On 2016-08-12 00:37, Richard Stallman wrote: > [[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider ]]] > [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]] > [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]] > > I'm told that the MELPA site requires nonfree software: > > > The navigational buttons do nothing while the rest of what would > > show on the homepage without LibreJS deactivated is absent. > > This is unethical and works directly against what we say. Does anyone > here know the site maintainers well enough to convince them to fix > this? Richard, why do you keep coming back to this? The MELPA website *does not* require running non-free software. I don't think it ever did, and there doesn't seem to be plans for it to ever do. The people who run MELPA are providing excellent service to the entire Emacs community, in a way that aligns entirely with what we say. Let's please stop equating "doesn't work with LibreJS" and "isn't free software". The quote you give only proves that the MELPA website doesn't work with LibreJS. (Which is hardly an issue, btw: you don't need to browse this website to download packages from MELPA) Clément.