The desktop.el is useful to me. And I need one more thing.

The desktop.el do not save 'emacs-w3m' buffers.

Is it possible to save 'emacs-w3m' buffers in desktop.el or in any way?


pluskid wrote:
maybe desktop.el will meet your need. BTW, it is better to use it with
session.el which save your local variables and registers etc. of your
Umi wrote:
Is it possible that save the emacs buffers to use later?

Mozilla firefox browser can save all tabs with 'Bookmark All Tabs'. So I
can back to the task without some saving.

Is it possible in emacs, many buffer is opened in emacs

I need to turn off the computer now. I need a tool like 'Bookmark All
Tabs' to continue the task later without to save each buffer and to note
each buffer's name.


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