Hello everyone.
In first I have one info for you. Please send copy of your messanges to my email (cuz I'm not on this mailing list and I want to have aswer).

And the main problem. I started learning Emacs and I very like this editor by now... it have great shortcuts - I can do everything without mouse and it may make in future my programming faster (when I'll mainly switched to Emacs... now I don't know about it so much)
And I'm flustrated about one think... so, I'm programmer (mainly Python and PHP) and actually all editors gives me automatic adding tab... I haven't this on Emacs and I don't know how to do it. I must on every line press TAB and it's not good ;[
So... what I must change to have auto tabs in Emacs? I searched most of sites but everything telling how to select type of tabs, leight of tabs etc.

If you don't know what I mean under term "auto tab" then watch:
for example:
I'm writing on C my code:
#include "stdio.h"
int main(){
And I wanna add something to main. I push Enter and write my code. In Emacs I get this:
#include "stdio.h"
int main(){
printf("Hello World");
And I wanna get by default without pressing TAB, get this:
#include "stdio.h"
int main(){
    printf("Hello World");
I know it's real but I don't know how to configure it (why Emacs don't have this by default? if I edit *.c file it's probably know to I write C code and I wanna tabs... ).

Greetings and sorry for wasting time

PS I think my English is not really bad but I can make few mistakes (I'm really young by now and I'm not native ;[) then sorry for my English
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