
I have two related questions that I haven't been able to answer from emacs documentation:

    * This:

      (defun neil-scroll-up ()
         (scroll-up 1)
         (next-line 1)

      (global-set-key [down] 'neil-scroll-up)

      gives me my preferred behavior of having arrow keys move the
      screen, but if a text line extends beyond the end of one screen
      line (i.e., wraps with a \ ) then this macro jumps to the next
      text line rather than screen line, making it difficult to reach
      the wrapped parts of the line. Is there a way to move single
      screen lines relative to wrapped text?
    * Wrapping happens at exactly the set character, rather than doing
      it at the closest whitespace character (which is easier to read
      for writing). Is there a way to wrap at whitespace?

Any suggestions?



Prof. Neil Gershenfeld, Director    (617) 253-7680
Room E15-411                     neilg@cba.mit.edu
20 Ames Street                 fax: (617) 253-7035
Cambridge, MA  02139     http://cba.mit.edu/~neilg