Where can I get resources on elisp's idiomatic programming style?
How about these macros?? I rewrite the function like this,
(defmacro syn-call (input buffer display command)
"synchorous process call macro, using call-process"
`(call-process ,(eval `(car ,command)) ,input ,buffer ,display ,@(eval `(cdr ,command))))
(defmacro asyn-call (process-name buff command)
"aynchorous process call macro, using start process"
`(start-process ,process-name ,buff ,(eval `(car ,command)) ,@(eval `(cdr ,command))))
(defun startup (check-command wanted start-command)
"check whether the 'wanted' state satisfied, if not, launch the start-command"
(let* ((d-buf (get-buffer-create "diagnose"))
(process-connection-type nil)
(process-status (syn-call nil d-buf t check-command)))
(switch-to-buffer d-buf)
(if (not (string-match wanted (buffer-string)))
(print (concat "starting command " (stringlist-to-string start-command " ")) d-buf)
(asyn-call "start up" d-buf start-command))
(concat wanted " matched! no need to start " (stringlist-to-string start-command " ")) d-buf)
() "Yu,Gang" <wuhanyugang@gmail.com>
() Tue, 29 May 2007 17:08:27 +0800
Yes, I add the statement , but result the same. So,
I believe it's not the problem of (buffer-string)
the problem is in your understanding of `buffer-string'.
you need to fix that first. try using `current-buffer' to
test your assumptions. btw, unrelated comment: the form:
(eval `(func ,(car foo) ... ,@(cdr foo)))
can be replaced by:
(apply 'func (car foo) ... (cdr foo))
the latter is much more idiomatic and easier for people
like me (who wish to help you) to read.
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