Lars Ingebrigtsen yeah I knew you'd say smth like that :-)
I wanted to make Emacs view fb2 files (ebooks), and I wanted to convert them into HTML and view them in EWW, but I've just found out that nov.el is a great package that displays epub files and I'll rather convert fb2 files to epub and view them in it.
So I withdraw this patch, can't say it was somehow slow on pages I tested though.
07.08.2018, 21:16, "Lars Ingebrigtsen" <>:

Bad Blue Bull <> writes:

 + (fill-region-as-paragraph line-begin (- (point) 1)

My guess is that this would be so slow as to make shr/eww unusable on
typical pages.

shr lives within the constraints of being written in a slow language
(Emacs Lisp) and eschews features that makes it too slow for normal
usage. There's a gazillion rendering features we could add, but we
haven't because it's not practical within normal timing constraints.

(domestic pets only, the antidote for overdose, milk.)
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