Thanks for your effort! Patch works for me, librsvg 2.50 on Archlinux.

On Sun, Oct 25, 2020, at 11:01, Alan Third wrote:
Anyway, I've thrown in another attempt at calculating the image size,
and it works for this and also for the previous images. This one is
more complex because it's trying to convert CSS sizes to pixel sizes
and I don't think we can be entirely sure of some of them (like ex
height? Maybe we can query that, but then we have to know font and
font size).

I have no doubt that there are many more SVG files out there that
won't display properly even with this patch.

I checked places where I use SVG files, especially telega, everything I checked looks good to me now. Hope there are not too many corner cases.

librsvg is really not helping here. The documentation makes it pretty
clear that they don't want us to be querying the SVG dimensions and
would prefer us to just give them the dimensions we want and/or to use

So could the future of SVG in Emacs lie in Cairo? Forgive me if I am asking a dumb question.

> Affected librsvg version: 2:2.50.1-1 in Archlinux, and 2.44.10-2.1 in Debian.

I'm concerned that librsvg 2.44 is affected as it should be using the
same code path as before the commit in question.

My fault, librsvg 2.44 on Debian is NOT affect by this. (I guess I was having internet issue with my vps running debian. Last time I waited for a few seconds and the image was not showing up. I waited a bit longer this time.)

Sheng Yang(杨圣), PhD candidate
Computer Science Department
University of Maryland, College Park
E-mail (old but still used):