guess the correct coding system when opening a file.
;; It's designed to work automatically and quietly without user interaction.
(require 'unicad)

;;}}} unicad {end}--------------------

;;{{{ pager {begin}--------------------

;; make the scroll up and scroll down act as in other softwares
;; pager.el stuff
(require 'pager)
(global-set-key "\C-v"     'pager-page-down)
(global-set-key [next]     'pager-page-down)
(global-set-key "\M-v"      'pager-page-up)
(global-set-key [prior]    'pager-page-up)
(global-set-key '[M-up]    'pager-row-up)
(global-set-key '[M-down]  'pager-row-down)

;;}}} pager {end}--------------------

;;{{{ unfill {begin}--------------------

;;; Stefan Monnier <foo at>. It is the opposite of
;;; fill-paragraph Takes a multi-line paragraph and makes it into a
;;; single line of text.
(defun unfill-paragraph ()
  "Reverse the effect of fill-paragraph: make a paragraph into a single line."
  (let ((fill-column 46488))
    (fill-paragraph nil)))

(defun unfill-region ()
  "Do the opposite of fill-region; stuff all paragraphs in the current region into long lines."
  (let ((fill-column 46488))
    (fill-region (point) (mark))))

(global-unset-key (kbd "C-M-q"))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-q") 'unfill-paragraph)

;;}}} unfill {end}--------------------

;;{{{ move up/down by multiple lines {begin}--------------------

;; Faster point movement
(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-p")
  '(lambda () (interactive) (previous-line 15)))

(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-n")
  '(lambda () (interactive) (next-line 15)))

;;}}} move up/down by multiple lines {end}--------------------

;;{{{ anything {begin}--------------------
(require 'anything-config)

(setq anything-map
  (let ((map (copy-keymap minibuffer-local-map)))
    (define-key map (kbd "<down>") 'anything-next-line)
    (define-key map (kbd "<up>") 'anything-previous-line)
    (define-key map (kbd "C-n") 'anything-next-line)
    (define-key map (kbd "C-p") 'anything-previous-line)
    (define-key map (kbd "<prior>") 'anything-previous-page)
    (define-key map (kbd "<next>") 'anything-next-page)
    (define-key map (kbd "<right>") 'anything-next-source)
    (define-key map (kbd "<left>") 'anything-previous-source)
    (define-key map (kbd "<RET>") 'anything-exit-minibuffer)
    (define-key map (kbd "C-1") 'anything-select-with-digit-shortcut)
    (define-key map (kbd "C-2") 'anything-select-with-digit-shortcut)
    (define-key map (kbd "C-3") 'anything-select-with-digit-shortcut)
    (define-key map (kbd "C-4") 'anything-select-with-digit-shortcut)
    (define-key map (kbd "C-5") 'anything-select-with-digit-shortcut)
    (define-key map (kbd "C-6") 'anything-select-with-digit-shortcut)
    (define-key map (kbd "C-7") 'anything-select-with-digit-shortcut)
    (define-key map (kbd "C-8") 'anything-select-with-digit-shortcut)
    (define-key map (kbd "C-9") 'anything-select-with-digit-shortcut)
    (define-key map (kbd "C-i") 'anything-select-action)

(global-set-key [C-f10]
  (lambda() (interactive)
     :prompt "Switch to: "
     :candidate-number-limit 10                 ;; up to 10 of each 
     '( anything-c-source-buffers               ;; buffers 
        anything-c-source-recentf               ;; recent files 
        anything-c-source-bookmarks             ;; bookmarks
        anything-c-source-files-in-current-dir+)))) ;; current dir
;;        anything-c-source-locate)))              ;; use 'locate'

;;}}} anything {end}--------------------

;;{{{ flyspell {begin}--------------------

;;; Use Aspell for spell checking
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'flyspell-mode)
(setq-default ispell-program-name "C:/Emacs/aspell/bin/aspell.exe")
(setq-default ispell-extra-args '("--sug-mode=ultra"))

;;}}} flyspell {end}--------------------

;;{{{ Tramp mode {begin}--------------------

(setq tramp-default-method "sshx")
;; (setq tramp-default-method "plink")
;; (setq tramp-verbose 10)
;; (setq tramp-debug-buffer t)

;;}}} Tramp mode {end}--------------------

;;{{{ Auto Complete {begin}--------------------

(global-set-key (kbd "<apps>") 'hippie-expand)
(global-set-key (kbd "<C-tab>") 'hippie-expand)
;; hippie-expand
(setq hippie-expand-try-functions-list

;; key bindings for specific modes

;; Auctex mode
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook
          '(lambda ()
          (define-key LaTeX-mode-map (kbd "<C-tab>")

;; Matlab mode
(add-hook 'matlab-mode-hook
          '(lambda ()
          (define-key matlab-mode-map (kbd "<C-tab>")

;; Emacs-Lisp mode
(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook
          '(lambda ()
             (define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map (kbd "<C-tab>")

(require 'auto-complete-config)
(add-to-list 'ac-dictionary-directories "c:/Emacs/site-lisp/ac-dict")

;;}}} Auto Complete {end}--------------------

;;{{{ Desktop and recentf {begin}--------------------

;; recentf stuff
(require 'recentf)
(recentf-mode t)
(setq recentf-max-menu-items 25)
(global-set-key "\C-x\ \C-r" 'recentf-open-files)

;;Note: for the outline-minor-mode-prefix to be successfully set to C-o,
;;this desktop setting must be placed after the settings of the outline
;;mode, especially the (setq outline-minor-mode-prefix "C-o")
(setq desktop-path (quote ("C:/home/zhangda/emacs-desktop-dir/")))
(setq desktop-dirname "C:/home/zhangda/emacs-desktop-dir")
(setq desktop-load-locked-desktop t)
(setq desktop-save-mode t)
(setq history-length 250)
(desktop-read) ; enable desktop function, which save all the buffers opened
               ; before exiting

;;}}} Desktop and recentf {end}--------------------

;;{{{ Info customize {begin}--------------------

(define-key Info-mode-map (kbd "M-n") 'forward-paragraph)

;;}}} Info customize {end}--------------------

;;{{{ my customized keybindings {begin}--------------------

;; global set key bindings for function keys

;; (global-set-key [f1] 'toggle-linum-mode)

;; (global-set-key [(f2)]                  'bm-toggle)
;; (global-set-key [(control f2)]          'bm-previous)
;; (global-set-key [(shift f2)]            'bm-next)
;; (global-set-key [(meta f2)]             'bm-show-all)
;; (global-set-key [(control shift f2)]    'bm-remove-all-current-buffer)

;; (global-set-key [(f3)]                  'bm-next)
;; (global-set-key [(control f3)]          'bm-previous)

