Le 26/08/2020 à 23:58, Stefan Kangas a écrit : [...] > [Nit. Regarding the "Tour" in #1, it says "(Click on any of these > pictures for a larger view.)" but the first picture is missing a link.] Thanks for catching this sneaky bug! It only affects wide screens (above 55em). What happens is that the big numbers are outside the normal flow, and cover part of the image. There are 2 ways to fix this: * Push the numbers to the bottom layer with "z-index: -1". * Give them enough margin to keep clear of the screenshots (9em works fine). I chose the first option because it only takes one definition. >> - >> +
>> >> >> >> - >> + >>
M-x java-modeMode for editing Java files
M-x python-modeMode for editing Python files
M-x text-modeMode for editing text files
M-x fundamental-modeMode with no specializations at all
M-x fundamental-modeMode with no specializations at all
> > Should the " " really be removed here? In fact, it doesn't make any difference because the line wraps at the second dash anyway. I wanted another wrapping point for very narrow screens, but finally decided to linearize the tables below 35em. The latest changes are in emacs.2.diff (attached). I think it would be just as well to use dl lists for all the command definitions. If the definitions are very short, they can be on the same line as the command. We can even line them up vertically, table-like. > I think the proposed changes should be installed. Thanks again. Would you like me to install them? Best, Thérèse