In Emacs HEAD it is not possible to disable ATSUI font rendering on Mac OS X at run-time or at compile-time without hacking the source. $ grep -re 'define[[:space:]]\+USE_ATSUI' emacs emacs/src/macgui.h:#define USE_ATSUI 1 $ IMHO, and personal preference nonwithstanding, rendering without ATSUI should at least be an option at compile-time. I've attached an image to demonstrate that it delivers a crispness that is not matched by its ATSUI counterparts (top: USE_ATSUI=1, mac-allow-anti-aliasing=t; center: USE_ATSUI=1, mac-allow-anti-aliasing=nil; bottom: USE_ATSUI=0; all using "-*-Monaco-*-100-*"). In the spirit of offering choices I would suggest introducing a --disable-atsui configure option, and I'd be happy to send over a corresponding patch I have sitting here. It just defines USE_ATSUI to be 0 if the option is specified. Unfortunately I don't have knowledge about OS X font rendering APIs or Emacs source internals, or I would be preparing a patch that allows switching the rendering engine at run-time. Julian Scheid