(global-set-key [f4] 'repeat-complex-command)
(global-set-key [C-f4] 'call-last-kbd-macro)
(global-set-key [M-f4] 'ido-kill-buffer)

;; (define-key muse-mode-map [f5] 'muse-project-publish-this-file)

;; (global-set-key [f6] 'da-color-theme)
(global-set-key [C-f6] 'compile)

(global-set-key [f7] 'next-error)
(global-set-key [C-f7] 'previous-error)

(global-set-key [f8] 'da-revert-buffer)

(global-set-key [f9] 'dired)
(global-set-key [C-f9] 'speedbar-get-focus)
(global-set-key [M-f9] 'open-buffer-path)

(global-set-key [f10] 'anything)
;; (global-set-key [C-f10]
;;   (lambda() (interactive)
;;     (anything
;;      :prompt "Switch to: "
;;      :candidate-number-limit 10                 ;; up to 10 of each 
;;      :sources
;;      '( anything-c-source-buffers               ;; buffers 
;;         anything-c-source-recentf               ;; recent files 
;;         anything-c-source-bookmarks             ;; bookmarks
;;         anything-c-source-files-in-current-dir+)))) ;; current dir
;; ;;        anything-c-source-locate)))              ;; use 'locate'

(global-set-key [f11] 'query-replace-regexp)

;; (global-set-key [f12] 'remember)
;; (global-set-key [C-f12] 'gtd)
;; (global-set-key [M-f12] 'weblogger-start-entry)

;; comment/uncomment out region
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c ;") 'comment-region)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c :") 'uncomment-region)

;; for my convinence, set M-n and M-p as follows
(global-set-key (kbd "M-n") 'forward-paragraph)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-p") 'backward-paragraph)

;; keybinding for backward C-k
(global-set-key ( kbd "C-S-k")
                 '(lambda () (interactive) (kill-line 0)))

(global-unset-key (kbd "C-z"))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-z") 'undo)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-S-z") 'redo)
;; enable the undo-tree mode: C-x u will open the undo-tree buffer for visualization
(require 'undo-tree)

;; go to the  matching parenthesis or square bracket
(defun da-match-paren (arg)
  "Go to the matching paren if on a paren."
  (interactive "p")
  (cond ((and mark-active (looking-at "\\s\(")) (forward-list 1))
        ((and mark-active (looking-back "\\s\)")) (backward-list 1))
        ((looking-at "\\s\(") (forward-list 1) (backward-char 1))
        ((looking-at "\\s\)") (forward-char 1) (backward-list 1))

(global-set-key (kbd "M-[") 'da-match-paren)

(defun combine-lines (&optional arg)
  (interactive "P")
  (let ((rexp "\\(?:\\s-\\|\n\\)"))
      (while (looking-back rexp)
        (delete-backward-char 1))
      (while (looking-at rexp)
        (delete-char 1))
      (unless arg
        (insert " ")))))

(global-set-key (kbd "M-]") 'combine-lines)

;; set up for temporary mark in files
(global-set-key (kbd "M-.") 'ska-point-to-register)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-,") 'ska-jump-to-register)
;; (global-set-key [(control \.)] 'ska-point-to-register)
;; (global-set-key [(control \,)] 'ska-jump-to-register)

(defun ska-point-to-register()
  "Store cursor position _fast_ in a register.
Use ska-jump-to-register to jump back to the stored
  (message "Point to register")
  (setq zmacs-region-stays t)
  (point-to-register 8))

(defun ska-jump-to-register()
  "Switches between current cursor position and position
that was stored with ska-point-to-register."
  (message "Jump to register")
  (setq zmacs-region-stays t)
  (let ((tmp (point-marker)))
        (jump-to-register 8)
        (set-register 8 tmp)))

;; go-to-char
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-a") 'wy-go-to-char)

(defun wy-go-to-char (n char)
  "Move forward to Nth occurence of CHAR.
Typing `wy-go-to-char-key' again will move forwad to the next Nth
occurence of CHAR."
  (interactive "p\ncGo to char: ")
  (search-forward (string char) nil nil n)
  (while (char-equal (read-char) char)
    (search-forward (string char) nil nil n))
  (setq unread-command-events (list last-input-event)))

;; ;; hide region
;; (require 'hide-region)
;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-c r") 'hide-region-hide)
;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-c R") 'hide-region-unhide)

;; hide lines
(autoload 'hide-lines "hide-lines" "Hide lines based on a regexp" t)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c M-l") 'hide-lines)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c M-L") 'show-all-invisible)

;; word search
(global-set-key (kbd "M-s") 'word-search-forward)
(global-unset-key (kbd "M-r"))
(global-set-key (kbd "M-r") 'word-search-backward)

;; go to other window
(global-set-key [backtab] 'other-window)

;; global set key bindings for goto line
(global-set-key (kbd "M-g") 'goto-line)

;; global set key bindings for M-Spcace for set mark
(global-set-key (kbd "M-<SPC>") 'set-mark-command)

;; zoom in and out for emacs (text size adjust)
(global-set-key (kbd "<C-kp-add>") 'text-scale-increase)
(global-set-key (kbd "<C-kp-subtract>") 'text-scale-decrease)

(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-f") 'ido-find-file)

(define-key org-mode-map (kbd "C-c [") 'reftex-citation)

;; (setq w32-enable-caps-lock nil)
;; (global-set-key [capslock] 'execute-extended-command) 

;;}}} my customized keybindings {end}--------------------

;;{{{ web blogger {begin}--------------------

;; (load-file "weblogger.el")
;; (require 'weblogger)

;; (add-hook 'weblogger-entry-mode-hook
          ;; (lambda ()
          ;;   (auto-fill-mode nil)))
;; (global-set-key [M-f12] 'weblogger-start-entry)

;; (autoload 'markdown-mode "markdown-mode.el"
;;    "Major mode for editing Markdown files" t)
;; (setq auto-mode-alist
;;    (cons '("\\.text" . markdown-mode) auto-mode-alist))

;; org2blog mode
(require 'org2blog-autoloads)
(setq org2blog/wp-blog-alist
         :url ""
         :username "zhangda"   
         :tags-as-categories nil)))

(global-set-key [C-M-f12] 'org2blog/wp-new-entry)

;;}}} web blogger {end}--------------------

;;{{{ Visual Basic {begin}--------------------

;; autoload visual-basic-mode
(autoload 'visual-basic-mode "visual-basic-mode" "Visual Basic mode." t)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.vbs\\'" . visual-basic-mode)) ;VBscript
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.vb\\'" . visual-basic-mode))  ;visual basic .NET file
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.bas\\'" . visual-basic-mode)) ;visual basic form
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.frm\\'" . visual-basic-mode)) ;basic language source
;; (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.cls\\'" . visual-basic-mode)) ;C++ class definition file
(setq-default visual-basic-mode-indent 4)

