Dear Gnu Emacs Helpers, First of all, thank you for providing my go-to editor for the past (I think) 40  years.  I have so much invested in emacs that I just cannot get started with another editor.  So, great job. I have a confusing problem that I have encountered since starting to learn how to code in Python 3.  I want my emacs window to initialize itself using my ~/.emacs.d/init.el initialization file.  I have enclosed it for your information. The problem I am experiencing is that frequently the emacs window opens smaller than I expect.  I can exit emacs and try it several more times, and it will eventually initialize properly.  I'm confused about what is happening.  I hope you can give me some advice on how to get emacs to initialize properly each time in invoke it. I have been using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS for a couple years,  and I start emacs using a link on the left-hand side of my monitor. Also, you can probably tell from my init.el file that I have very little idea how to write the initialization file.  I'm hoping you can direct me to some information on how to get that done. Thanks for your help. Thank you, *Steve Branch* /216.848.0499/ / /2584 Charney Road/ /University Heights, OH 44118-4403/ c isn't just a good idea, it's the *law*!