;;; cl-macs-tests.el --- tests for emacs-lisp/cl-macs.el -*- lexical-binding:t -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see `https://www.gnu.org/licenses/'. ;;; Commentary: ;;; Code: (require 'cl-lib) (require 'cl-macs) (require 'ert) ;;;; cl-loop tests -- many adapted from Steele's CLtL2 ;;; ANSI Destructuring (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-and-assignment () ;; Bug#6583 :expected-result :failed (should (equal (cl-loop for numlist in '((1 2 4.0) (5 6 8.3) (8 9 10.4)) for a = (cl-first numlist) and b = (cl-second numlist) and c = (cl-third numlist) collect (list c b a)) '((4.0 2 1) (8.3 6 5) (10.4 9 8))))) (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-destructure () (should (equal (cl-loop for (a b c) in '((1 2 4.0) (5 6 8.3) (8 9 10.4)) collect (list c b a)) '((4.0 2 1) (8.3 6 5) (10.4 9 8))))) (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-destructure-nil () (should (equal (cl-loop for (a nil b) = '(1 2 3) do (cl-return (list a b))) '(1 3)))) (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-destructure-cons () (should (equal (cl-loop for ((a . b) (c . d)) in '(((1.2 . 2.4) (3 . 4)) ((3.4 . 4.6) (5 . 6))) collect (list a b c d)) '((1.2 2.4 3 4) (3.4 4.6 5 6))))) (ert-deftest cl-loop-destructuring-with () (should (equal (cl-loop with (a b c) = '(1 2 3) return (+ a b c)) 6))) ;;; The for-as-arithmetic subclause (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-for-as-arith () "Test various for-as-arithmetic subclauses." :expected-result :failed (should (equal (cl-loop for i to 10 by 3 collect i) '(0 3 6 9))) (should (equal (cl-loop for i upto 3 collect i) '(0 1 2 3))) (should (equal (cl-loop for i below 3 collect i) '(0 1 2))) (should (equal (cl-loop for i below 10 by 2 collect i) '(0 2 4 6 8))) (should (equal (cl-loop for i downfrom 10 above 4 by 2 collect i) '(10 8 6))) (should (equal (cl-loop for i from 10 downto 1 by 3 collect i) '(10 7 4 1))) (should (equal (cl-loop for i above 0 by 2 downfrom 10 collect i) '(10 8 6 4 2))) (should (equal (cl-loop for i downto 10 from 15 collect i) '(15 14 13 12 11 10)))) (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-for-as-arith-order-side-effects () "Test side effects generated by different arithmetic phrase order." :expected-result :failed (should (equal (let ((x 1)) (cl-loop for i from x to 10 by (cl-incf x) collect i)) '(1 3 5 7 9))) (should (equal (let ((x 1)) (cl-loop for i from x by (cl-incf x) to 10 collect i)) '(1 3 5 7 9))) (should (equal (let ((x 1)) (cl-loop for i to 10 from x by (cl-incf x) collect i)) '(1 3 5 7 9))) (should (equal (let ((x 1)) (cl-loop for i to 10 by (cl-incf x) from x collect i)) '(2 4 6 8 10))) (should (equal (let ((x 1)) (cl-loop for i by (cl-incf x) from x to 10 collect i)) '(2 4 6 8 10))) (should (equal (let ((x 1)) (cl-loop for i by (cl-incf x) to 10 from x collect i)) '(2 4 6 8 10)))) (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-for-as-arith-invalid () "Test for invalid phrase combinations." :expected-result :failed ;; Mixing arithmetic-up and arithmetic-down* subclauses (should-error (cl-loop for i downfrom 10 below 20 collect i)) (should-error (cl-loop for i upfrom 20 above 10 collect i)) (should-error (cl-loop for i upto 10 by 2 downfrom 5)) ;; Repeated phrases (should-error (cl-loop for i from 10 to 20 above 10)) (should-error (cl-loop for i from 10 to 20 upfrom 0)) (should-error (cl-loop for i by 2 to 10 by 5)) ;; negative step (should-error (cl-loop for i by -1)) ;; no step given for a downward loop (should-error (cl-loop for i downto -5 collect i))) ;;; The for-as-in-list subclause (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-for-as-in-list () (should (equal (cl-loop for x in '(1 2 3 4 5 6) collect (* x x)) '(1 4 9 16 25 36))) (should (equal (cl-loop for x in '(1 2 3 4 5 6) by #'cddr collect (* x x)) '(1 9 25)))) ;;; The for-as-on-list subclause (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-for-as-on-list () (should (equal (cl-loop for x on '(1 2 3 4) collect x) '((1 2 3 4) (2 3 4) (3 4) (4)))) (should (equal (cl-loop as (item) on '(1 2 3 4) by #'cddr collect item) '(1 3)))) ;;; The for-as-equals-then subclause (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-for-as-equals-then () (should (equal (cl-loop for item = 1 then (+ item 10) repeat 5 collect item) '(1 11 21 31 41))) (should (equal (cl-loop for x below 5 for y = nil then x collect (list x y)) '((0 nil) (1 1) (2 2) (3 3) (4 4)))) (should (equal (cl-loop for x below 5 and y = nil then x collect (list x y)) '((0 nil) (1 0) (2 1) (3 2) (4 3)))) (should (equal (cl-loop for x below 3 for y = (+ 10 x) nconc (list x y)) '(0 10 1 11 2 12))) (should (equal (cl-loop with start = 5 for x = start then (cl-incf start) repeat 5 collect x) '(5 6 7 8 9)))) ;;; The for-as-across subclause (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-for-as-across () (should (string= (cl-loop for x across "aeiou" concat (char-to-string x)) "aeiou")) (should (equal (cl-loop for v across (vector 1 2 3) vconcat (vector v (+ 10 v))) [1 11 2 12 3 13]))) ;;; The for-as-hash subclause (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-for-as-hash () ;; example in Emacs manual 4.7.3 (should (equal (let ((hash (make-hash-table))) (setf (gethash 1 hash) 10) (setf (gethash "test" hash) "string") (setf (gethash 'test hash) 'value) (cl-loop for k being the hash-keys of hash using (hash-values v) collect (list k v))) '((1 10) ("test" "string") (test value))))) ;;; Local Variable Initializations (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-with () (should (equal (cl-loop with a = 1 with b = (+ a 2) with c = (+ b 3) return (list a b c)) '(1 3 6))) (should (equal (let ((a 5) (b 10)) (cl-loop with a = 1 and b = (+ a 2) and c = (+ b 3) return (list a b c))) '(1 7 13))) (should (and (equal (cl-loop for i below 3 with loop-with do (push (* i i) loop-with) finally (cl-return loop-with)) '(4 1 0)) (not (boundp 'loop-with))))) ;;; 6.1.3 Value Accumulation Clauses (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-accum () (should (equal (cl-loop for name in '(fred sue alice joe june) for kids in '((bob ken) () () (kris sunshine) ()) collect name append kids) '(fred bob ken sue alice joe kris sunshine june)))) (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-collect () (should (equal (cl-loop for i in '(bird 3 4 turtle (1 . 4) horse cat) when (symbolp i) collect i) '(bird turtle horse cat))) (should (equal (cl-loop for i from 1 to 10 if (cl-oddp i) collect i) '(1 3 5 7 9))) (should (equal (cl-loop for i in '(a b c d e f g) by #'cddr collect i into my-list finally return (nbutlast my-list)) '(a c e)))) (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-append/nconc () (should (equal (cl-loop for x in '((a) (b) ((c))) append x) '(a b (c)))) (should (equal (cl-loop for i upfrom 0 as x in '(a b (c)) nconc (if (cl-evenp i) (list x) nil)) '(a (c))))) (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-count () (should (eql (cl-loop for i in '(a b nil c nil d e) count i) 5))) (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-max/min () (should (eql (cl-loop for i in '(2 1 5 3 4) maximize i) 5)) (should (eql (cl-loop for i in '(2 1 5 3 4) minimize i) 1)) (should (equal (cl-loop with series = '(4.3 1.2 5.7) for v in series minimize (round v) into min-result maximize (round v) into max-result collect (list min-result max-result)) '((4 4) (1 4) (1 6))))) (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-sum () (should (eql (cl-loop for i in '(1 2 3 4 5) sum i) 15)) (should (eql (cl-loop with series = '(1.2 4.3 5.7) for v in series sum (* 2.0 v)) 22.4))) ;;; 6.1.4 Termination Test Clauses (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-repeat () (should (equal (cl-loop with n = 4 repeat (1+ n) collect n) '(4 4 4 4 4))) (should (equal (cl-loop for i upto 5 repeat 3 collect i) '(0 1 2)))) (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-always () (should (cl-loop for i from 0 to 10 always (< i 11))) (should-not (cl-loop for i from 0 to 10 always (< i 9) finally (cl-return "you won't see this")))) (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-never () (should (cl-loop for i from 0 to 10 never (> i 11))) (should-not (cl-loop never t finally (cl-return "you won't see this")))) (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-thereis () (should (eql (cl-loop for i from 0 thereis (when (> i 10) i)) 11)) (should (string= (cl-loop thereis "Here is my value" finally (cl-return "you won't see this")) "Here is my value")) (should (cl-loop for i to 10 thereis (> i 11) finally (cl-return i)))) (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-anon-collection-conditional () "Always/never/thereis should error when used with an anonymous collection clause." :expected-result :failed (should-error (cl-loop always nil collect t)) (should-error (cl-loop never t nconc t)) (should-error (cl-loop thereis t append t))) (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-while () (should (equal (let ((stack '(a b c d e f))) (cl-loop while stack for item = (length stack) then (pop stack) collect item)) '(6 a b c d e f)))) (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-until () (should (equal (cl-loop for i to 100 collect 10 until (= i 3) collect i) '(10 0 10 1 10 2 10)))) ;;; 6.1.5 Unconditional Execution Clauses (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-do () (should (equal (cl-loop with list for i from 1 to 3 do (push 10 list) (push i list) finally (cl-return list)) '(3 10 2 10 1 10))) (should (equal (cl-loop with res = 0 for i from 1 to 10 doing (cl-incf res i) finally (cl-return res)) 55)) (should (equal (cl-loop for i from 10 do (when (= i 15) (cl-return i)) finally (cl-return 0)) 15))) ;;; 6.1.6 Conditional Execution Clauses (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-when () (should (equal (cl-loop