;;}}} Visual Basic {end}--------------------

;;{{{ Emacs ppt {begin}--------------------

(defun org-mode-reftex-setup ()
  (load-library "reftex")
  (and (buffer-file-name)
       (file-exists-p (buffer-file-name))
  (define-key org-mode-map (kbd "C-c [") 'reftex-citation)
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'org-mode-reftex-setup)

;; for ditaa support in org mode
(require 'org-exp-blocks)

;; ditaa: java package to convert text graphics to png files, very good for flow charts
(setq ditaa-cmd "java -jar C:/downloads/software/ditaa/ditaa0_6b.jar")
(defun draw (saveas)
  (interactive "FSave As: ")
    (concat ditaa-cmd " \"" buffer-file-name "\"" " " "\"" saveas "\""))) ;; use \" to pass "" for the path name

;; org mode && beamer integration
;; allow for export=>beamer by placing
;; #+LaTeX_CLASS: beamer in org files
(unless (boundp 'org-export-latex-classes)
  (setq org-export-latex-classes nil))

(add-to-list 'org-export-latex-classes
     \\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}\n
     \\tikzstyle{block}=[draw opacity=0.7,line width=1.4cm]\n
     \\institute{Mass General Imaging}\n"
               ("\\section{%s}" . "\\section*{%s}")

(add-to-list 'org-export-latex-classes
               "\\documentclass [letterpaper, 11pt]{article}\n
\\usepackage[pdfpagemode = colorlinks, pdffitwindow = true, bookmarks = true, pdftoolbar = false, pdfmenubar = true, pdfnewwindow = true]{hyperref}\n
               ("\\section{%s}" . "\\section*{%s}")))

(add-to-list 'org-export-latex-classes
               "\\documentclass [letterpaper, 10pt]{article}\n
               ("\\section{%s}" . "\\section*{%s}")))

(add-to-list 'org-export-latex-classes
               "\\documentclass [aip, numerical, linenumbers, preprint, prb, groupedaddress]{revtex4-1}\n
               ("\\section{%s}" . "\\section*{%s}")))

;;}}} Emacs ppt {end}--------------------

;;{{{ Org to S5 {begin}--------------------

(load-file "C:/Emacs/site-lisp/org-export-as-s5.el")
(setq org-s5-theme "railscast")   ; based off `color-theme-railscasts'
(setq org-s5-theme "default")     ; the default S5 theme
(setq org-s5-theme "i18n")        ; the i18n theme by the author of S5

;;}}} Org to S5 {end}--------------------

;;{{{ Ediff {begin}--------------------

;; Diff the current buffer with the file contents
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c w") 'diff-buffer-with-file)

;;}}} Ediff {end}--------------------

;;{{{ CUA {begin}--------------------

;; only use the rectangular functionality of CUA mode
(setq cua-enable-cua-keys nil) ;; only for rectangles
(cua-mode t)
;; (global-set-key (kbd "<C-M-return>") 'cua-set-rectangle-mark)

;;}}} CUA {end}--------------------

;;{{{ Comment line {begin}--------------------

(defun comment-line ()
  "comment line at point."
      ((beg (point)))
    (comment-region beg (point))))

(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-;") 'comment-line)

;;}}} comment line {end}--------------------

;;{{{ windmove {begin}--------------------

;; Windmove is a package that allows you to move point from window to window
;; using Shift and the arrow keys. This is easier to type than C-x o and, for
;; some users, may be more intuitive
(when (fboundp 'windmove-default-keybindings)

;;}}} windmove {end}--------------------

;;{{{ sml modeline {begin}--------------------

(if (require 'sml-modeline nil 'noerror)    ;; use sml-modeline if available
    (sml-mode t)                   ;; show buffer pos in the mode line
    ;; (scroll-bar-mode -1)
    )                   ;; turn off the scrollbar
  (scroll-bar-mode 1)                       ;; otherwise, show a scrollbar...
  (set-scroll-bar-mode 'right))             ;; ... on the right

;;}}} sml modeline {end}--------------------

;;{{{ format bib {begin}--------------------

(require 'fbib)

;;}}} format bib {end}--------------------

;;{{{ C++ Programming {begin}--------------------

;; C++ coding style definition
;; (defconst *my-cc-style*
;;   '((c-basic-offset . 4)
;;     (c-comment-only-line-offset 0 . 0)
;;     (c-comment-only-line-offset . 0)
;;     (c-hanging-braces-alist . ((brace-list-open)
;;                                (brace-entry-open)
;;                                (block-close . c-snug-do-while)
;;                                (arglist-cont-nonempty)
;;                                (substatement-open before after)))
;;     (c-cleanup-list . (brace-else-brace))
;;     (c-offsets-alist . ((statement-block-intro . +)
;;                         (knr-argdecl-intro     . 0)
;;                         (label . 0)
;;                         (statement-case-open . +)
;;                         (statement-cont . +)
;;                         (substatement-open     . 0)
;;                         (substatement-label    . 0)
;;                         (arglist-intro . c-lineup-arglist-intro-after-paren)
;;                         (arglist-close . c-lineup-arglist)
;;                         (inline-open . 0)
;;                         (innamespace           . 0)
;;                         (case-label            . +)
;;                         (brace-list-open . +)
;;                         (topmost-intro-cont first c-lineup-topmost-intro-cont c-lineup-gnu-DEFUN-intro-cont)
;;                         (statement-cont        . +)))
;;     (c-special-indent-hook . c-gnu-impose-minimum)
;;     (c-block-comment-prefix . "")))

(defun my-c-initialization-hook ()
  (define-key c-mode-base-map "\C-m" 'c-context-line-break)
  (define-key c-mode-base-map (kbd "RET") 'reindent-then-newline-and-indent))

(add-hook 'c-initialization-hook 'my-c-initialization-hook)
;; (setq c-offsets-alist '((member-init-intro . ++)))

;; (c-add-style "PERSONAL" *my-cc-style*)

(defun my-c-mode-common-hook ()
  (c-set-style "stroustrup") ;;PERSONAL
  (setq tab-width 4
        indent-tabs-mode nil
        c-hungry-delete-key t)
  (c-toggle-auto-newline 1)
  (linum-mode 1))

(add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook 'my-c-mode-common-hook)

(add-hook 'c++-mode-common-hook 'my-c-mode-common-hook)

;;}}} C++ Programming {end}--------------------

;;{{{ rainbow mode {begin}--------------------

;; for colorful display of color names when setting up emacs colors
(require 'rainbow-mode)

;;}}} rainbow mode {end}--------------------

;;{{{ folding {begin}--------------------

;; folding: hide/show marked region from viewing. Key bindings are prefixed with
;; "C-c@" instead of old "C-c". To use the old keyboard bindings, uncomment the
;; following lines: (setq folding-default-keys-function
;; 'folding-bind-backward-compatible-keys)

(if (load "folding" 'nomessage 'noerror)

;; whether to fold buffer when starting the Folding mode
(setq folding-folding-on-startup t)
(setq folding-narrow-by-default t)
(if (load "folding" 'nomessage 'noerror)

;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-c @ C-e") 'folding-show-current-entry)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c f") 'folding-toggle-show-hide)

;;}}} folding {end}--------------------

;;{{{ cedet 1.0 {begin}--------------------

;; Load CEDET.
;; See cedet/common/ for configuration details.
(load-file "C:/Emacs/site-lisp/cedet/common/cedet.el")

;; Enable EDE (Project Management) features
(global-ede-mode 1)

;; Enable EDE for a pre-existing C++ project
;; (ede-cpp-root-project "NAME" :file "~/myproject/Makefile")

;; Enabling Semantic (code-parsing, smart completion) features
;; Select one of the following:

;; * This enables the database and idle reparse engines

;; * This enables some tools useful for coding, such as summary mode
;;   imenu support, and the semantic navigator

;; * This enables even more coding tools such as intellisense mode
;;   decoration mode, and stickyfunc mode (plus regular code helpers)
;; (semantic-load-enable-gaudy-code-helpers)

;; * This enables the use of Exuberent ctags if you have it installed.
;;   If you use C++ templates or boost, you should NOT enable it.
;; (semantic-load-enable-all-exuberent-ctags-support)
;;   Or, use one of these two types of support.
;;   Add support for new languges only via ctags.
;; (semantic-load-enable-primary-exuberent-ctags-support)
;;   Add support for using ctags as a backup parser.
;; (semantic-load-enable-secondary-exuberent-ctags-support)

;; Enable SRecode (Template management) minor-mode.
;; (global-srecode-minor-mode 1)

;; To use additional features for names completion, and displaying of information for tags & classes
(require 'semantic-ia)

;; C/C++, semantic automatically load /usr/include as index database
(setq semanticdb-search-system-databases t)

;; Semantic can automatically find path, where system include files are located when gcc is used
(require 'semantic-gcc)

;; add the following gcc include libraries to the semantic system include list
(eval-after-load "semantic-c"
  '(dolist (d (list "C:/cygwin/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/3.4.4/include"
     (semantic-add-system-include d)))

;; set up cedet
(autoload 'speedbar-frame-mode "speedbar" "Popup a speedbar frame" t)
(autoload 'speedbar-get-focus "speedbar" "Jump to speedbar frame" t)
(define-key-after (lookup-key global-map [menu-bar tools])
  '("Speedbar" .

;; set up the default path for semantic to store its analysis results
(setq semanticdb-default-save-directory
(expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/semanticdb"))

;; prevent semantic use too much of CPU time
(setq-default semantic-idle-scheduler-idle-time 432000)

;; key bindings for auto completion
(defun my-cedet-hook ()
  (local-set-key [(meta return)] 'semantic-ia-complete-symbol)
  (local-set-key "\C-c?" 'semantic-ia-complete-symbol-menu)
  (local-set-key "\C-c>" 'semantic-complete-analyze-inline)
  (local-set-key "\C-cp" 'semantic-analyze-proto-impl-toggle)
  (local-set-key "." 'semantic-complete-self-insert)
  (local-set-key ">" 'semantic-complete-self-insert))
(add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook 'my-cedet-hook)

;; project root path
(setq semanticdb-project-roots
       (expand-file-name "/")))

(autoload 'senator-try-expand-semantic "senator")

;; speedbar key binding, n and p for "next" and "previous" movement, + and - as
;; show or hide directory, g for refresh
;; speed bar settings
(setq speedbar-show-unknown-files t) ; display all directories and files
;; (setq dframe-update-speed nil) ; don't use automatic refresh of speed bar, press g instead
;; (setq speedbar-update-flag nil)
;; (setq speedbar-use-images nil) ; don't use image
(setq speedbar-verbosity-level 0)
;; (require 'wisent)
;;}}} cedet 1.0 {end}--------------------

;;{{{ matlab-emacs {begin}--------------------
(add-to-list 'load-path "c:/Emacs/site-lisp/matlab-emacs/")
(require 'matlab-load)

;; Enable CEDET feature support for MATLAB code. (Optional)

(setq-default matlab-highlight-cross-function-variables t)

(add-hook 'matlab-mode-hook
          '(lambda ()
             (define-key matlab-mode-map "\M-;" 'comment-dwim)
             (linum-mode 1)))

;; some settings for the matlab-mode
(setq matlab-auto-fill nil)
(setq matlab-comment-anti-indent 0)
(setq matlab-indent-level 4)
(setq matlab-comment-column default-fill-column)
(setq matlab-comment-line-s "% ")
(setq matlab-comment-on-line-s " % ")
(setq matlab-comment-region-s "% ")
(setq matlab-completion-technique (quote increment))
(setq matlab-fill-fudge 5)
(setq matlab-fill-fudge-hard-maximum 100)
(setq matlab-fill-strings-flag nil)

(setq matlab-functions-have-end nil)

(setq matlab-highlight-cross-function-variables t)
(setq matlab-highlight-block-match-flag t)

(setq matlab-return-add-semicolon nil)
;; (setq-default matlab-show-mlint-warnings t)
;; (setq mlint-programs (quote ("mlint" "win32/mlint" "C:\\MATLAB2008a\\bin\\win32\\mlint.exe")))

(setq matlab-fill-code t)

;; turn off auto-verify on save
(setq matlab-verify-on-save-flag nil)

;; if you want function bodies indented
(setq-default matlab-indent-function nil)
(setq-default matlab-indent-function-body nil)

;;}}} old matlab emacs integration {end}--------------------

;;{{{ regexp helper {begin}--------------------

(require 're-builder)
(setq reb-re-syntax 'string)

;;}}} regexp helper {end}--------------------

;;{{{ auto byte-compile if .elc exist {begin}--------------------

(defun auto-byte-recompile ()
  "If the current buffer is in emacs-lisp-mode and there already exists an `.elc'
file corresponding to the current buffer file, then recompile the file."
  (when (and (eq major-mode 'emacs-lisp-mode)
             (file-exists-p (byte-compile-dest-file buffer-file-name)))
    (byte-compile-file buffer-file-name)))