for i in '(1 2 3 4 5 6) when (and (> i 3) i) collect it) '(4 5 6))) (should (eql (cl-loop for i in '(1 2 3 4 5 6) when (and (> i 3) i) return it) 4)) (should (equal (cl-loop for elt in '(1 a 2 "a" (3 4) 5 6) when (numberp elt) when (cl-evenp elt) collect elt into even else collect elt into odd else when (symbolp elt) collect elt into syms else collect elt into other finally return (list even odd syms other)) '((2 6) (1 5) (a) ("a" (3 4)))))) (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-if () (should (equal (cl-loop for i to 5 if (cl-evenp i) collect i and when (and (= i 2) 'two) collect it and if (< i 3) collect "low") '(0 2 two "low" 4))) (should (equal (cl-loop for i to 5 if (cl-evenp i) collect i and when (and (= i 2) 'two) collect it end and if (< i 3) collect "low") '(0 "low" 2 two "low" 4))) (should (equal (cl-loop with funny-numbers = '(6 13 -1) for x below 10 if (cl-evenp x) collect x into evens else collect x into odds and if (memq x funny-numbers) return (cdr it) finally return (vector odds evens)) [(1 3 5 7 9) (0 2 4 6 8)]))) (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-unless () (should (equal (cl-loop for i to 5 unless (= i 3) collect i else collect 'three) '(0 1 2 three 4 5)))) ;;; Control Transfer Clauses (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-named () (should (eql (cl-loop named finished for i to 10 when (> (* i i) 30) do (cl-return-from finished i)) 6))) ;;; Initial and Final Execution (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-initially () (should (equal (let ((var (list 1 2 3 4 5))) (cl-loop for i in var collect i initially (setf (car var) 10) (setf (cadr var) 20))) '(10 20 3 4 5)))) (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-finally () (should (eql (cl-loop for i from 10 finally (cl-incf i 10) (cl-return i) while (< i 20)) 30))) ;;; Emacs extensions to loop (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-in-ref () (should (equal (cl-loop with my-list = (list 1 2 3 4 5) for x in-ref my-list do (cl-incf x) finally return my-list) '(2 3 4 5 6)))) (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-across-ref () (should (equal (cl-loop with my-vec = ["one" "two" "three"] for x across-ref my-vec do (setf (aref x 0) (upcase (aref x 0))) finally return my-vec) ["One" "Two" "Three"]))) (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-being-elements () (should (equal (let ((var "StRiNG")) (cl-loop for x being the elements of var collect (downcase x))) (string-to-list "string")))) (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-being-elements-of-ref () (should (equal (let ((var (list 1 2 3 4 5))) (cl-loop for x being the elements of-ref var do (cl-incf x) finally return var)) '(2 3 4 5 6)))) (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-being-symbols () (should (eq (cl-loop for sym being the symbols when (eq sym 'cl-loop) return 'cl-loop) 'cl-loop))) (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-being-keymap () (should (equal (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)) (parent (make-sparse-keymap)) res) (define-key map "f" #'forward-char) (define-key map "b" #'backward-char) (define-key parent "n" #'next-line) (define-key parent "p" #'previous-line) (set-keymap-parent map parent) (cl-loop for b being the key-bindings of map using (key-codes c) do (push (list c b) res)) (cl-loop for s being the key-seqs of map using (key-bindings b) do (push (list (cl-copy-seq s) b) res)) res) '(([?n] next-line) ([?p] previous-line) ([?f] forward-char) ([?b] backward-char) (?n next-line) (?p previous-line) (?f forward-char) (?b backward-char))))) (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-being-overlays () (should (equal (let ((ov (make-overlay (point) (point)))) (overlay-put ov 'prop "test") (cl-loop for o being the overlays when (eq o ov) return (overlay-get o 'prop))) "test"))) (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-being-frames () (should (eq (cl-loop with selected = (selected-frame) for frame being the frames when (eq frame selected) return frame) (selected-frame)))) (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-being-windows () (should (eq (cl-loop with selected = (selected-window) for window being the windows when (eq window selected) return window) (selected-window)))) (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-being-buffers () (should (eq (cl-loop with current = (current-buffer) for buffer being the buffers when (eq buffer current) return buffer) (current-buffer)))) (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-vconcat () (should (equal (cl-loop for x in (list 1 2 3 4 5) vconcat (vector (1+ x))) [2 3 4 5 6]))) (ert-deftest cl-macs-loop-for-as-equals-and () "Test for https://debbugs.gnu.org/29799 ." (let ((arr (make-vector 3 0))) (should (equal '((0 0) (1 1) (2 2)) (cl-loop for k below 3 for x = k and z = (elt arr k) collect (list k x)))))) ;;; cl-macs-tests.el ends here