(add-hook 'after-save-hook 'auto-byte-recompile)

;; ignore byte-compile warnings
(setq byte-compile-warnings '(not nresolved

;;}}} auto byte-compile if .elc exist {end}--------------------

;;{{{ rainbow matching delimiters {begin}--------------------

(when (require 'rainbow-delimiters nil 'noerror) 
  (add-hook 'scheme-mode-hook 'rainbow-delimiters-mode)
  (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'rainbow-delimiters-mode)
  (add-hook 'c-mode-hook 'rainbow-delimiters-mode)

;;}}} rainbow matching delimiters {end}--------------------

;;{{{ browser and google search {begin}--------------------
;;point to the appropriate browser
(setq browse-url-firefox-program "C:/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe")

(setq browse-url-browser-function 'browse-url-firefox
          browse-url-new-window-flag nil
          browse-url-firefox-new-window-is-tab nil)

(defun region-or-word (prompt)
  "Read a string from the minibuffer, prompting with PROMPT.
If `transient-mark-mode' is non-nil and the mark is active,
it defaults to the current region, else to the word at or before
point. This function returns a list (string) for use in `interactive'."
  (list (read-string prompt (or (and transient-mark-mode mark-active
                                      (region-beginning) (region-end)))
(defun google (string)
  "Ask a WWW browser to google string.
Prompts for a string, defaulting to the active region or the current word at
or before point."
  (interactive (region-or-word "Google: "))
  (browse-url (concat "" string)))

;;}}} browser and google search {end}--------------------

;;{{{ CUSTOM {begin}--------------------

;; these are setups come from the interactive customization tool CUSTOM:
;; Options-->Customize Emacs-->Browse Customization Groups-->...actually I don't
;; remember.

  ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
  ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
  ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
 '(TeX-electric-escape nil)
 '(TeX-electric-sub-and-superscript t)
 '(TeX-insert-braces t)
 '(TeX-newline-function (quote reindent-then-newline-and-indent))
 '(TeX-output-view-style (quote (("^dvi$" "^pstricks$\\|^pst-\\|^psfrag$" "dvips %d -o && start \"\" %f") ("^dvi$" "." "yap -1 %dS %d") ("^pdf$" "." "pdfviewm \"\" %f") ("^html?$" "." "start \"\" %o"))))
 '(TeX-source-specials-places (quote ("cr" "display" "hbox" "math" "par" "parend" "vbox")))
 '(ediff-diff-options "--binary -w")
 '(focus-follows-mouse t)
 '(ido-create-new-buffer (quote never))
 '(ido-enable-flex-matching t)
 '(ido-enable-last-directory-history nil)
 '(ido-enable-regexp nil)
 '(ido-max-directory-size 300000)
 '(ido-max-file-prompt-width 0.1)
 '(ido-use-filename-at-point nil)
 '(ido-use-url-at-point t)
 '(ido-use-virtual-buffers t)
 '(ispell-choices-win-default-height 3)
 '(muse-file-extension "muse")
 '(muse-html-charset-default "utf-8")
 '(muse-html-encoding-default (quote utf-8))
 '(muse-html-meta-content-encoding (quote utf-8))
 '(muse-ignored-extensions (quote ("bz2" "gz" "[Zz]" "rej" "orig" "png" "hgignore" "gif" "css" "jpg" "html" "sh" "lftp" "pdf")))
 '(muse-mode-auto-p nil)
 '(muse-wiki-allow-nonexistent-wikiword nil)
 '(muse-wiki-use-wikiword nil)
 '(org-agenda-files (quote ("c:/H/GTD/")))
 '(org-export-latex-tables-column-borders nil)
 '(org-modules (quote (org-bbdb org-bibtex org-gnus org-info org-jsinfo org-irc org-mew org-mhe org-rmail org-vm org-wl org-w3m org-exp-blocks)))
 '(org-tags-column -110)
 '(overflow-newline-into-fringe nil)
 '(preview-auto-cache-preamble t)
 '(preview-gs-command "gs")
 '(preview-image-type (quote pnm))
 '(preview-preserve-counters t)
 '(preview-transparent-border nil)
 '(preview-transparent-color (quote (default :background)))
 '(revert-without-query (quote (".*.m")))
 '(uniquify-after-kill-buffer-p t)
 '(uniquify-buffer-name-style (quote post-forward-angle-brackets) nil (uniquify))
 '(uniquify-ignore-buffers-re "^\\*")
 '(uniquify-separator "|")
 '(w32shell-cygwin-bin "C:\\cygwin\\bin")
 '(weblogger-config-alist (quote (("default" "" "zhangda" "" "7259137")))))

 ;; '(preview-gs-command "C:/Program Files/gs/gs8.64/bin/gswin32c.exe")
;; MS default font set as andale mono, 13 pt (height) these are setups come from
;; the interactive customization tool CUSTOM: Options-->Customize Emacs-->Browse
;; Customization Groups-->Faces-->Basic Faces-->Face Default-->height

  ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
  ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
  ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
 '(default ((t (:height 120 :width normal :foundry "outline" :family "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono"))))
 '(matlab-cellbreak-face ((t (:foreground "YellowGreen" :weight bold))))
 '(sml-end-face ((t (:inherit match :background "gray30" :foreground "DarkOrange" :weight bold))))
 '(sml-vis-face ((t (:inherit region :weight bold :foreground "orange")))))

;;}}} CUSTOM {end}--------------------

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;temporarily disabled;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

;;{{{ old matlab emacs integration {begin}--------------------

;; ;; from Matlab 6.5
;; ;; Edit the path in the following line to reflect the
;; ;; actual location of the MATLAB root directory on your system.
;; ;; (add-to-list (add-to-list 'load-path "c:/Matlab6p5/java/extern/EmacsLink/lisp/"))
;; ;; (autoload 'matlab-eei-connect "matlab-eei"
;; ;;   "Connects Emacs to MATLAB's external editor interface.")

;; ;; (autoload 'matlab-mode "matlab" "Enter Matlab mode." t)
;; ;; (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.m\\'" . matlab-mode) auto-mode-alist))
;; ;; (autoload 'matlab-shell "matlab" "Interactive Matlab mode." t)

;; ;; from Matlab 7 or later
;; ;; Edit the path in the following line to reflect the
;; ;; actual location of the MATLAB root directory on your system.

;; ;; (add-to-list 'load-path "C:/MATLAB2008a/java/extern/EmacsLink/lisp")

;; (autoload 'matlab-eei-connect "matlab-eei" 
;;   "Connects Emacs to MATLAB's external editor interface.")

;; (autoload 'matlab-mode "matlab" "Enter Matlab mode." t)

;; (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.m\\'" . matlab-mode))

;; (autoload 'matlab-shell "matlab" "Interactive Matlab mode." t)

;; ;; Uncomment the next four lines to enable use of the tlc mode 
;; ;; (require 'tlc)
;; ;; (autoload 'tlc-mode "tlc" "tlc Editing Mode" t)
;; ;; (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.tlc$" . tlc-mode))
;; ;; (setq tlc-indent-function t)

;; ;; Uncomment the next two lines to enable use of the mlint package provided
;; ;; with EmacsLink.

;; (setq-default matlab-show-mlint-warnings t)
;; (setq-default matlab-highlight-cross-function-variables t)

;; ;; Note: The mlint package checks for common M-file coding
;; ;; errors, such as omitting semicolons at the end of lines.
;; ;; mlint requires Eric Ludlam's cedet package.

;; (add-hook 'matlab-mode-hook
;;           '(lambda ()
;;              (imenu-add-to-menubar "Find")
;;              (define-key matlab-mode-map "\M-;" 'comment-dwim)
;;              (linum-mode 1)))
;; ;; if you want function bodies indented
;; (setq-default matlab-indent-function nil)
;; (setq-default matlab-indent-function-body nil)

;; ;; turn off auto-verify on save
;; (setq matlab-verify-on-save-flag nil)

;; ;; some settings for the matlab-mode
;; (setq matlab-auto-fill nil)
;; (setq matlab-comment-anti-indent 0)
;; (setq matlab-comment-column default-fill-column)
;; (setq matlab-comment-line-s "% ")
;; (setq matlab-comment-on-line-s " %")
;; (setq matlab-comment-region-s "% ")
;; (setq matlab-completion-technique (quote increment))
;; (setq matlab-fill-fudge 5)
;; (setq matlab-fill-fudge-hard-maximum 100)
;; (setq matlab-fill-strings-flag nil)

;; (setq matlab-functions-have-end nil)

;; (setq matlab-highlight-cross-function-variables t)
;; (setq matlab-highlight-block-match-flag t)

;; (setq matlab-return-add-semicolon nil)
;; (setq mlint-programs (quote ("mlint" "win32/mlint" "C:\\MATLAB2008a\\bin\\win32\\mlint.exe")))

;; (setq matlab-fill-code t)

;; (defun my-matlab-mode-hook ()
;;   (imenu-add-to-menubar "Find"))		; where auto-fill should wrap
;; (add-hook 'matlab-mode-hook 'my-matlab-mode-hook)

;; ;; mode specific key bindings: for matlab-mode, press F5 for save and go.
;; ;; (add-hook 'matlab-mode-hook
;; ;;           '(lambda ()
;; ;;              (define-key matlab-mode-map [f5] 'matlab-shell-save-and-go)
;; ;;              (define-key matlab-mode-map [S-f5] 'matlab-eei-exit-debug)
;; ;;              (define-key matlab-mode-map [f9] 'matlab-eei-go-until-cursor)
;; ;;              (define-key matlab-mode-map [f10] 'matlab-eei-step)
;; ;;              (define-key matlab-mode-map [S-f10] 'matlab-eei-continue)
;; ;;              (define-key matlab-mode-map [f11] 'matlab-eei-step-in)
;; ;;              (define-key matlab-mode-map [S-f11] 'matlab-eei-step-out)
;; ;;              (define-key matlab-mode-map [f12] 'matlab-eei-breakpoint-set-clear)
;; ;;              (define-key matlab-mode-map [S-f12] 'matlab-eei-clear-breakpoints)))

;;}}} old matlab emacs integration {end}--------------------

;;{{{ cscope {begin}--------------------

;; (require 'xcscope)
;; (global-set-key "\C-xg" 'cscope-find-global-definition-no-prompting)

;;}}} cscope {end}--------------------

;;{{{ Smart Tab {begin}--------------------
;; ;; Smart Tab
;; (defvar smart-tab-using-hippie-expand t
;;   "turn this on if you want to use hippie-expand completion.")

;; ;; (global-set-key [(tab)] 'smart-tab)
;; (defun smart-tab (prefix)
;;   "Needs `transient-mark-mode' to be on. This smart tab is
;; minibuffer compliant: it acts as usual in the minibuffer.

;; In all other buffers: if PREFIX is \\[universal-argument], calls
;; `smart-indent'. Else if point is at the end of a symbol,
;; expands it. Else calls `smart-indent'."
;;   (interactive "P")
;;   (if (minibufferp)
;;       (minibuffer-complete)
;;     (if (smart-tab-must-expand prefix)
;;         (if smart-tab-using-hippie-expand
;;             (hippie-expand nil)
;;           (dabbrev-expand nil))
;;       (smart-indent))))

;; (defun smart-indent ()
;;   "Indents region if mark is active, or current line otherwise."
;;   (interactive)
;;   (if mark-active
;;       (indent-region (region-beginning)
;;                      (region-end))
;;     (indent-for-tab-command)))

;; (defun smart-tab-must-expand (&optional prefix)
;;   "If PREFIX is \\[universal-argument], answers no.
;; Otherwise, analyses point position and answers."
;;   (unless (or (consp prefix)
;;               mark-active)
;;     (looking-at "\\_>")))

;;}}} Smart Tab {end}--------------------

;;{{{ enable the auto indent so that emacs automatically indent {begin}--------------------

;; (global-set-key "\C-j" 'newline)
;; (global-set-key (kbd "RET") 'reindent-then-newline-and-indent)

;; ;; (global-set-key "\C-m" 'newline-and-indent)
;; ;; OR:
;; ;; (add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook
;; ;;           (lambda ()
;; ;;             (define-key c-mode-map
;; ;;              "\C-m" 'reindent-then-newline-and-indent)))

;;}}} enable the auto indent so that emacs automatically indent {end}--------------------

;;{{{ use hideshow minor mode in programming modes {begin}--------------------

;; ;; add hook to the following major modes so that the hideshow minor mode starts automatically
;; (load-library "hideshow")
;; (add-hook 'c-mode-hook 'hs-minor-mode)
;; (add-hook 'c++-mode-hook 'hs-minor-mode)
;; (add-hook 'java-mode-hook 'hs-minor-mode)
;; (add-hook 'perl-mode-hook 'hs-minor-mode)
;; (add-hook 'php-mode-hook 'hs-minor-mode)
;; (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'hs-minor-mode)
;; (add-hook 'matlab-mode-hook 'hs-minor-mode)
;; ;;(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'hs-minor-mode) ;;==> I think hideshow is better for programs, probably

;; ;; set up some key bindings so that we can use
;; ;; C-c bh to hide a block
;; ;; C-c bs to show a block
;; ;; see the code below for more key bindings
;; ;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-c bh") 'hs-hide-block)
;; ;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-c bs") 'hs-show-block)
;; ;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-c as") 'hs-show-all)
;; ;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-c ah") 'hs-hide-all)
;; ;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-c th") 'hs-toggle-hiding)
;; ;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-c hl") 'hs-hide-level)

;;}}} use hideshow minor mode in programming modes {end}--------------------

;;{{{ predictive {begin}--------------------

;; ;; predictive install location
;; (add-to-list 'load-path "C:/Emacs/site-lisp/predictive")
;; ;; dictionary locations
;; (add-to-list 'load-path "C:/Emacs/site-lisp/predictive/latex/")
;; (add-to-list 'load-path "C:/Emacs/site-lisp/predictive/texinfo/")
;; (add-to-list 'load-path "C:/Emacs/site-lisp/predictive/html/")
;; ;; load predictive package
;; (autoload 'predictive-mode "C:/Emacs/site-lisp/predictive/predictive"
;;   "Turn on Predictive Completion Mode." t)

;;}}} predictive {end}--------------------

;;{{{ ECB {begin}--------------------

;; (add-to-list 'load-path
;;                      "C:/Emacs/site-lisp/ecb-snap/")
;; (require 'ecb-autoloads)

;;}}} ECB {end}--------------------

;;{{{ occur related {begin}--------------------

;; ;; for occur command, listing lines matching a regexp in a buffer called "occur"
;; ;; Tired of having to decide whether to hit M-x occur, or whether SwitchingBuffers
;; ;; to the OccurBuffer Occur is more appropriate? Here is a defun to do either-or,
;; ;; inspired by MeatBall:HumaneInterface:
;; (defun my-occur ()
;;   "Switch to *Occur* buffer, or run `occur'."
;;   (interactive)
;;   (if (get-buffer "*Occur*")
;;       (switch-to-buffer "*Occur*")
;;     (call-interactively 'occur)))
;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-c o") 'my-occur)

;; ;; This is a slightly different version - keeps the top window displaying the
;; ;; original buffer when typing 'C-c o' for the second time (that is, when
;; ;; both the Occur buffer and the original buffer are visible). The Occur buffer
;; ;; becomes active. Pressing RET (or mouse-2) on an item in the Occur buffer makes
;; ;; the original window active again and moves the point to the occurrence. Thus you
;; ;; can jump back and forth without the windows swapping.

;; ;; Also, once you're done with the Occur buffer (when you no longer need that
;; ;; list), and the original buffer is active, here's a key binding that allows you
;; ;; to kill the Occur buffer. If you only remove the window Occur, and not the
;; ;; buffer Occur (say, as happens with C-x 1), the next time you press
;; ;; 'C-c o', Emacs assumes you're looking for the same regexp (unless you've
;; ;; pressed 'z' in the Occur buffer).

;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-o")
;;                 '(lambda ()
;;                    "Kill the *Occur* buffer"
;;                    (interactive)
;;                    (kill-buffer "*Occur*")
;;                    (delete-other-windows)))

;; (require 'color-moccur)
;; (require 'moccur-edit)

;;}}} occur related {end}--------------------

;;{{{ find function {begin}--------------------

;; (require 'find-func)
;; (defun find-function-setup-keys ()
;;   "Define some key bindings for the find-function family of functions."
;;   (define-key ctl-x-map "F" 'find-function)
;;   (define-key ctl-x-4-map "F" 'find-function-other-window)
;;   (define-key ctl-x-5-map "F" 'find-function-other-frame)
;;   (define-key ctl-x-map "K" 'find-function-on-key)
;;   (define-key ctl-x-map "V" 'find-variable)
;;   (define-key ctl-x-4-map "V" 'find-variable-other-window)
;;   (define-key ctl-x-5-map "V" 'find-variable-other-frame))

;; (find-function-setup-keys)

;;}}} find function {end}--------------------

;;{{{ save macro {begin}--------------------

;;   (defun save-macro (name)                  
;;     "save a macro. Take a name as argument
;;      and save the last defined macro under 
;;      this name at the end of your .emacs"
;;      (interactive "SName of the macro :")         ; ask for the name of the macro    
;;      (kmacro-name-last-macro name)                ; use this name for the macro    
;;      (find-file "C:/Emacs/site-lisp/my_lisp.el")  ; open the .emacs file 
;;      (goto-char (point-max))                      ; go to the end of the .emacs
;;      (newline)                                    ; insert a newline
;;      (insert-kbd-macro name)                      ; copy the macro 
;;      (newline)                                    ; insert a newline
;;      (switch-to-buffer nil))                      ; return to the initial buffer

;;}}} save macro {end}--------------------

;;{{{ duplicate line {begin}--------------------

;; (defun djcb-duplicate-line (&optional commentfirst)
;;   "comment line at point; if COMMENTFIRST is non-nil, comment the original"
;;   (interactive)
;;   (beginning-of-line)
;;   (let
;;       ((beg (point)))
;;     (end-of-line)
;;     (let ((str (buffer-substring beg (point))))
;;       (when commentfirst
;;         (comment-region beg (point)))
;;       (insert-string
;;        (concat (if (= 0 (forward-line 1)) "" "\n") str "\n"))
;;       (forward-line -1))))

;; ;; or choose some better bindings....

;; ;; duplicate a line
;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-c y") 'djcb-duplicate-line)

;; ;; duplicate a line and comment the first
;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-c c") (lambda()(interactive)(djcb-duplicate-line t)))

;;}}} duplicate line {end}--------------------

;;{{{ ESS mode {begin}--------------------

;; ;;; ESS
;; ;;;
;; ;; Load ESS and activate the nifty feature showing function arguments
;; ;; in the minibuffer until the call is closed with ')'.
;; (require 'ess-site)
;; (require 'ess-eldoc)

;; ;; Following the "source is real" philosophy put forward by ESS, one
;; ;; should not need the command history and should not save the
;; ;; workspace at the end of an R session. Hence, both options are
;; ;; disabled here.
;; (setq-default inferior-R-args "--no-restore-history --no-save ")

;; ;; Set code indentation following the standard in R sources.
;; (setq ess-default-style 'C++)

;; ;; Automagically delete trailing whitespace when saving R script
;; ;; files. One can add other commands in the ess-mode-hook below.
;; (add-hook 'ess-mode-hook
;; 	  '(lambda()
;; 	     (add-hook 'write-file-functions
;;                            (lambda ()
;;                              (ess-nuke-trailing-whitespace)))
;; 	     (setq ess-nuke-trailing-whitespace-p t)))

;; ;; Path to R executable. Uncomment and edit as needed if R is
;; ;; installed in such an unusual place that ESS can't find it. (And
;; ;; then keep updating with each R update!)
;; ;(setq-default inferior-R-program-name
;; ;              "c:/program files/r/r-2.7.1/bin/rterm.exe")

;; ;; Path to S-Plus GUI; needed only to use ESS with the S-Plus GUI.
;; ;(setq-default inferior-S+6-program-name
;; ;              "c:/program files/insightful/splus7/cmd/splus.exe")
;; ;(custom-set-variables '(inferior-ess-start-args "-j"))

;; ;; Path to lightweight Sqpe.exe; needed only to use S-Plus in the
;; ;; Emacs window.
;; ;(setq-default inferior-Sqpe+6-program-name
;; ;              "c:/program files/insightful/splus7/cmd/sqpe.exe")
;; ;(setq-default inferior-Sqpe+6-SHOME-name
;; ;              "c:/program files/insightful/splus7/")

;;}}} ESS mode {end}---a-----------------

;; ;;{{{ w3m {begin}--------------------

;; (add-to-list 'load-path "c:/Emacs/site-lisp/w3m/")
;; ;; (add-to-list 'load-path "C:/Emacs/site-lisp/w3m")
;; (require 'w3m-load)
;; (add-hook 'w3m-mode-hook
;;           (lambda ()
;;               (define-key w3m-mode-map (kbd "C-x b") nil)
;;   (define-key w3m-mode-map "C" 'w3m-print-this-url)
;;   (define-key w3m-mode-map "A" 'w3m-bookmark-add-current-url)
;;   (define-key w3m-mode-map "D" 'w3m-download-this-url)
;;   (define-key w3m-mode-map "s" 'w3m-search)
;;   (define-key w3m-mode-map "f" 'w3m-view-this-url-new-session)
;;   (define-key w3m-mode-map "F" 'w3m-view-this-url)
;;   (define-key w3m-mode-map "g" 'w3m-goto-url)
;;   (define-key w3m-mode-map "G" 'w3m-goto-url-new-session)
;;   (define-key w3m-mode-map "h" 'w3m-history)
;;   (define-key w3m-mode-map "p" 'w3m-scroll-down-or-previous-url)
;;   (define-key w3m-mode-map "n" 'w3m-scroll-up-or-next-url)
;;   ;; I don't often w3m to edit pages, so I'm borrowing o and e (right
;;   ;; below , / . for tab navigation) for page navigation instead.
;;   (define-key w3m-mode-map "o" 'w3m-view-previous-page)
;;   (define-key w3m-mode-map "e" 'w3m-view-next-page)
;;   ;; i is a more useful mnemonic for toggling images
;;   (define-key w3m-mode-map "i" 'w3m-toggle-inline-image)
;;   (define-key w3m-mode-map "I" 'w3m-toggle-inline-images)
;;   ;; and X for closing the buffer
;;   (define-key w3m-mode-map "x" 'w3m-delete-buffer)
;;   ;; and b for bookmarks
;;   (define-key w3m-mode-map "b" 'w3m-bookmark-view)
;;   (define-key w3m-mode-map (kbd "C-b") 'backward-char)
;;   (define-key w3m-mode-map (kbd "C-p") 'previous-line)
;;   (define-key w3m-mode-map (kbd "C-n") 'next-line)
;;   (define-key w3m-mode-map (kbd "C-f") 'forward-char)
;;   ;; Browse in new sessions by default
;;   (define-key w3m-mode-map (kbd "RET") 'w3m-view-this-url)
;;   (define-key w3m-mode-map [(shift return)] 'w3m-view-this-url-new-session)
;;   ;; Use cursor keys to scroll
;;   (define-key w3m-mode-map [(left)] 'backward-char)
;;   (define-key w3m-mode-map [(right)] 'forward-char)
;;   (define-key w3m-mode-map [(shift left)] 'w3m-shift-right)
;;   (define-key w3m-mode-map [(shift right)] 'w3m-shift-left)
;;   ;; Which means I can now use , and . to switch pages
;;   (define-key w3m-mode-map "." 'w3m-next-buffer)
;;   (define-key w3m-mode-map "," 'w3m-previous-buffer)
;;             ))
;; (setq-default w3m-display-inline-images t)

;; ;;}}} w3m {end}--------------------

;; ;;{{{ dictionary {begin}--------------------

;; ;;  Loading the package You have to insert some instructions into your .emacs
;; ;;    file to load the dictionary package whenever needed. If you installed this
;; ;;    dictionary package as Debian package or XEmacs package you don't need the
;; ;;    autoloads, they are already supplied. Other users I suggest using the
;; ;;    following lines:
;; (autoload 'dictionary-search "dictionary"
;;   "Ask for a word and search it in all dictionaries" t)
;; (autoload 'dictionary-match-words "dictionary"
;;   "Ask for a word and search all matching words in the dictionaries" t)
;; (autoload 'dictionary-lookup-definition "dictionary"
;;   "Unconditionally lookup the word at point." t)
;; (autoload 'dictionary "dictionary"
;;   "Create a new dictionary buffer" t)
;; (autoload 'dictionary-mouse-popup-matching-words "dictionary"
;;   "Display entries matching the word at the cursor" t)
;; (autoload 'dictionary-popup-matching-words "dictionary"
;;   "Display entries matching the word at the point" t)
;; (autoload 'dictionary-tooltip-mode "dictionary"
;;   "Display tooltips for the current word" t)
;; (autoload 'global-dictionary-tooltip-mode "dictionary"
;;   "Enable/disable dictionary-tooltip-mode for all buffers" t)

;; ;; In  addition, some key bindings for faster access can be useful. I use
;; ;; the following ones in my installation:
;; ;; key bindings
;; (global-set-key "\C-cd" 'dictionary-lookup-definition)
;; (global-set-key "\C-cs" 'dictionary-search)
;; (global-set-key "\C-cm" 'dictionary-match-words)

;; ;; choose a dictionary server
;; (setq dictionary-server "")

;; ;; choose the dictionary: "wn" for WordNet
;; ;; "web1913" for Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary(1913)
;; ;; so on
;; (setq dictionary-default-dictionary "wn")
;; (setq dictionary-tooltip-dictionary "wn")

;; ;;}}} dictionary {end}--------------------

;;; .emacs ends here

             reply	other threads:[~2011-12-02  5:20 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 4+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2011-12-02  5:20 Da Zhang [this message]
2011-12-02  7:53 ` bug#10192: Emacs 24.0.92 windows build, fatal error with M-< or M-> Eli Zaretskii
     [not found]   ` <>
2011-12-03 10:05     ` Eli Zaretskii
2011-12-02 14:08 ` Stefan Monnier

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